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assesment subjective and objective data
diagnosis analyzing subjective and objective data to make a professional judgment
planning determining outcome criteria and developing a plan
implementation carrying out the plan
evaluation assessing whether outcome criteria have been met and revising the plan
initial comprehensive collection of subjective data about the client's perception of their health, health history, family history and lifestyle as well as objective data
ongoing or partial assessment data collection after comprehensive database is established
focused or problem oriented assessment specific health concern, specific body systems
emergency assessment life threatening, immediate
documentation of data provides database for nursing process, promoted effective communication
what needs to be validated gaps between subjective and objective data, differences in what the patient says, highly abnormal findings
ways to validate recheck own data, clarify with questions, verify with another nurse, compare subjective and objective
identify abnormal data and strengths used to formulate diagnoses to minimize potential weakness
cluster data consider if additional data is needed, look for related cues from identified strengths
draw inferences infer, determine if collaborative problem or need a referral
collaborative problem certain complications that nurse monitor to detect changes in status
propose possible nursing diagnoses hypothesize and generate
data analysis diagnostic phase because the end result or purpose is to identify a nursing diagnosis
wellness diagnosis client has motivation and well being to follow care
risk diagnosis client is vulnerable to developing complication
actual diagnosis client is experiencing problem
syndrome group of signs and symptoms
check defining characteristics most accurate, delete invalid
confirm, rule out diagnosis verify diagnoses with client
pitfalls too much or little data, unreliable, invalid, insufficient cues to support diagnosis, cues clustered are unrelated, quick diagnosis, incorrect wording
alert eyes are open, able to answer questions and maintains eye contact
lethargic opens eyes, answers questions falls back asleep quickly
obtunded opens eyes to loud voices, responds slowly
stupor awakens to painful stimuli, returns to sleep
coma unresponsive to painful, noxious stimuli
glasgow coma scale records conscious state of a person, 3 is coma, 15 is fully awake
alzheimer's poor judgment and decision making, inability to manage budget, losing track of date, misplacing items
AUDIT alcohol use disorders identification test
SAD persons suicide risk assessment, sex, age, depression, previous attempt, ethanol abuse, rational thinking, lack social support, organized plan
CAM confusion assessment method
SLUMS mental status exam (dementia or alzheimer), orientation, memory, speech, cognitive
PHQ9 depression scale
older adult BP arteries more rigid, increased systolic BP
acute pain recent injury
visceral pain abdominal, thorax, cranium
somatic pain ligaments, tendons, bones and nerves
phantom pain nerves, missing limb
FLACC face, legs, activity, cry, consolability
walker's cycle of violence tension building, acute battering stage, honeymoon
domestic violence a pattern of abusive behavior where one partner gains or maintains control
violence interview confidentiality, develop trust, simple, direct questions, listen, discuss legal, mandatory report
violence observe appearance and body build, children may look underdeveloped, older client thin, frail, malnourished
violence observed hygeine neglect poor hygiene, soiled clothing, long sleeve and pants in warm weather
assess violence mental status anxious, depressed, suicidal, withdrawn, difficult concentration, poor eye contact, soft speech, unable to recall past events
violence vital signs prolonged stress leads to hypertension, elevated heart rate and respiratory rate
cultural awareness knowledgable about thoughts, feelings, sensations and how it affects interactions with others
purpose of cultural assessment learn beliefs and behaviors, compare to Western health care, compare to those of similar background, assess prevalent diseases
culture bound latin mal de ojo
culture bound african high blood
culture bound native american ghost sickness
ideal body weight female 100 pound for 5ft plus 5lb for every inch over 5 ft
ideal body weight male 106 pound for 5ft plus 6lb for every inch over 5ft
normal BMI 18.5 to 24.9
obese BMI 30 - 39
IDDSI framework how thick food is getting, drinks 0 foods until 7
hemoglobin 13 - 16/18
hematocrit 40 - 52
serum albumin 3.5 - 5
prealbumin 17 - 40
BUN 5 -25
