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PLSC final exam

Environmental justice Investment in marginalized communities who are affected more by environmental issues systemically
Integral ecology (Laudato Si) Need to address social and environmental crises at the same time
Cost benefit analysis (BCA) Depends on what the statute allows, need to compare value of intangible goods and monetary costs
Command and control Goals, criteria, quality standards, emission standards, enforcement
Market based mechanisms Marketable permit systems, emission taxes, fees and charges, subsidies, tax and subsidy combinations
Clean Air Act 1970 Identified criteria pollutants, health based criteria, setting quality standards
Criteria air pollutants Carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, lead, ozone
NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards- set by EPA using health based criteria
SIPs State implementation plans- each state’s plan for emission standards for each source of criteria pollutants in the state
Stationary sources state restrictions for preexisting sources, factories etc.
Mobile sources federal restrictions from EPA, cars etc.
Existing sources of pollution v new or refurbished sources Existing sources abide by state restrictions, new/refurbished sources follow federal restrictions
California’s plan to transition to EV CA only allowing new EV by 2035, challenged to infrastructure, labor, mineral availability, supply chains
International agreements on air pollution mitigation CLRTAP, Acid Rain Treaty, Ozone layer protection
CLRTAP Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution, northern hemisphere
Acid Rain Treaty Canada-US Air Quality Agreement
Ozone layer protection Montreal protocol- phase out ozone depleting substances
Planet’s available water resources 97% in the ocean, 2.5% freshwater, 1.2% surface water, 69% in glaciers
History of water regulation Rivers and Harbors Act 1899, Reclamation Act 1902, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Federal Water Pollution Control Act, Clean Water Act
Rivers and Harbors Act Prohibits creation of any obstruction to navigable capacity
Reclamation Act Proceeds from sale of federal land are used for irrigation projects
FWPC Act Federal government to carry out research and provide financial and technical assistance to local authorities to encourage them to build and upgrade water treatment systems
US Bureau of Reclamation Constructs dams/powerplants/canals, largest wholesaler of water, second largest producer of hydroelectric power
Clean Water Act 1972 Focuses on surface water, contributes to protection of groundwater
Types of point sources industrial discharge, POTWs, indirect discharge, CAFOs, dredge and fill materials
WOTUS definition debate any discharge of pollutant from a point source into navigable waters
WOTUS: back and forth Vague definitions led to Obama era EPA rule with broad definition, challenged and blocked in court, Trump administration issues new rule with narrower definition, Biden reverts to Obama rule
POTWs Publicly owned treatment works
CAFOs Concentrated animal feeding operations
NPDES permit National pollutant discharge elimination system- effluent limitations, self monitoring obligations, self reporting obligations, EPA inspection powers, EPA has power to sanction and prosecute
Nonpoint sources Pollution that does not come from a clear source, caused by rainfall or runoff, regulated on a state level
State role in regulating nonpoint sources designated uses, water quality standards, state plans, impaired waters (total maximum daily loads)
Regulated interests and nonpoint source regulation Agricultural organizations, timber and construction industry, meatpacking, coal mining, distributors of business
Ground water Necessary for rural population, irrigation, domestic uses, many possible sources of contamination
Safe Drinking Water Act Requires states to develop a wellhead protection programs for wells in their state and submit it to EPA for approval
health based approaches cost oblivious, regulator mush achieve a reasonable certainty that no harm will result
feasibility statutes require agencies to regulate toxic health risks but only to the extent feasible
risk benefit statutes require agency to consider BCA and balance the risks and benefits of a chemical product
informational approaches producers need to provide all necessary information relating to chemicals and risks, market forces manage risks and reduce harm
Dark Waters PFAS (forever chemicals), lawyer takes on DuPont, stalled process, wins against DuPont
cradle to grave regulation Design and manufacture or importation from abroad, storage, transportation/handling, distribution, sale, use, disposal or reuse
fossil fuels Account for 80% of all energy, coal (electricity production), oil (transportation), natural gas (electricity production)
RES and Nuclear No direct GHG emissions from operations
Bush energy policy Prioritizes economic growth and energy independence
Obama energy policy Balanced economic recovery and environmental protection
Trump energy policy Promoted fossil fuels and promised resurrection of coal
Biden energy policy Infrastructure Investments and Job Act, Inflation Reduction Act
NIMBY Not in my backyard
Deepwater Horizon Exploratory drilling, behind schedule, blowout preventor malfunctioned, 11 dead, rig sank, oil kept spewing from well, leaked for 87 days
federal land management Public v private, what use is allowed, state v federal ownership, funding and staffing, ecological protectors v role as facilitators of industry and commerce
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora- appendix 1 (species threatened with extinction), appendix 2 (species that require protection), appendix 3 (species listed voluntarily by states)
Created by: gillwags
Popular History sets




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