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RECF Fundamentals

Alpha (Α or α)
Ohms The omega sign is used, (Ω or ω)
When using any power tools, it is best to know how to ______. operate all switches and controls
Engineering Design Process...Sequentially in order for these steps, step 6 is: test, redesign and rebuild
Engineering Design Process...Sequentially in order for these steps, step 3 is: Brainstorming, Research, and select solution
Which of the following species of wood are classified as softwood? spruce
Civil Engineers ______. Design bridges, roadways, and dams
The hardness of steel may be increased by all of the following except ________. stretching
If you received three full time job offers, one for $12 per hour, one for $1400 per month, and one for $26,500 per year, which job should you take if salary was your only consideration? Assuming you work 40 hours per week. $26500 per year
Mike rode his bike 600 miles and he carried a spare tire on the trip. To provide equal wear on all 3 tires hechanged his tires while traveling. How many miles of wear did each tire accumulate? 600 times 2 is 1200 divided by 3 is = 400 miles of wear per tire
Which of the following won the X prize as the first private company to put a man into space? Space Ship One
In what year was the final moon landing made? 1972
A multi-meter is a device that can measure what? voltage, amperes, and resistance
What units are used to measure the electrical resistance of a circuit? ohms
Robots that run by themselves without human control utilize ______. a micro controller and autonomous programming
The part of the robot that grasps or picks up items is called the ________. manipulator
Motor controllers on a robot are necessary to _________. Send Control signals from the microcontroller (NOT SURE)
One application of a thermal system is in ___________. food preservation
When you compare the actual size of the units of a project with the paper size units of a technical drawing of that project you arrive at _____________. the scale factor for the technical drawing
Friction is a force that acts _________. in an opposite direction to movement
When a hammer falls from a work bench, __________. The kinetic energy of the hammer increases while the potential energy decreases
Recall that V=IR and P=VI. How much power must a 3V battery provide to drive a 15 Ohm load? 3/5 W
Another good way to describe engineering is simply by saying that engineering is solving problems
Which one of the following industrial materials can be detected using a magnet? Ferrous metals
Which company was the first to mass produce the automobile? Ford
When drawing in CAD/CAM, the ______ grid contains points that the cursor automatically moves to during sketching. snap
A 3 view or shop drawing is the same thing as ________ an orthographic projection
If a position is shown relative to the origin, that point is described as what kind of coordinate? Absolute
In manufacturing, what does the acronym QC represent? quality control
What was the first American manned space craft? Mercury
What was the primary function of the US space shuttle? transport astronauts to space
Who was the first astronaut to walk on the moon? Neil Armstrong
It took Apollo 11 how long to fly to the moon? 3 days
What units are used to measure electrical current? Amperes
If the X position is 3.5, the Z position is -0.3, and the Y position is 2, the Cartesian coordinates should be written as: (3.5, 2, -0.3)
In robotics, a holonomic drive train has how many degrees of freedom? 3
Heat energy can be defined as __________. temperature
On a Fahrenheit scale, water boils at _______ degrees. 212
What does the safety color RED represent? danger/emergency and fire equipment
What does the safety color YELLOW represent? walkways, railings, trip hazards, and machine clearance areas
What does the safety color GREEN represent? first aid stations
What is the function of OSHA? to ensure a safe work place for all workers
An object manufactured by a CNC machine is an example of what kind of Rapid Prototyping process? Subtractive
3D printing a object is an example of what kind of Rapid Prototyping Process? Additive
If you are injured, but not seriously, which of the following would you need to do? report it to your supervisor
Which of the following choices of footwear would be safest to wear in a workshop, manufacturing area, or lab? work boots