vitamin A deficiency dry, rough, scaly skin, night blindness
vitamin B deficiency flaky skin, beefy red tongue, paresthesia, decreased mental status
vitamin C deficiency spongy, bleeding gums, petechiae, sores
vitamin K deficiency petechiae, ecchymoses
riboflavin deficiency red conjunctiva, mouth cracks, magenta tongue
protein deficiency thin hair, ascites, edema, poor wound healing
iodine deficiency swollen neck, goiter
iron deficiency brittle nails
zinc deficiency unhealing sores
thiamin deficiency altered mental status
dehydration orthostatic hypotension
overhydration crackles in lungs, pale yellow urine
diabetes excessive weight loss despite adequate intake
older adult skin decreased perspiration, decreased flexibility and motility lead to improper hygiene, paleness, dryness, skin lesions
older adult nails thick, yellow, brittle
freckles flat, small macules of pigment following sun exposure
mole nevus, flat or raised tan marking
stage 1 pressure ulcer intact skin, nonblanchable redness over a bony prominence, painful, firm, soft, warm or cool
stage 2 pressure ulcer partial thickness loss of dermis, shallow open ulcer with a red pink wound bed, without slow, shiny or dry ulcer, skin tears
stage 3 pressure ulcer full thickness tissue loss, subcutaneous fat loss with visible bone, tendon or muscle not exposed, may undermine or tunnel, visible adipose tissue
stage 4 pressure ulcer full thickness tissue loss with exposed bone, tendon or muscle, slough or eschar
braden scale risk for skin breakdown, sensory perception, moisture, activity, mobility, nutrition, friction
macule and patch flat, small, non palpable skin color change (macule - circumscribed), patch is a freckle
papule and plaque elevated, palpable, solid mass (papule circumscribed)
plaque psoriasis
nodule and tumor elevated, solid, palpable extends into dermis
vesicle and bullae circumscribed elevated
wheal elevated mass with transient borders
pustule pus filled vesicle or bullae, acne or impetigo
cyst encapsulated fluid filled or semisolid mass in subcutaneous or dermis
erosion loss of superficial epidermis
scar cicatrix, skin mark left after healing, connective tissue
ulcer skin loss past epidermis, necrotic tissue loss
fissure linear crack
petechiae pinpoint red dots, red or purple maculae
ecchymosis round, irregular macular lesions, color varies yellow and green hues, bruising
hematoma collection of blood under the skin
angioma bright red spot on skin
clubbing nails distorted, raised nail bed, due to hypoxia or long term oxygenation issues
psoriasis yellow, nail pitting
yeast infection nails white color, separation of nail and bed
bacterial infection nails green, black or brown
fungal infection nails yellow, thick, crumbling
concave or spoon nails iron deficiency
thickened nails decreased circulation
skin cancer Asymmetry, border, color variation, diameter, evolving
phases of wound healing hemostasis, inflammatory, proliferation, remodeling
hemostasis blood vessels constrict, blood clot
inflammatory phase WBC locate to wound, temperature increases as growth factor builds blood vessels
proliferation regeneration, fibroblasts fill wound
remodeling 3 weeks after injury
inspecting a wound landmarks, size, edges, drainage
serous drainage clear, no infection
sanguineous drainage bloody
serosanguineous drainage light pink
purulent drainage pus, thick and odor
debridement removal of devitalized tissue and foreign material, promoted healing, decreases infection
3 main dressings add, absorb, maintain moisture
autolytic debridement own enzymes
enzymatic debridement applies enzymatic to speed autolytic process
mechanical debridement external force to dislodge and remove debris and necrotic tisse
eschar dead tissue, black and leathery
shearing forces pulled rather than lifted
dehiscence partial or total separation of wound layers
sterile technique surgical wounds
clean technique pressure ulcers and chronic wounds
wound culture taken after wound is cleaned to identify organism
irrigation of a wound 1 inch above a wound
cranium 8 bones, ethmoidal and sphenoidal not accessible
face 14 bones, mandible is only movable (jaw)
sternomastoid muscle rotates and flexes head
trapezius extends head, moves shoulders
cranial nerve XI shrug shoulders, turn against resistance
use of trapezius and sternomastoid accessory muscle use, acute airway obstruction
sinus headache constant throbbing, pressure like pain with a cold, eye brow or cheek
cluster headache stabbing, sudden onset, alcohol induced, eye orbit, facial and temporal
tension headache dull, tight, diffuse, with stress and anxiety, frontal, temporal, occipital, lasts days months, years and mostly women
