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REL 130 Exam 3

exam 3 study guide

Ten Commandments apodictic (Ex 20) and Covenant Code case law (Ex 21-23) you shall and shall not rules; encyclopedia of rules
Exodus 19: Stipulations of the covenant be faithful/ obey his voice
Justice as Neighborliness nation of people who were neighbors, they had an obligation to each other, in the covenant code there are special laws that were pertained to the vulnerable groups - they are not to be oppressed - the responsibility of everyone
Mosaic Yahwism - Israel's religion 1. Yahweh is a God, or Lord, of history (works through people) 2. Relationship between Yahweh and Israel is defined by: election, covenant, law Exclusive worship of Yahweh (practical monotheism)
Covenant formula "I will be your God and you will be my people"
Shalom (peace/welfare/wholeness) & the “court in the gate” Shiloh center of justice within a community when something bad would happen shalom would be broken so they brought the problem to the gate and they would render a judgement to establish justice
Solomon  David's son by Bathsheba (a second child)  Comes to power after intrigue, struggle, with his brother Adonijah for the throne  Known for his wisdom, a legend in his own time (dream/prayer, story of the two prostitutes)
David Son of Jesse, from Bethlehem in Judah Shepherd, musician/poet, warrior & military commander Outlaw to Saul and vassal to the Philistines King of Judah and Israel, ca 1000 BCE for about 40 yrs
Royal Theology: definition & 3 ideas Inviolability of Zion Davidic kingship (promise to David) Anointing & the Lord’s Anointed (crowning & title)
Royal Theology unconditional covenant, or absolute promise of Yahweh
Mount Zion Temple mount
David as model for king/messiah -Yahweh chooses the house of David as kings forever over Israel, establishing Davidic Kingship; Model for kingship, Israel's kings after him and the ideal king to come, the Messiah; collapses with the Exile
Reasons for the break-up of United Kgdm Death of Solomon
Corvee/corvee labor drafted labor; forced laborers working for the state
Ephraim/Israel Capital: Samaria Chief Shrine - Royal shrines at Dan and Bethel (golden bulls, bull calf) Kingship - Charismatic prophets
Judah Capital: Jerusalem Chief Shrine - Solomon's temple in Jerusalem Kingship - Davidic kingship
Zadok New Jerusalem priesthood; David's priest at the temple
Fall of Samaria N Kingdom destroyed by the Assyrians in 722 BCE with the Fall of Samaria
Assyria destroyed Israel (N Kingdom)
Tiglath‑Pileser and deportation of conquered peoples Threat of Assyria : new strategy of deportation in Northern kingdom (Israel)
Deuteronomy & Josiah’s Reform - 622 • Purification of the Temple & centralization of worship by outlawing sacrifice at the shrines, centered in a scroll found during the Temple's cleansing, believed to be some form of Deuteronomy
Fall of Judah: 3 Deportations Three deportations—597, 587/6, 582—of its people to Babylon
Babylonia destroyed Judah (S Kingdom)
Nebuchadnezzar Takes Jerusalem after king Jehoakim rebels, burns Jerusalem and the Temple - King of Babylon that destroys the southern Kingdom and deports people
1. Is Yahweh with us? Yahweh, enthroned in creation, is wherever his people are:
2. Has Yahweh been defeated & made powerless by Babn gods? There are no other gods, only Yahweh, who is not powerless:
3. Has Yahweh rejected and abandoned us? Exile is Yah's judgment on Judah for its unfaithfulness; Yahweh will deliver Israel and begin a new relationship
Edict of Cyrus Persian king that conquers Babylonia in 539 BCE and allows Babylonians to return home
Rebuilding the Temple rebuilt in Judah in 515 BCE, was very hard
New terminology: Judaism & Jews since Israel emerged from Exile w/ a revitalized, mature theology/faith, its religion will now be now referred to as Judaism, and its people, called Jews
Issues in the post-Exilic period How to live among the nations (Gentiles), be ruled by them when they don't acknowledge that Yahweh is the one true God. Tension of Universalism vs. Exclusivism: How to resist assimilation to be separate, while being "a light to the nations."
Universalism (“a light to the nations”) Israel a light to the nations
post-exilic literature Prophetic movement came to an end and it was dried up as there weren't any prophets
Definition of prophet Messenger or spokesperson; announces message from Yahweh
Seers interpreted Yah's will, dream interpretation, divination, often in ecstatic states
Navi/nabi prophet to call; to be called
Ecstaticism state of altered consciousness by the seers before the time of David
Parallelism Each verse consists of at least 2 lines of parallel thought - related in some way - esp that 2nd line emphasizes 1st line
Imagery Picture painted in words
