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Latin Flashcards


Numa Pompilius: calendar, religion – consort was Egeria, a nymph
Tullus Hostilius destroyed Alba Longa and its king Mettius Fufetius; Roman Horatii triplets fought Alban Curiatii triplets and won. Tullus Hostilius also built the Curia (senate house).
Ancus Marcius: said to have built Pons Sublicius, first bridge across Tiber.
Tarquinius Priscus Etruscan king; Priscus means “the Elder.” Wife was Tanaquil. He is said to have drained the Forum and begun work on Circus Maximus
Servius Tullius supposedly born a slave; built Servian wall; killed by his daughter Tullia and Superbus, her husband.
Tarquinius Superbus – the Proud” (built Cloaca maxima – great sewer)
First two consuls (Republic) – Lucius Junius Brutus and Collatinus (husband of Lucretia who was raped by Tarquinius’ son, told them and killed herself) they ran off Tarquinius Superbus and his family – he sought help from Etruscans
Lars Porsenna – king of Etruscans (capital city was Clusium) fought Romans in early Republic:
Coriolanus defeats the Volscian city of Corioli, is exiled from Rome, then attacks Rome, but is only stopped by the pleas of his mother Veturia and wife Volumnia.
458 BC Cincinnatus dictator – 16 days (against the Aequi, at Mount Algidus)
451 – 450 BC - 12 Tables, laws codified by decemviri (led by Appius Claudius) – formally “enacted” in 449 BC
Camillus defeated the Veii, was later exiled, then finally, when he helped rid Rome of the Gauls, he was called pater patriae.
42 BC Antony and Octavian defeat Cassius and Brutus at Philippi
43 BC 2 nd triumvirate – legal because of Lex Titia – Antony, Octavian, Lepidus
44 BC Caesar made dictator for life. Killed March 15, 44 BC (the Ides of March) by senators led by Brutus and Cassius.
45 BC Caesar defeats sons of Pompey at Munda (Spain)
46 BC – Caesar made dictator for 10 years – won battle of Thapsus
47 BC battle of Zela, Caesar beat king Pharnaces – veni, vidi, vici
48 BC – defeats Pompey at Pharsalus (Greece) – Pompey flees to Alexandria Egypt and is killed by Egyptians
49 BC 1 st dictatorship
Civil War – Sulla vs. Marius Sulla for optimates, Marius for the populares.
52 BC Pompey sole consul; Clodius killed by Milo’s followers
49 BC Caesar crosses Rubicon River – “Alea iacta est” – the die is cast (I have made my decision).
48 BC Battle of Pharsalus – Caesar beats Pompey (Pompey killed by Egyptians in Alexandria)
47 BC Caesar defeats Pharnaces at Zela – “Veni, vidi, vici” – I came, I saw, I conquered.
45 BC Caesar defeats sons of Pompey at Munda (Spain)
44 BC – Caesar declared dictator for life – killed Ides of March (March 15th) by Brutus, Cassius and senators
43 BC Lex Titia forms 2nd triumvirate (makes it legal) – Antony, Octavian, Lepidus
63 BC – elected Pontifex Maximus (chief priest for life)
60 BC 1 st triumvirate with Crassus and Pompey
59 BC 1 st consulship with Bibulus – he bullied Bibulus into staying home – called year of Julius and Caesar
58 – 50 BC in Gaul and Britain
52 BC battle of Gergovia – Vercingetorix (Gaul’s chieftain) defeats Caesar
390 BC – Gauls beat Rome at Allia River– Brennus is their chief – he said “Vae Victis” = “Woe to the conquered”
Caudine Forks (321 BC) and Lautulae (315) 2 notable Roman defeats in the 2nd Samnite War (until they finally defeated the Samnites).
312 BC Appius Claudius Caecus (the blind) – censor, built the Appian Way and Aqua Appia
Decius Mus, in 295 BC at the Battle of Sentinum in an act of devotion, charged between his cavalry and the Gauls to his death.
Pyrrhus, King of Epirus (Greece) – first vs. Rome with elephants – 280 BC – Heraclea, 279 BC – Asculum (Pyrrhic victory), 275 BC – Beneventum
Fabricius unbribable Roman ambassador (Pyrrhus tried)
Punic Wars Rome vs. Carthage, 3 wars, originally fought over Messana in Sicily.
Created by: DanielsFSUS
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