migraine headache nausea, vomiting, photophobia, phono phobia, may be one sided, eyes, temples, cheeks, forehead
hypothyroidism sleepiness, cold intolerant, weight gain, muscle aches, dry skin, brittle nails, bradycardia, constipation
hyperthyroidism nervousness, fatigue, weakness, palpitations, heat intolerance, dyspnea, diarrhea, weight loss, tachycardia, insomnia, brain fog
scleroderma tightened hard face, thin skin
parkinson's expressionless face, tremors, rigidity, akinesia, postural, instability
bell's palsy one sided facial paralysis, sudden onset peak by 48 hours, affect cranial nerve VII
stroke cerebrovascular accident neurologic damage, decrease vision, balance, numbness
impending stroke visual disturbances, loss of balance, trouble walking, sudden weakness
diabetic ketoacidosis fruity or acetone breath
small bowel obstruction fecal odor breath
end stage liver sulfur odor breath
older adult thyroid fibrotic changes, weak temporal artery pulse
sclera dense protective covering
retina rods regulate black and white
retina cones sensitive to bright color
visual fields what a person sees with one eye
visual perception nerve impulses conducted to brain
visual pathways information from right is conveyed to left
anisocoria pupils of different size
miosis constricted pupils, pinpoint
mydriasis dilated pupils, fixed
ectropion outward lid
entropion inward lid
ptosis drooping eyelid
hordeolum stye
strabismus eyes inward or outward, tropia
papilledema swelling of optic disk, lack physiologic cup, blurred margins
glaucoma high pressure damaging optic nerve, painful, age over 40, high BP
open angle glaucoma tunnel vision
acute angle glaucoma halos, eye pain, headache
diplopia double vision, intracranial pressure
presbyopia impaired near vision, decreased accomodation
myopia impaired far vision
visual fields peripheral vision confrontation test, see finger at same time
near visual acuity jagger card, snellen card
cover test deviation, alignment or strength, uncovered eye remains fixed ahead
corneal light reflex test for strabismus
pupillary light reflex pupils constrict when exposed to bright light
consensual reflex exposure in one eye leads to reaction of other eye
middle ear transmits vibrations through ossicles
inner ear labyrinth
presbycusis gradual sensorineural hearing loss, whispered sounds
newborn auditory canal curves upward, short and straight
conductive hearing external and middle ear
conductive hearing loss due to earwax, otitis media, perforated eardrum
sensorineural hearing inner ear
sensorineural hearing loss due to dysfunction of inner ear, cranial nerve VIII, gradual nerve degeneration
weber test distinguished conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, tuning fork in middle forehead
rinne test compares air and bone conduction, tuning fork on mastoid process
acute otitis media red bulging membrane
otitis externa swimmer's ear, pain in pinna and tragus, otorrhea (drainage), itching
tinnitus ringing
oral cancer under tongue
tongue cancer side of tongue
sinuses air filled, lined with ciliated mucous membranes, easily blocked
acute tonsilitis enlarged, erythema and large gray white patches
1 tonsils visible
2 tonsils midway between tonsillar pillar and uvula
3 tonsils touch uvula
4 tonsils touch each other
childbearing women sinuses epistaxis, bleeding gums, nasal congestion
right lung 3 lobes
xiphoid process above costal angle, 90 degrees, increases during hyperventilation and emphysema
landmark for lung and thorax assessment costal angle, for people who retain oxygen, COPD angle changes
suprasternal notch U shaped
resonance percussed over normal lung tissue
hyper resonance COPD, more air, pneumothorax
crepitus crackling when air passes through subcutaneous tissue
increased fremitus pneumonia
decreased fremitus pneumothorax, pleural effusion
bronchial breath sound high pitch, trachea area, short inspiration, long exhalation
broncho vesicular breath sound bronchi, scapulae, sternum
vesicular breath sound peripheral lung field
crackles sound bronchitis, asthma, emphysema
coarse crackles low pitch bubbling, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, velcro rales
pleural friction rub grating sound, pleuritis, severe dehydration
stridor harsh, honking wheeze, medical emergency, airway blockage
wheeze airway obstruct
sibilant wheeze asthma and emphysema
sonorous wheeze bronchitis, sleep apnea
pectus excavaum funnel chest
pectus carinatum pigeon chest
carbon dioxide strongest thing to regulate breathing pattern
hypercapnia strongest stimulus to breath
tachypnea more than 24 breaths per minute, not able to perfuse, trying to compensate
bradypnea less than 10 breaths per minute, can be medication induced
