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pharm unit 6


Hives, itchy rash and angioedema indicate what after antibiotic administration? allergic reactions
What can diarrhea, bloody stool, abdominal cramping and low grade fever indicate in a patient who is taking anitbiotics? c.diff
Diarrhea, upset stomach and yeast infections are common side effects of what type of treatment? antibiotic
eating yogurt or taking a lactobacillus pill will help avoid what in relation to antibiotic use? yeast infections
pseudomembranous colitis is also known as what c.difficile
when monitoring a patient for an adverse reaction to antibiotics, what are you watching for? falling blood pressure, hives, angioedema, tachycardia and difficulty breathing
penicillin, tetracyclines, aminoglycosides and erythromycin cover what spectrum of antibiotics? broad
what antibiotics fight rapidly dividing bacteria and usually found on the skin, mucous membranes, respiratory tract, in the ear, bone and blood? cell wall synthesis inhibitors
what type of antibiotics are used for infections such as strep, tonsillitis, otis media, UTI and wound infections? cell wall synthesis inhibitors
penicillin, cephalosporin, monobactam, carbapenem and vancomycin are what class of antibiotic? cell wall synthesis inhibitors
Amoxicllin, Penicillin G, Penicillin V, and Ampicillin are in what group of cell wall synthesis inhibitors? Many people are allergic to these meds... penicillin (PCN)
what cell wall synthesis inhibitors are divided into 1st 2nd and 3rd generation drugs? cephalosporins
Which generation of cephalosporin are - cefdinir / omnicef, cefoxitin / mefoxin? 2nd
Which generation of cephalosporins are - cefazolin / ancef, cephalexin / keflex? 1st
Which generation of cephalosporins are - cefotaxime / clafaron, ceftiaxone / rocephin? 3rd
What cephalosporin has an increased ability to reach the CSF and often used in the treatment of meningitis? cefotaxime
Which generation of cephalosporins have a broader spectrum of use? 3rd
What cell wall synthesis medication can cause confusion and seiures? carbapenems such as Meropenem
What cell wall synthesis medication can reduce kidney function and phlebitis.? carbapenems and vancomycin
cell wall synthesis inhibitors can cause this and is a histamine release that results in a rash, redness of the face, neck, upper chest, upper back and arms. Also, a drop in blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias. red man syndrome
prevent redman syndrome by running IV vancomycin for how long? for at least 1 hour
If redman syndrome develops from cell wall synthesis inhibitor what will you do with the infusion? slow the flow rate, monitor the patient and call the dr for directions
What prevent bacteria protein synthesis and include: protein synthesis inhibitors
aminoglycosides, macrolides, tetracyclines, clindamycin and streptomycin(used for TB) are in what class of antibiotics? protein synthesis inhibitors
What group of protein synthesis inhibitors are used for burns, meningitis, joint and bone infections, intrabdominal infections, peritonitis and sepsis? aminoglycosides
gentamicin / g-mycin, tobramycin / nebcin, neomycin / mycifradin and streptomycin are what type of meds aminoclycoside antibiotics
What antibiotics carry a significant risk of ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity? aminoglycosides
Aminoglycosides side effects include muscle weakness and what? respiratory distress
Aminoglycosides have a narrow therapeutic range so what needs to be ordered to monitor closely? peak and troughs
Macrolides are in what class of antibiotic? protein synthesis inhibitors
azithromycin / zithromax, erythromycin / e-mycin, and clarithromycin / biaxin, are in what group of protein synthesis inhibitors? macrolides
what group of protein synthesis inhibitors are used for skin and wound infections, middle ear infections, upper and lower respiratory tract infections and genital tract infections? macrolides
What macrolide causes severe GI distress in most patients, and should be taken with food? erythromycin
How long should an IV administer erythromycin? 8-12 hours
What should be avoided when taking macrolides? sun
demeclycycline/declomycin, doxycycline/adoxa, minocycline/arestin and tetracycline/tetracon are in what group of protein synthesis inhibitors? tetracyclines
