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Drugs in Pregnancy

Pharmacotherapy during pregnancy (matching mode)

Antibiotics - DOC in pregnancy Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Macrolides, Metronidazole, Fosfomycin
Abx to AVOID during pregnancy Tetracyclines, Aminoglycosides, Sulfonamides, Chloramphenicol, Fluoroquinolones
most widely used abx during pregnancy Penicillins (ampicillin, amoxicillin, flucloxacillin, penicillin V)
Tetracyclines C/I in pregnancy - Category D - inhibition of bone growth/yellow discoloration of primary teeth
Aminoglycosides (Streptomycin, Amikacin, Tobramycin) C/I in pregnancy - Category D - *Ototoxicity *
Sulfonamides *Neonatal jaundice*
Chloramphenicol * Gray baby syndrome* - gray skin, CVA collapse, abd distention
Fluoroquinolones C/I in pregnancy - MSK defects
A MEAN GUY stepped on baby's EAR Ototoxicity in Aminoglycosides
TEETHracycline teeth discoloration w tetracycline
HTN Tx - DOC in pregnancy Methyldopa, Labetalol (not 3rd Tri), Hydralazine, Nifedipine
DOC for HTN that is *avoided during 3rd trimester* Labetalol
Moms Love Healthy Newborns (anti-HTN agents safe during pregnancy) Methyldopa, Labetolol, Hydralazine, Nifedipine
Atenolol C/I pregnancy - *categ D* - intrauterine growth retardation
ACE/ARBs C/I in pregnancy -*categ D* - high-risk fetal defects, esp. during 1st tri
Statins C/I in pregnancy - *Category X!*
Amiodarone C/I in pregnancy -* Category D*
Spirinolactone C/I in pregnancy -* Category D* → feminization of male fetus
NSAIDS use in pregnancy Okay 1st & 2nd Tri (Categ B) .....but AVOID in 3rd Tri (Categ D!)
Pain control agents - AVOIDED in pregnancy Aspirin, NSAIDS in 3rd Tri
Seizure Tx - AVOIDED in pregnancy Valproate, Carbamazepine, Phenytoin, Phenobarbital
Seizure Tx - DOC in pregnancy Benzodiazepines, Lamotrigine, Mg if peripartum
Anticoagulant agents - DOC in pregnancy *Heparin*; low-dose ASA for high-risk preeclampsia
Anticoagulant agents - AVOIDED in pregnancy Warfarin
NSAIDs used in the 2nd & 3rd Trimester Premature closure of the ductus arteriosus
Thyroid agents - DOC in pregnancy Propylthiouracil (1st tri), Methimazole (2nd & 3rd Tri)
Thyroid agents during 1st Tri: DOC? Avoided? DOC = Propylthiouracil; AVOIDED = Methimazole
Methimazole use in pregnancy C/I in 1st trimester: *Aplasia cutis* ....but DOC in 2nd/3rd trimester
Thyroid agents - AVOIDED in pregnancy Methimazole in 1st trimester
Phenytoin & Carbamazepine ↓ folate absorption! → fetal hydantoin syndrome: *cleft palate, finger hypoplasia, excess hair*
Diabetic Tx in pregnancy use only insulin! - no oral agents
Lithium Congenital heart defects: *Ebstein anomaly*
Valproate ↓ absorption of folate in mother → *neural tube defects*
Isotretinoin and excessive intake of vitamin A Category X -congenital defects (cardiac, cleft palate), high risk miscarriage
Misoprostol synthetic prostaglandin E1 analog; used for ABORTIONS & inducing LABOR or cervical ripening
Created by: newty
Popular Pharmacology sets




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