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SSAT words :)


abate subside,moderate
aberrant abnormal,deviant
abrasive rubbing away, tending to grind
abridge condense,shorten
absolute complete,totally umlimited
abstemious sparing in eating and drinking
abstract theoretical,not concrete,nonrepresentational
abstruse obscure,profound,difficult to understand
accessible easy to approach,obtainable
acclaim applaud,announce with great approval
banal hackneyed,commonplace,trite
bane cause of ruin
belie contradict,give a false impression
belittle disparage,make fun of
belligerent quarrelsome
benevolent generous,charitable
benign kindly,favorable,not malignant
bequeath leave to someone by a will,hand down
biased slanted,prefudiced
bland soothing,mild,dull
cacophonous discordant,inharmonious
cajole coax,wheedle
calculated deliberately planned, likely
candor frankness
capricious fickle,incalculable
caricature distortion,burlesque
censorious critical
censure blame,criticize
certitude certainty
charlatan quack,pretender to knowledge
daunt intimidate,frighten
dawdle loiter,waste time
debilitate weaken, enfeeble
debunk expose sth as nonsensieal or false
decorum propriety,orderliness and good taste in manners
defame harm someone's reputation,malign
deference courteous regard for another's wish
defiance refusal to yield,resistance
degenerate become worse,deteriorate
degrade lower in rank or dignity,debase
Created by: michelle930421
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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