What is used for used for acne, UTI, skin and mucous membrane infections, upper and lower respiratory tract infections, Rocky mountain spotted fever, syphilis, Lyme disease, and typhoid fever? tetracycline meds
What medication causes a sore tongue, GI distress and a rash? tetracyclines
tetracyclines can cause discoloration of the teeth. Inadequate tooth or bone development in patients who are what? pregnant or younger than 8 years old
what can outdated tetracyclines cause? nephrotoxicity
Instruct the patient to take oral forms of tetracyclines with a full glass of water to prevent what? esophageal irritation
Clindamycin/cleocin and linezolid/zyvox are also covered under what class of antibiotic? protein synthesis inhibitors
Clindamycin/cleocin and linezolid/zyvox can cause hypertension due to what? constricted blood vessels
what type of food should be avoided with clinamycin/cleocin and clinezolid/zyox and include pickled foods, processed meats, aged cheese, beer, red wine , soy and sauerkraut? tyramine
what class of medications in clude include sulfonamides & trimethoprim? metabolism inhibitors
What medications are mostly commonly used for the treatment of UTIs but also for Otis media, pneumonia, infections diarrhea, non-bacterial infections and are a good choice for those that are allergic to penicillin? sulfonamides and trimethoprim
Metabolism inhibitors carry a risk for anemia and decreased white blood cell count from what? bone marrow suppression
What should you ask a patient who is prescribed a metabolism inhibitor? are you allergic to sulfa?
adverse affects of metabolism inhibitors include Steven Johnson Syndrome that presents with peeling, sloughing, blister formation and skin eruptions. Also, noninfectious Hepatitis so patient’s LFTs should be monitored and assess the patient for what? jaundice
what metabolism inhibitor is used for UTIs, bronchitis and ear infections sulfonamides
What is the most common sulfonamide antibiotc? Bactrim DS / sulfamethoxazole-trimethropin
Instruct the patient to stay well hydrated by drinking at least 3L of water per day to prevent what? dehydration, crystalluria or urinary stones
While taking a sulfonamide if the patient is also taking a thiazide what should you check? for anemia
What severe reaction is sulfonamide likely to cause? skin
Metabolism inhibitors fluoroquinolones are commonly used for respiratory infections, GI, and some what? skin infections
cipro/ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin/levaquin are medications primarily excreted by what organ? the kidneys
what medication is approved for the treatment of prophylaxis of Anthrax? Ciprofloxacin
What medication has a relationship with Steven Johnson syndrome? lovofloxacin
Common side effects of fluoroquinolones are GI distress, headache, rash and what? nightmares
Adverse effects of what metabolism inhibitors include increased pressure in the brain, peripheral neuropathy, tendon rupture, dysrhythmias, and liver failure. fluoroquinolones
why are fluoroquinolones cautiously used in children b/c of affects on cartilage
Teach the patient to take fluoroquinolones with a full glass of water, to avoid iron supplements and antacids 2 hours before and 4 hours after taking. To avoid the sun and to report any ... pain or swelling of the joints
If patient is taking a medication of arrythmias and a fluoroquinolone, what should be monitored? the patients heart
MRSA contact isolations at home include cleaning any soiled area with wound drainage with what? 1:10 bleach solution
VRE stands for what intestinal organism
Resistant strains of diseases can be acquired where? in the community and from hospitals
what are resistant strains of diseases treated with? vancomycin and zyvox
what drug is commonly used in the last resort effort with multiple resistant strains of bacteria (ex. MRSA – methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus)? MRSA
vancomycin levels of what should be monitored? peak and trough
why should a patients kidneys be monitored when vancomycin is being administered? b/c of adverse effect of nephrotoxicity
What is the IV infusion rate for vancomycin? no less than 1 hour
When giving vancomycin via IV what is causes severe hypotension, and a rash of the face, neck, chest and arms? Redman syndrome
Anti-retro viral medications for HIV delay the onset of symptoms, delay the development of AIDS, and .. block the replication of HIV
