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Crucible All A Vocab

Crucible Act 1-4 Vocab

providence guadianship
gaunt bony, thin
excommunicaton banishment from church
concilatory compromising
beguile charm, bewitch
reprieve postpone a punishment
bellow shout, roar like animal
cleave cut, split
disputation public debate
indictment accusation, formal charge
gibbet gallows tree
tantalize tease, taunt
perplexed confused, puzzled
penitence remorse for past conduct.
maraud predatory raid
propriety properness
partisian a strong supporter of a party, cause, or person
paradox contradictory statement
malign badmouth, gossip
dissembling pretend, deception
subservient submissive, serve
enthrall enchant, hold spellbound
intimation hint, indirect suggestion
vivisect cut open, dissect
formidable impressive, very strong opponent
inculcation teaching by repitition
perpetuation prolong, lengthen
fathom come to understand
seditious opposition to authority
ascertain gain favor, control, manipulate
ingratiate discover, find out, certain of something
deference yield, submit to opinion
lascivious indecent, lustful, vulgar
inanition exhaustion
citadel fortress
faction party, clique
prodigious fantastic, monumental
heresay against orthodox opinion
phalanx military formation used by the Greeks
ought be compelled to
friction conflict, clash
weighty serious, important
ameliorate to make, get better
entranced charmed, delighted
deference respect, oblige
pious deeply religious
pewter mixture of metals
trifle insignificant, not important
covet envy, wish for
tainted corrupt, contaminated
afoot in progress, underway
ineptly incompitent manner
obstruct block, get in way
abomination disgusting
abundant plentiful, large in supply
affidavit testimony given under oath
deposition interrogation of a witness
prodigious great in size, significance
effrontery arrogant behavior
misgivings doubts, suspicions
qualm feelings of uneasiness
probity honesty, integrity
perjury lying under oath
manifest wanting to make something happen
pretense pretend, deceive
base immoral
lecher strong sexual desires
dumbfounded surprised, dumbstruck
lechery act of sexual activity
Created by: tpow
Popular German sets




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