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Stewart- Gov Final


What are civil liberties? Protections from improper gov action.
What are civil rights? Obligations of gov power
T/F the bill of rights outline only civil rights False the bill of rights outlines many civil liberties and rights
What has expanded civil liberties? Litigation in the SC
What was the most important item of business for the first Congress in 1789? Adding a list of explicit rights (bill of rights)
What is the role of the Bill of Rights? Protect citizens from improper gov action.
T/F the bill of rights limits only the national gov True the bill of rights only limits the national gov and not state govs
What is selective incorporation? An extension of bill of rights protections to state gov using the equal protection clause of the 14th Am.
What is the Establishment Clause of the 1st Am. ? The strict separation of church and state.
Definition of the Lemon Test? A way to determine if gov aid to religious schools is constitutional.
What is the Lemon Test? 1) was there secular purpose 2) did its effect advance or inhibit religion 3) did it entangle gov and religious institutions to each other
What is the Free Exercise Clause? Protects the right to believe and practice whatever religion one chooses, or doesn’t choose.
What is democracy dependent upon? The ability of individuals to talk to each other and disseminate information and ideas. (Freedom of speech and press)
What does the SCOTUS need to balance? Protection of political speech with issues of national security and fairness in campaign finance.
What does freedom of speech generally imply? Freedom of the press With exception broadcast media which is subject to fed regulation
What is Prior Restraint? Efforts made by the gov to block the publication of material it deems libelous or harmful -It is basically censorship
What forms of speech are protected? Truth, political, symbolic, and speech plus
What is speech plus? Speech plus is a physical activity such as picketing.
What forms of speech are conditionally protected Libel, slander, obscenity and pornography, fighting words, hate speech, and commercial speech.
What is libel Printed/written words of malice intent made in “reckless disregard of the truth”
What is slander Spoken words of malice intent that are made in “reckless disregard of the truth”
Which amendments are the essence of due process of law The 4th, 5th, 6th and the 8th.
What is due process of law The right of every citizen against arbitrary action by national or state gov.
What is one of America’s traditional and most strongly held juridicial values “It is far worse to convict an innocent person than to let a guilty person go free”
What is the 4th amendment No illegal search and seizures
What is one of the most important procedures from SCOTUS’ interpretation of the 4th am.? The Exclusionary rule
What is the exclusionary rule Prohibits evidence obtained during an illegal search being introduced in a trial.
What does the 5th am. do? Requires a grand jury for most crimes, protects against double jeopardy, and provides that you cannot be forced to testify against yourself.
What is the Miranda rule? The expansion of the 5th am. clause covering coerced confessions and self incrimination but also the right to counsel, a provision of the 6th am.
What does the 6th am. require? Speedy trial and right to witnesses and counsel.
What does the 8th am. prohibit? Cruel and unusual punishment
What did SCOTUS find in Griswold v Connecticut A right of privacy in combination of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th am. That was confirmed and extended in 1973 case of Roe v Wade.
What is the Takings clause? Extends to each citizens protection against the “taking” of private property “w/o just compensation”
What is the purpose of the Takings clause? To put limits on the power of eminent domain
What are the procedures of eminent domain? Showing a public purpose and the provision of fair payment for taking someone’s property.
What topics have been debated as rights to privacy? Birth control, abortion, and LBGTQ rights.
What was the outcome of Obergefell v Hodges (2015) Same sex marriage is legal everywhere in US
What is DOMA- Defense of Marriage Act (1996-2011) The gov. defines marriage as legal union between one man and one woman.
T/F the right to privacy is explicitly written in the bill of rights False the right to privacy is not written in the bill of rights but is interpreted mainly from the 4th am.
What is the miller test? 1) would the avg person find that work appeals to pervs. 2) does it depict or describe something offensive 3)lacks serious lit., political, artistic, or scientific value.
What is the purpose of the miller test? To determine if something is pornography
What are Fighting Words? “Expressive speech” that directly incites physical conflict
What is Habeas corpus? The right of an individual in custody to be brought before a judge for an open trial.
What is the role of a grand jury To determine whether sufficient evidence is available to justify a trial. Do not rule on the accused’s guilt or innocence
What is the role of a trial jury Decide if someone is guilty
Created by: tori.t
Popular American Government sets




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