Does everyone with HIV develop AIDS? no
zodovudine/AZT, Ritonovir/Norvir, truvada/emtricitabine-tenofovir are what class of medications? anti-retro virals
what is the only anti-retro viral medication approved for pre-exposure prophylaxis? truvada/emtricitabine-tenofovir
What side effects does the patient report when taking an anti-retro viral med? sore throat, chills, cough and fever
Monitor liver and kidney function, BUN levels and urine output daily when taking what kind of medication? anti-retro viral med
Antiviral medications are used to reduce the duration of illness by controlling ? viral reporducation
zovirax / acyclovir Valtrex / valacyclovir Ribaviran Symmetrel / amatadine Tamiflu / oseltamir are what type of medications? antivarals
antivirals are used for Used for Herpes 1 and 2, cytomegalovirus (CMV), Varicella Zoster (VZ) and what? epstein barr virus (mono)
who should not take or be around Ribaviran? pregnant women
symmetrel and tamilflu are used to shorten the duration of what virus flu
what adverse side effect should be watched for when a patient is taking antiviral medications? bone marrow suppression / bleeding
-> Anti-tubercular medications are used to treat TB
TB cases must be reported to Health Department, governed by the CDC
Symptoms of TB include, cough, pain, fever, night sweats and weight loss
TB is an airborne virus so always wear n-95 when in contact with
Rifampin Isoniazid (INH) are what class of medication? anit-tubercular medications
what is the only drug used for prophylactic therapy for 1 year and can cause hepatitis isoniazid
Rifampin will cause reddish orange urine
Treatment of TB: requires the patient be on meds a minimum of _________ is they have a compromised immune system or have a drug resistant strand of TB 6 months or more if immunocompromised
what should be monitored in TB patients? compliance and sputum studies
what Infections include both systemic and superficial mycotic
what mycotic infections affect internal organs and can be fatal. systemic
what mycotic infections are of the nails which will cause them to be thick, yellow and brittle. Mucus infections of the vagina or mouth and mycotic infection of the skin such as ringworm, athlete’s foot, jock itch, perineal rash, and rashes under skin fol superficial
Amphotericin B Flucanazole / Diflucan Nizoral / Ketaconazole are which mycotic infection med? systemic
Fuvicin / Griseofulvin Miconazole / Monistat Nystatin / Mycostatin Terbinafine / Lamisil Tolnaftate / Tinactin Clortrimazole / gyne-Lotrimin are what mycotic infection treatment meds? superficial
What medications require that you teach the patient to Avoid food or drink for 30 minutes after taking orally. Lie down after performing a vaginal administrations Take antifungals after you have taken your other oral medications. Report any skin irrita antifungal medications
Systemic antifungal medications cause liver damage
Never give antifungal medications ending in ____ with grapefruit because it will reduce the effectiveness of the medication. -azole
what do most antifungals cause? photosensitivity
Corticosteroids, Disease-Modifying Anti-rheumatic drugs, Cytotoxic Drugs and Selective Immunosuppressants. what class of medications are these? immunosuppressive medications
what do immunosuppressive meds treat? Autoimmune Disease and to decrease Transplant Reaction
Azathioprine Mycophenolate Sirolimus Everolimus Cyclosporine Tacrolimus Muromonab-cd3 Basiliximab Daclizumab Ant thymocyte globulin-equine Ant thymocyte globulin-rabbit what type of medications are these? immunosuppressives
what should be avoided in people who are taking immunosuppressive medcations? crowds and people who are ill
what term means that a medications kills cancer and healthy cells? cytotoxic
______________is when the medication leaks into tissue and causes tissue damage. extravasation
Chemo meds can cause bone Marrow Suppression resulting in neutropenia, thrombocytopenia and anemia
adverse effects of chemo include n/v, mucosistis, alopecia and changes in cognition. what should be done for the patient in terms of n/v and mucositis? for n/v, before chemo administrations give patient Zofran, Reglan and Phenergan. Lidocaine mouthwash for mucositis
what is the only thing that will cause a doctor to stop chemotherapy? severe dehydration, profuse bleeding or active infection
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