hypoventilation decreased rate, irregular pattern, drug overdose
dyspnea difficulty breathing
kussamul rapid, deep, labored, diabetic ketoacidosis
cheyne stokes increased intracranial pressure, congestive heart failure, deep rapid breathing followed by period of apnea
chronic bronchitis labored and noisy, occasional coughing
rust colored sputum tuberculosis
breast function produce and store milk, aid in sexual stimulation
glandular tissue milk production
fibrous tissue supports glandular tissue
fatty tissue size and shape
lymph nodes filter debris and return water and protein
anterior lymph node chest wall and breasts
posterior lymph node chest wall, part of arm
central lymph node receive drainage, most palpated (high in axillae at top of ribs)
lateral lymph node drain most of arms, brachial
peau d orange orange peal appearance, associated with cancer
suggest malignancy of breast dimpling, restricted breast tissue, retracted nipple
paget disease redness and flaking of nipple, eczema scaly skin around areola
mastitis red, painful, warm
cancerous tumor irregular, firm, hard, fixed
fibroadenomas lobular, ovoid, round and seldom tender, between puberty and menopause
benign breast disease round, elastic, defined, tender and mobile cysts
asymmetrical breasts benign
fibrocystic breast disease premenstrual breast lumpiness and soreness subside after end of menstrual cycle
child breast occurs in 5 stages, starts at puberty
breast cancer lump, thickening of breast, discharge, bleeding, size change, BRCA1 or 2
increases risk for breast cancer high fat diet
SNS stimulation increased cardiac output, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate
AV valves tricuspid and bicuspid , first heart sound s1 at closure
SV valves pulmonic, aortic
electrical conduction SA node, AV node, bundle of His, bundle branches, purkinje fibers
SA node 60 - 100, pacemaker of the heart
AV node intrinsic rate of 40 - 60
preload amount of blood in ventricles at end of diastole, stretch
systole blood in ventricles, pressure causes AV valves to close, SV open and blood is ejected
diastole AV valves open, ventricles relax, takes two thirds of cardiac cycle
afterload pressure against blood ejection during contraction
murmurs increased blood viscosity, valve disorder, malfunction, abnormal chamber opening
thrills vibration turbulence
stenosis narrowing
sinus arrythmia rate speeds with inspiration, slows with exhalation
dizziness fall risk
smoking cessation ask, advise, assess, assist, arrange
carotid auscultate then palpate, use bell of stethoscope, client hold breath
apical pulse best heard at apex if not left lateral
pulsus alternans changes in strength and amplitude
paradoxical pulse decreased amplitude, pericardial tamponade, obstructive lung disease
orthostatic hypotension assess lying, sitting, standing, blood pressure decrease when standing
veins carry deoxygenated blood back to heart
deep veins femoral and popliteal
right side of the heart pumps blood to lungs for gas exchange
left side of the heart receives oxygenated rich blood and pumps systemically
allen test patency of radial and ulnar arteries
arterial insufficiency pain, pulselessness, paralyze, paresthesia, pallor, poikilothermy, cool to cold, dry and shiny
arterial insufficiency ulcers tips of toes, heels, very painful, circular deep black and gangrene
venous insufficiency aching, cramping, present pulse, edema, thick and tough skin reddish to blue
venous insufficiency ulcers medial malleolus, anterior tibial, irregular border superficial, beefy red to yellow fibrinous
peripheral artery disease atherosclerosis
atherosclerosis narrowing arteries due to plaque buildup, reduces blood flow
lymphadema damaged or blocked lymphatic circulation, buildup of lymph fluid
edema increased capillary blood pressure, venous insufficiency, decreased plasma proteins, decreased colloid osmotic pressure
raynaud vascular disorder, constriction or spasms
thrombophlebitis infection, inflamed, warm
RUQ liver, dullness percussed
RLQ colon, large intestine, appendix
LUQ spleen
LLQ sigmoid colon, left kidney
suprapubic region hypogastric, bladder pain
visceral pain hollow abdominal organs become distended or contract forcefully
parietal pain appendicitis, peritonitis; sharp and severe
diarrhea frequency of bowel movements
blood and mucus stool inflammatory bowel disease
clay colored stool fatty, malabsorption
hyperactive bowel sounds rapid mobility, diarrhea, borborygmus (growling)
hypoactive diminished bowel activity, paralytic ileus, late bowel obstruction
abdomen assesment empty bladder, begins in RLQ, inspect, auscultate, percuss, palpate
kidney percussion costa vertebral angle