Synonymous line 2 restates line 1 in different words
Antithetic line 2 contrasts with line 1, opposites/reversals
Synthetic line 2 develops line 1, continues/finishes a thought
Climactic line 2 extends line 1 to a climax, usually a series of items
“Thus says the Lord” Indicates that the word of the Lord follows
Messenger formula “Thus says the Lord” (“thus says Yahweh” or “thus saith the Lord”; Prophet delivers Yahweh’s word in 1st person, “I,” as if Yahweh were speaking
Judgment & salvation speeches–outline, contents of new message of judgment in 8c prophets - • Intro description of the present situ: diatribe (J) or exhortation (S) The diatribe is aka a complaint or accusation or indictment The exhortation expresses comfort or encouragement. • Messenger formula • Announcement of judgment or salvation
Symbolic actions (prophetic gestures) Prophets convey their messages by performing actions or gestures that expressed or represented it symbolically or metaphorically
Prophetic call experiences Personal experience w/ Yahweh that makes the Prophet
Justice (mishpat) Judgement, do what is right
Steadfast love or (loving)kindness (hesed) Loyalty, steadfast, loving kindness, be faithful to carry out your obligations to relationships and the covenant with God
Gomer Hosea's wife
Hosea's names of 3 children Lo-Ammi, Jezreel, Lo-Ruhamah - get used as the names of judgement, hope, and salvation
Covenant‑marriage analogy/metaphor Gomer (prostitute) and Hosea's marriage is that of Israel with the Yahweh ;2 Indictments: “a spirit of whoredom,” not keeping the Decalogue
the Day of the Lord Amos: Yahweh's judgement; time God will act
Holy One of Israel Yahweh is Holy one of Israel, Yahweh is King = 2 Lessons
Seraphim members of the heavenly court, winged serpents associated with worship
Messianic hope hope that develops in Israel for a messiah Originates in 1st Isaiah (7,9,11) Messiah - anointed They get disconnected from history as after the Exile there is no kingship and hope for a king that will come
Peaceable Kingdom vison of peace in Isaiah 11 that the wolf lying down with the lamb, instead of animals devouring each other there will be peace
“these deceptive words” (Jeremiah 7, the Temple Sermon) - false religion - arguing against deceptive words in this sermon the involiability of Zion they should believe God not that the temple will be protected as they are
Stubbornness of the evil will/heart Jeremiah: source of wrongdoing notion that the heart of the people is evil and is set against God; heart is the center of the will
new covenant Jeremiah: first to announce a new covenant w/ law written on heart
Yahweh’s chariot throne Ezekiel’s vision of Yah’s chariot throne (Ezek 1) coming to Babylonia from Jerusalem Priestly editors’ ending of the Torah w/ Israel outside the Promised Land
“wheel within a wheel” chariot wheel sphere, it can go anywhere withough veering or turning
new heart Ezekiel: extends as a new heart (Ezek 36), return to the homeland, new Temple, new David
“you shall know that I am the Lord” Ezekiel: Refers to purpose/result of Yah's acts used in contexts of both judgement and salvation
New Exodus End of Exile, Yah will act through Cyrus
True monotheism - God is the only God;Other gods are merely idols; idol parodies (satire)
the Servant of the Lord & the 4 Servant Poems/Songs This servant is supposed to do 7 things estab justice, call ppl back to Yhwh, and to be a light to the nations, , Poems talking about whet the nations are supposed to be and do after the exile for Yhwh, 2nd Isaiah chaps 42, 44, 49, 52:13-53:12)
Number of books & psalms in the Psalter 150 Psalms in 5 books
Common psalm genres & features laments (prayers of distress), songs of praise (praise God for who God is), and songs of thanksgiving (thank God for his deeds)
Wisdom (hokmah/hochmah) how to live a good life
Vanity nothing, sense of the obsertity of life in Eccelesiates, nothing matters its all going to go away, live in the present
Folly lack of good sense
Job & the problem of suffering Why do innocent people suffer? - is it a sense of if you worship God you get good things, so why is Job suffering if he's done nothing but be a good servant?
ca 1000 (start of) David’s reign for about 40 years
928 (or at Solomon’s death) DividedKgdms Kingdoms become divided into N and S
722 Fall of Samaria (N Kgdm ends) Assyria deports thousands throughout of its empire
587‑6 Fall of Jerusalem Destroyed by the Babylonians, 587/586 BCE Three deportations—597, 587/6, 582—of its people to Babylon
538 End of the Exile Cyrus allows conquered people to return home to Jerusalem (restoration)
Domination system/preindustrial agrarian economy Pharoah is the leader while people were in bondage under him
Created by: zoeyvanolinda
Popular Religion sets




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