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Useful words

034 Commonly used words in advanced everyday speech

audible able to be heard
teeming full to the brim; full of
ambled walked slowly
fallow plowed, but left unsown to restore fertility
interjected interrupted; said or put it out of turn
indignant giving or showing anger
subdued quiet and reflective
muffle to make a sound quieter
vanity taking excessive pride in one's own appearance
coddling being overprotective
vex to make annoyed
haggard looking exhausted and unwell
stealthily with slyness; sneakily
dismayed sad and sometimes deeply depressed
emit to give off; produce; discharge
resolved solved; made better by actions
adamantly in a stubborn manner
meticulously very careful and precise
exasperated irritated intensely
prospects chances or opportunities for success or wealth
intriguing interesting
admonished to warn someone firmly
disposition a person's inherent qualities of mind and character
raucous making a loud and disturbing noise
pensively reflecting deeply or involvingly
emaciated thin or weak
undaunted not intimiated or discouraged by danger, difficulty, or disappointment
disdainfully disrespectfully
morosely being ill-tempered and sullen
flounced to make actions over-exxagerated
monotonous dull, tedious, and repetetive
temerity excessive confidence or boldness
mavericle an unorthodox or independent-minded person
imperiously arrogantly or overbearingly
Created by: chris_camp
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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