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Vocab 3, med term

G, H, I

G good
g gram
GAS general adaptive syndrome
gastrocs gastrocnemius muscles
GB gallbladder
GC gonorrhea
GCS glascow coma scale
GER gerontology
GH glenohumeral
GI gastrointestinal
gluts gluteals
gm gram
GMT gross muscle test
GSH gun shot wound
Gr. grain
Gt. gait
gtt drops
GSW gun shot wound
GU genitourinary
GYN gynecology
H2 histamine
h. hr hour
H&H, H/H hematocrit and hemoglobin
H&P history and physical
HA, H/A headache
HAb horizontal abduction
HAd horizontal adduction
hams hamstring
HAV Hepititis A virus
Hb, Hgb hemoglobin
HBP high blood pressure
HBV hepatitis B virus
HCVD hypertensive cardiovascular disease
HCT, hct hemocrit
HDL high density lipioprotein
HEA higher education act
HEENT head, ears, eyes, nose, throat
hemi hemiplegia
HEP bone exercise program
HF heart failure
HI head injury
HI hearing impaired
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HGB, hgb hemoglobin
HMO health maintenance organization
HNP herniated nucleus pulposus
H/O history of
HOB head of bed
horiz. horizontal
H.P. hot pack
HPI history of present illness
HR heart rate
hr., hr hour
hs at bedtime
HS high school
HS hours of sleep
HSV herpes simplex virus
ht. height
Ht hematocrit
HT hubbard tank
Htn, HTN hypertension
Hx, hx history
Hypo hypodermic
Hz hertz
I independent
I&D incision and drainage
I&O intake and output
IADL instrumental activities of daily living
IBS irritable bowel syndrome
IC inspiratory capacity
ICF, I.C.F. intracellular fluid
ICF immediate care facility
ICU intensive care unit
ICP intermittent compression pump
ICP intracranial pressure
ICT intermittent cervical traction
ID intradermal
IDDM insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
IEP individual education program
IFC interferential current
IH infectious hepatitis
ILC independent living center
IM intramuscular
imp. impression
in. inches
ind. indications
indep independent
inf inferior
inhal inhalation
inj injection
int. internal
inv inversion
IP interphalangeal
IPTX intermittent pelvic traction
IQ intelligence quotient
IR internal rotation
IRV inspritory reserve volume
IS intercostal space
IU international units
IV intravenous
IVF inferior vena cava
Created by: haleyk
Popular Sports Medicine sets




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