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N370-03: Renal

Disease/Patho pt. 1

Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) Shows how well the kidneys are filtering out wastes and removes excess water (through making urine).
Regulation (of fluids, electrolytes, ABGs), removal (of wastes), hormonal (BP control and RBC production) What are the three main functions of our kidneys? *review circles diagram*
Na, K, Phosphorus, Ca Nephrons play a role in absorption, resorption, and reabsorption of the following electrolytes: _____, _______, _____, ______. (Regulation function)
Sodium; Potassium Nephrons reabsorb ______ and waste _____.
Phosphorus; Calcium ______ and _____ have an inverse relationship (when one is high, the other one is low and vice versa).
Urea Kidneys are responsible for the removal of _____; was originally ammonia until broken down by the liver; byproduct of PROTEIN CATABOLISM. (Removal function)
Vitamin D ______ is important to absorb and reabsorb calcium; lack thereof can cause osteoporosis. (Hormonal function)
Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Kidneys activate _____ where renin converts angiotensinogen into into angiotensin I (in the liver) -> cascade begins -> converted to angiotensin II (in the lungs) -> release of aldosterone and vasoconstricts (Hormonal function)
Erythropoietin (EPO) ______ stimulates RBC production within the bone marrow; this is decreased with renal failure and leads to anemia. (Hormonal function)
Baroreceptors ______ are vessels that detect a drop in BP.
True T or F: when BP drops -> baroreceptors signal the activation of RENIN -> renin converts angiotensinogen to ANGIOTENSIN I -> angiotensin I (in the liver) is converted with angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) to ANGIOTENSIN II (in the lungs)
False; angiotensin II T or F: Angiotensin I is what causes sympathetic and aldosterone activity (reabsorption of sodium and wasting of potassium); plays a role in vasoconstriction and release of ADH (retains water)
ACE inhibitors (-pril); ARBS (-sartan) _____ works against the ACE enzyme during the RAAS system; ____ is another RAAS inhibitor.
Vasoconstriction; vasodilation _____ increases BP within vascular walls; _____ decreases BP within vascular walls.
Pre-renal, Intrarenal, Post-renal causes What are 3 main causes of renal dysfunction?
Pre-renal _____ is caused by anything that comes BEFORE the kidney - usually d/t hypoperfusion.
Pre-renal _____ issues are caused by reduced ECV, CVD (pump failure) such as MI, HF, tamponade, dysrhythmia, shock states such as sepsis, anaphylaxis, hypovolemia, obstructed blood flow, thrombosis/stenosis.
Intra-renal ______ is caused by anything that happens WITHIN the kidney unit itself.
Intra-renal ______ issues are caused by ischemia and intracellular changes d/t low ECV i.e. nephritis, HIV nephropathy, transfusion reactions, DM, SLE DIC, glomerulonephritis, nephrotoxins i.e. CONTRAST MEDIA, ABX (vanco tox), and NSAIDS, trauma, & HTN (vessels d/o).
Contrast media (during CT scans) ______ is the most common cause of hospital intrarenal damage.
Post-renal ______ occurs AFTER the kidneys (ureters - bladder - urethra).
Post-renal ______ issues are caused by stones (calculi), clots, tumors, BPH, swollen prostate leading to ureteral obstruction, bladder obstruction, and urethral obstruction -> will back-up to kidneys.
Renal insufficiency, Acute renal failure, Chronic renal failure, End-stage renal disease What are the main types of kidney dysfunctions?
Renal insufficiency ______ is a forewarning of impending kidney damage; reversible renal problem; functions continue; 75% nephron function lost; toxins accumulate; general s/sx; Cr <2; mild anemia
Acute renal failure _____ is a forewarning of impending kidney damage but is already present; somehow reversible/stopped from progressing; body demands not met; Cr >5; oliguria to anuria; volume retention; HTN
Chronic renal failure _____ irreversible stage and can only be managed (dialysis); body demands not met; Cr >5; oliguria to anuria; volume retention; HTN
End-stage renal disease ______ irreversible stage and can only be managed (candidate for transplant if dialysis is not working); fails permanently; dialysis/transplant to sustain life; uremic syndrome; Cr >10; high Na, K, PO4, low Ca, acidosis
Receives 24% of perfusion; most sensitive to hypoperfusion and dec. cardiac output; poor UO -> poor renal perfusion -> good indicator that something's wrong with C.O. What are some characteristics of the kidneys (stingy twins)?
Onset, Oliguric (very low UO -> fluid retention), Diuretic (very high UO -> good fluid loss), Recovery (inc GFR, dec BUN/Cr) What are the phases of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)?
IV saline drips; mucomyst ______ and ______ is the most effective pre-contrast media prophylaxis.
Created by: yortiz
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