The upper blade guide on a band saw is used to stabilize the blade when adjusting for differing stock thicknesses. How high should the guide be above the stock to be cut? no more the 0.25 in. above the stock
When cutting curves on a band saw, __ cuts should be used. relief
A push block would be useful and safe when thin or narrow stock is __________. cut on a table saw
When operating a sander, if the sanding disk come loose, one should ________. stop, tighten or replace the sanding disk
One of the most common safety issues with the drill press is ___________. leaving the chuck key in the drill chuck
Why would you need to adjust the speed of the drill press? because different materials have different hardness
When making any adjustments to power tools you should _________. unplug the power tool
An isometric projection is a method for visually representing __________. three dimensional view of an object
Which of the following is not true about an electrical schematic? shows an accurate distance and scale of components in circuit
What kind of drawing requires the taking of dimensions and the creation of sketches of existing items at a construction site? walk down
A person's behavior is always ethical when they _____. follow and expected standard of behavior
All pages must be ____ in an engineering notebook. numbered and in ink
Which scientist developed the laws of motion? Isaac Newton
What is another name for the first law of motion? law of inertia
A pendulum is released from a certain height, it swings through the lowest point and swings upward. The pendulum slows and finally stalls at a height which is a little less than the height at which it is released at. This demonstrates First law of motion
A rubber balloon is blown up and released. It flies around the room as air is pushed out of the balloon. This is the best example of ___________. third law of motion
What formula represents newtons second law? F=MA
Which of the following letters represents the air foil? A wing's shape is called an airfoil, its so that the air traveling over the top of the wing travels farther and faster than the air traveling below the wind
Which of the following letters represents lift? It must equal or exceed gravity, its created by the flow of air over an airfoil
Which of the following letters represents the low pressure zone? Around 1000 millibars (29.54 inches of mercury), it's where the air of two regions collide and is forced upward and a low pressure is produced with the lowest pressure near the center of the storm
Which of the following letters represents high pressure zone? That the air under higher pressure relative to the surrounding air, usually fine, warm weather during summer, and cold, frosty, dry days during winter
Which of the following represents the shoulder? In a humanoid robot that is the first part of the arm
Which of the following letters represents the wrist? That represents the part attached to the hand in between the elbow and hand
Which of the following letters represents manipulator? The area picking up the item in a robot
If the leftmost 36 tooth gear turns counterclockwise, which direction will the rightmost 36 tooth gear turn? Counterclockwise
Which of the following letters represents the elbow? In between wrist and shoulder
How fast must the leftmost 36 tooth gear rotate so that the 84 tooth gear will rotate once per second? 2 1/3 turns per second
Which of these processes converts knowledge into a physical form? Development
Which type of engineer would most likely a bubble gum formula that makes it easy to blow big bubbles? chemical
Which of the following is a problem associated with carbon fiber? high cost
Which of these is least likely to corrode? Titanium
Which of the following has the highest strength to weight ratio? Carbon fiber
Which of the following materials consists of reversible chemical bonds which permit remolding upon heating? Thermoplastics
What does the number on the recycling symbol on the bottom of a plastic container indicate? resin type
Heating polycarbonate plastic is common to create bends in the material. After the heating process is complete and the material returns to room temperature, the material will ________. be more brittle
The following picture depicts what type of corrosion? oxidation of steel
A plane is flying at 1000 meters above the ground and fires a laser 60 degrees of of straight down. what is the distance the light traveled to the ground? 2000 meters
Who was the first American astronaut to fly into space? Alan Sheppard
