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chapter 1- How does Earth science over lap with life science? Earth science involves the study of systems that may include living organisms
chapter 1- Why are scientific models important? They help visualize things that are very complex, very large, or very small.
chapter 1- On the Celsius scale, at what temperature does water boil? 100 degrees
chapter 1- if the relationship between the manipulated variable and the responding variable is a direct proportion, what will the line graph of this look like? a straight line
chapter 1- the SI base unit of mass is the Kilogram
chapter 1- an experiment in which only one variable, the manipulated variable and the responding variable, is changed at a time is called a Controlled Experiment
chapter 1- the _______ is the variable that changes in response to the manipulated variable responding variable
chapter 2- If a material contains 3 elements joined in a fixed proportion it is a_____ compound
chapter 2- a substance made up of only once kind of atom is a____ element
chapter 2- How do properties of a compound compare to the properties of the elements it contains? different, don't have the same appearance
chapter 2- How is the composition of a substance different from the composition of a mixture? Composition of a substance has a fixed composition...mixture doesn't
chapter 2- What are three common clues that a chemical change has occurred? Change in color, production of gas, formation of precipitate, and the smell
chapter 2- A substance that has high reactivity____________. easily combines chemically with other substances
chapter 2- Pure substances are either ______ or ______. Elements or compounds
chapter 3- A gas has no definite shape or volume
chapter 3- A solid has a_____ definite volume and definite shape
chapter 3- A liquid has a _____ definite volume but no definite shape
chapter 3- The phase change in which a substance changes from a liquid to gas is______ Vaporization
chapter 3- The phase change in which a substance changes from a gas directly to a solid is_____ Deposition
chapter 3- How do you determine if a phase change is endothermic? Take temp of surroundings if its cold it is endothermic
chapter 3- the heat of fusion for water is the amount needed for water to Evaporate
chapter 4- What is unique for any given element the number of protons
chapter 4- How was Bhor's atomic model similar to Rutherford's model? It described a nucleus surrounded by a very large volume of space.
chapter 4-what accurately represents the arrangement of electrons in Bohr's atomic model? electrons travel around the nucleus in fixed energy levels with energies that vary form level to level
chapter 4- What does the electron cloud model describe? The most likely locations of electrons in atoms
chapter 4- John Dalton observed that elements always combine in the same ratio to form a particular_____ compound
chapter 4- what do scientists use to predict the locations of atoms? probability
chapter 4- When all the electrons in an atom are in orbitals with the lowest possible energy, the atom is in its____state ground
chapter 5- One twelfth the mass of a carbon 12 atom is used to define a______ Atomic mass unit
chapter 5-Which element is found in nature only in compounds? Sodium
chapter 5- Group 7A of the periodic table contains the_____ Most reactive non-metals
chapter 5- To determine the atomic mass of an element, you would take the____ average of the isotopes that make up the element. Weighted
chapter5- In general a _____ metal will be more reactive than an alkaline earth metal in the same period. Alkali
chapter 5- At room temperature none of the metals are____ gases
chapter 5- Atoms of the most reactive elements tend to have___ valence electrons. one or seven valence electrons
Created by: Corameyer08
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