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Macro Chapter 17

currency the paper bills and coins that are used to buy goods and services
medium of exchange what people trade for goods and services
barter the trade of a good or service without a commonly accepted medium of exchange
double coincidence of wants condition occurring when each party in an exchange transaction happens to have what the other party desires
commodity money the use of an actual good in place of money
commodity-backed money money that can be exchanged for a commodity at a fixed rate
fiat money money that has no value except as the medium of exchange; there is no inherent or intrinsic value
unit of account the measure in which prices are
store of value a means for holding wealth
checkable deposits deposits in bank accounts from which depositors may make withdrawals by writing checks
M(1) the money supply measure that is essentially composed of currency, checkable deposits, and traveler's checks
M(2) the money supply measure that includes everything in M1 plus savings deposits, money market mutual funds, and small-denomination time deposits (CDs)
balance sheet an accounting statement that summarizes a firm's key financial information
assets the items that a firm owns
liabilities the financial obligations a firm owes to others
owner's equity the difference between a firm's assets and its liabilities
reserves the portion of bank deposits that are set aside and not loaned out
fractional reserve banking a system in which banks hold only a fraction of deposits on reserve
bank run event occurring when many depositors attempt to withdraw their funds from a bank at the same time
required reserve ratio the portion of deposits that banks are required to keep on reserve
excess reserves any reserves held by a bank in excess of those required
moral hazard the lack of incentive to guard against risk where one is protected from its consequences
simple money multiplier the rate at which banks multiply money when all currency is deposited into banks and they hold no excess reserves
federal funds deposits that private banks hold on reserve at the Federal Reserve
federal funds rate the interest rate on loans between private banks
discount loans loans from the Federal Reserve to private banks
discount rate the interest rate on the discount loans made by the Federal Reserve to private banks
Open market operations involve the purchase or sale of bonds by a central bank
quantitative easing the targeted use of open market operations in which the central bank buys securities specifically targeting certain markets
Created by: v.virgil
Popular Economics sets




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