The first satellite to orbit the earth in 1957? Sputnik 1
Which of the following won the X prize as the first private company to put a man into space? Space Ship One
in 1969, mankind landed on which celestial body other than earth? Earths moon
A temperature of 376 degrees K is equal to _____ degrees F? 217
Who was the first astronaut to walk on the moon? Neil Armstrong
A temperature of 70 degrees c is equal to _______ degrees F. 158
What does OSHA stand for? Occupational Safety and health administration
Which of the following is the best reason for rapid prototyping? To decrease development time
When using the drill press, It is a best practice to ________. Clamp the stock down to the drill table
The scale factor of a project is important to determine because ____. it will help you solve all the other unknown size factors of the scale model
Engineering Design Process...Sequentially in order for these steps, step 2 is: Identify criteria and constraints
An air conditioner can output 10000 BTU per hour. This is the equivalent of __________ kilowatts, given that 1 BTU/h= 0.000293 3.0
What formula represents Newtons second law? F=MA
A pendulum is released from a certain height. It swings through the lowest point and swings upward. The pendulum slows and finally stalls at a height which is a little less than the height it was released at. This demonstrates the following law of motion? 1st
In 1969, mankind landed on which celestial body other than earth? Earths moon
Motor controllers on a robot are necessary to _________? Send Control signals from the microcontroller (NOT SURE)
A robots microcontroller primarily serves which of the following functions? It runs the downloaded program
Orange represents safety guards and pinch points
When using a belt/disc sander, _____ should be used to keep the sander from throwing the stock. stop
First human space flight First human space flight
In the acronym STEAM, what does the "A" stand for? Arts
Computer engineers _______. integrate the fields of electrical engineering and computer science to develop computer hardware and software
Mechanical engineers ________. designs systems with gears, drivers, power, and torque
A robotic arm designed for an assembly line in a production plant would be created by: A team composed of engineers from several areas of engineering
Manufacturing engineers _________. develop systems, machines and equipment that turn raw materials in a new product
The difference between hardwood and softwood is _________. hardwoods are from deciduous trees, softwoods are from coniferous trees
Which of the following is the most widely used home construction material? Dimensional Lumber
Wood veneers are used to _________. cover less expensive wood
Which of the following materials has the lowest density? Aluminum
Composite materials in general are anisotropic, this means the properties of the material are ___________. directionally dependent
Which of the following materials has the highest strength to weight ratio? Carbon Fiber
Alloys are _____. a mixture of two or more metals to create a metal with different properties
Brass is an alloy made of two different metals. Which of the following metals are found in brass? Copper and Zinc
The hardness of certain metals can be increased by _____. quenching
Which type of process is used to manufacturing plastic water bottles? Blow molding
What are plastic made from? hydrocarbons
Heating polycarbonate plastic is common to create bends in the material. After the heating process is complete and the material returns to room temperature, the material will ________. be more brittle
What do the number in the recycling symbol from the bottom of a plastic container indicate? resin type
Thermoplastic materials become ________ when heated. soft
What type of current does a car battery use? Direct current
What type of current does a house use? Alternating current
A car battery is ___________. 6 cells in series totaling 12.6 Volts
The teeth on a band saw point in which direction? downwards
In order for an engineer to become a Professional Engineer (PE), he or she must successfully complete the following: All of the above
Which of these materials is safe to touch? Iron
Understanding early space history relative to today's technological development is _________________________? the reason behind developing increasingly smaller, cheaper, lighter and faster processing technologies in use today.