crohn's disease cramping, diarrhea, nausea and vomitting, weight loss
psoas sign pain in RLQ when leg hyperextended, appendicitis
obturator sign pain in RLQ when hip and knee flexed and leg rotated
murphy sign pain when pressure applied at liver border, inflamed gallbladder
rovsing sign pressure in LLQ causes pain in RLQ
blumberg sign rebound tenderness
cullen sign discolored umbilical, bluish purple
grey turner blue abdominal flanks
scaphoid sunken abdomen
cirrhosis liver edge firmness
stomach emptying post op 24 - 48 hours
large intestine emptying 3 to 4 days
scoliosis lateral curvature of spine, convexity increase on one side
kyphosis rounded thoracic cavity, hunchback
decline in height 5th decade of life, thinning intervertebral discs
lordosis J curve, pregnancy, lumbar curve
non weight bearing no weight on affected limb
toe touch bearing limb affected can be used for balance
partial weight bearing small % of weight on affected limb
tolerated weight client level of comfort
full weight bearing no restriction
cerebellar ataxia wide base, staggering, unsteady
spastic hemiparesis flexed arm held close while toe drags
stereognosis identify objects placed in hand
graphesthesia correctly identify number traced on skin
cranial nerve 5 sensory and motor, clenching jaw
swallowing cranial nerves IX and X
brudinski sign flex neck and knees flex
kernig sign flex hip and knee then straighten
penis inspection skin, shaft, foreskin, scrotum, lift scrotal area and assess skin
hypospadias urethral meatus underneath glans
epispadias urethral meatus on top of glans (dorsal)
hyrdocele collection of serous fluid in scrotum, transillumination
testicular tumor small, firm, non tender nodule, heavy feeling
scrotal hernia loop of bowel protrudes into scrotum
epididymitis infection, scrotum enlarged, red and tender
vaicocele dilation of veins on the spermatic cord, discomfort, bag of worms
spermatocele sperm filled cysts, mass on epididymis, movable above testes
hemorrhoid painless papules caused by varicose veins, bleed with bowel movement
perianal abcess cavity of pus, infected skin around anal opening, throbbing pain and red
anal fissure splits in tissue, pain, itching, bleeding
rectal prolapse rectum protrudes out anal opening, doughnut like
rectal polyps pedunculate on stalk, sessile on mucosa
prostate cancer 2nd most common, hard and fixed, median sulcus not palpable
colorectal cancer 3rd most common, colonoscopy at age 45, african american high risk
colorectal cancer signs abdominal pain, blood in stool, bowel habit change, weight loss, fatigue
vagina acidic environment prevents infection
bartholian's glands lubricate
cervix seperates vagina and uterus, firm and soft, pink
red cervix inflammation
blue cervix pregnant (chadwick's)
pale cervix anemia, post menopause
uterus round, firm, smooth
corpus bosy, muscular
hemorrhoid education high fiber diet, hydration
trichomonas vaginalis frothy yellow, green discharge
bacterial vaginosis thin, white, fishy odor
candidal vaginitis white cottage cheese discharge, yeast infection
mucopurulent cervicitis yellow discoloration
uterine prolapse uterus and cervix come out together descending into vaginal cavity
cystocele bladder prolapses through vagina
rectocele rectum into vagin
cervical polyps polyps of endometrial cells arising from either uterus or cervix
retroversion posteriorly turned
anteflexion turned anterior
retroflexion fundus bends posteriorly
cervical cancer diagnosis PAP smear, treatable
cervical cancer risk factors HPV, smoking, pregnancy, younger than 17, family, multiple partners
cervical cancer signs pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding, discharge, cauliflower lesions
general survey information appearance, vital signs, body measurements
mental status exam LOC, orientation, cognitive
IV assesment needed, working, pain, dressed, infected
complications of IV phlebitis, infiltration, extravasation, dislodgment
room air 21%
nasal cannula low flow, low concentration
non rebreather low flow, minimum rate of 10 L/min, one way valve
non rebreather disadvantage malfunction cause suffocation because of increased CO2 level
venturi high flow, specific amount of oxygen without drying mucus membranes
hypoxia inadequate amount of oxygen available to perfuse cells
coughing removes mucus and secretions
deep breathing inflates alveoli, improves lung expansion, oxygenation of tissues
incentive spirometry increases lung volume and inflation of alveoli
humidification distilled water
breast self exam monthly, right after menstrual cycle
amennorhea absence of menses
menopause 48 - 52
upper outer quadrant most common area of breast tumors
Created by: ahommel
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