Injection molding is predominantly used in _____. thermoplastic processes
Which is not a property of Polycarbonate plastic: Brittle
Which of the following materials makes stainless steel rust resistant? Chromium
Which metal is added to copper to make Bronze? Tin
Polymers are the primary building blocks for which of the following material? Plastics
What is not a chemical engineer project? Figure out how to communicate via Bluetooth
Understanding space history and its technological advances is _________. the reason behind developing increasingly smaller, cheaper, lighter, and faster technologies in use today
What type of fracture is seen in the part depicted in the figure? Stress fracture
A model boat has a scale of 1 inch = 5 feet. If the length of the real boat is 45 feet, how long will the model boat be? 9 inches
When drawing in CAD/CAM, the _______ grid contains points that the cursor automatically moves during sketching. snap
Safety color BLUE represents: Caution regarding equipment under repair or shut down
When using the drill press, it is a best practice to _______. clamp the stock down to the drill table
An engineering notebook must be bound such as a composition notebook so pages cannot be added or removed
If an object is 10 feet above the ground and then it is raised to 20 feet, what is the effect on the object's potential energy? increased by a factor of 2
A new efficient vehicle would be designed by a team of engineers from many disciplines working together
Composite materials are made from two or more materials when mixed together ____-? make a new uniform material
Which of the following choices would be safest if you were observing someone using power tools? Stand at least 3 ft. away from the operator and wear safety glasses
A major hazard when working with power tools is that clothes and other personal items can unintentionally get caught in the power tool. Which of the following would be the most safe when working with power tools? short sleeved t-shirt
Typically, spur gears are used for which applications? all of the above
When using a bench belt sander, proper operation includes _____. keep the wood moving to avoid heating or burning
Heating polycarbonate plastic is common to create bends in the material. After the heating process is complete and the material returns to room temperature, the material will ____________? be discolored
A plane is flying at 1000 meters above the ground and fires a laser 60 degrees of straight down. What is the distance the light traveled to the ground? 2000 meters
What id the hexi-decimal number for the decimal 11? 0B
The volume occupied by a fixed amount of gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature, if the pressure remains constant, is the definition of? Charle's Law
The angle between the chord line of the wing where the wing is mounted to the fuselage, and a reference axis along the fuselage is... angle of incidence
The hardness of steel can be increased by which of the following methods? sintering
Which is the binary representation of 10? 00001010
Frequency is measured in __________. Hertz
Convert 45 degrees C to degrees F 113
Use the Ideal Gas Law to determine the pressure in atmospheres of a gas, given a volume of 0.886 L, the number of molecules, n = 0.00801 mol, and temperature of 311 K. The gas constant, R, is 0.08206 L•atm/mol•K. .231 atm
Which of the following species of wood are classified as a conifer? spruce
Pneumatics systems require __________. compressor
What is the common name for to seperate metals that are combined into one? alloy
What is a main component of portland concrete? silicon
What is the air pressure at sea level on a standard day? 14.7 psi
What units are used to measure electrical resistance? ohms
Hydraulics systems require __________. fluids such as oil or water to operate
Which of the following is not an engineering drawing? artistic rendering
The following are 4 steps of the Engineering Design Cycle. If you place them in order, which of the following would be Step 2? brainstorm
Where is the safest place to stand when operating a band saw? directly in front of the machine
According to the second law of thermodynamics, __________. entropy will increase forever
Which of the following is not measured by frequency? heat
The 2nd Law of thermodynamics states... The total entropy of both a system and its surrounding will never decrease
convert 104 degrees F to degrees C 40
Objects at rest tend to remain at rest; objects in motion tend to remain in motion at the same speed and direction, until acted upon, is a definition of? Newton's 1st Law of Motion?
Pre-stressed concrete is concrete that is __________. used in areas for heavy loads to allow bending and flexing
The aspect ratio of a wing is useful to engineers because it helps to calculate lift and drag. What is the aspect ratio of a rectangular wing if the wingspan is 20 meters and the width ofthe wing, known as the chord length, is 2 meters? 10
Green compressed gas bottle represents? Oxygen
The mechanical advantage of a machine is __________. the distance the input moves divided by the distance the output moves
Relative humidity is... The ratio of the amount of water vapor actually present in the atmosphere to the amount that would be present if the air were saturated at the prevailing temperature and pressure.
Mike rode his bike 2100 miles and he carried a spare tire on the trip. To provide equal wear on all 3 tires, he changed his tires while traveling. How many miles of wear did each tire accumulate? 1400
If an airplane is not accelerating and is not climbing in altitude which is true? Lift is equal to Drag and Weight is equal to Thrust
The hardness of steel can be increased by which of the following methods? Sintering
A tensile test consists of a material that is subject to __________. uniaxial tension until failure
An increase in the speed of a fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in static pressure or a decrease in the fluid's potential energy. Bernouli's Priniple
If you received three full time job offers, one for $12.50 per hour, one for $2200 per month, and one for $26,000 per year, which job should you take if salary was your only consideration? $2200 per month
Created by: Nmara81
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