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263 CH22

263 EXAM 2

arteries carry oxygenated blood from heart to capillaries, thick and strong
major arteries of arm brachial, radial, ulnar
major arteries of leg femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis, posterior tibial
veins carry deoxygenated blood, nutrient depleted blood from the tissues back to the heart
lower half of the body drains upward via valves preventing backflow
deep veins femoral and popliteal
superficial veins small and great saphenous vein
perforator veins connect superficial to deep
capillaries help maintain equilibrium between vascular and interstitial fluid
lymphatic system primary function to drain excess fluid and protein from bodily tissues and return to venous system, fights infection, absorbs fats from small intestine into bloodstream
lymph nodes filter
lymphedema swelling caused by a buildup of lymph fluid, caused by cancer treatments
edema swelling on any part of the body
right cervical node drains right lymphatic duct
arterial insufficiency cold, pale, clammy skin, thin and shiny skin, hair loss
venous insufficiency warm skin, edema, brown pigmentation
peripheral artery disease hallmark sign intermittent claudication located in calves, aching in feet and toes while laying flat, cool skin, redness, increased infection
PVD symptoms heaviness and aching of legs aggravated by standing or sitting, poor wound healing
varicose veins hereditary, caused by increase venous pressure and venous pooling
venous ulcers lower leg, medial ankle, superficial and pale
peripheral edema obstruction of lymphatic flow or venous insufficiency, incompetent valves, decreased osmotic pressure
DVT risk factors injury to veins (fracture/ surgery), bed rest, limited movement, increased estrogen, heart and lung cancer
leg and foot ulcers reduce tissue perfusion and wound oxygenation
enlarged lymph nodes systemic or local infection
oral contraceptive use increases risk for thrombophlebitis, raynaud's, hypertension and edema
aspirin inhibits platelet aggregation, increases blood flow
septic shock capillary beds refill longer than 2 seconds
allen test evaluates patency of radial and ulnar arteries, essential before arterial sampling
homan's test used to detect blood clot in vessel
epitrochlear lymphatics from ulnar surface drain, assessed is venous or arterial insufficiency is suspected, infections in arm seen
ankle brachial index ratio of ankle systolic BP to arm systolic BP, 1 is normal
ABI 0.7 borderline perfusion to extremity
ABI 0.9 minor lower extremity arterial disease
ABI < .49 critical, severe ischemia
trendelenburg test competence of saphenous vein valves and retrograde (backward) filling of superficial veins
retrograde filling rapid filling of superficial varicose veins from above after tourniquet is removed
doppler rebounding ultrasound waves produce a whooshing sound when echoing from an artery and non pulsating from a vein
older adult peripheral vascular system may not experience coldness, color change, numbness, abnormal sensations, lymphatic tissue lost due to less lymph nodes,
arteriosclerosis calcification of arteries causes them to become more rigid
dependent edema results from sodium and water retention, constant voiding
venous assessment of lower extremities inspection and palpation
arterial insufficiency pain intermittent claudication to sharp, unrelenting, constant, diminished or absent pulses
arterial ulcer characteristics tips of toes, heels, pressure areas, very painful, deep often involving joint space, circular, pale black to dry and gangrene
venous insufficiency pain aching and cramping
venous insufficiency skin pigmentation in medial and lateral malleolus, hyper-pigmented lower limbs, thick and tough, reddish blue color, dermatitis
venous ulcer characteristics superficial depth, irregular border, base granulation tissue, beefy red to yellow in chronic ulcer, leg edema moderate to severe
peripheral artery disease hardening of the arteries
atherosclerosis arteries become narrowed or blocked when plaque gradually forms on artery walls (reduced blood flow)
peripheral artery disease untreated increase risk of heart attack, stroke, amputation
intermittent claudication painful cramping in calves due to restricted blood flow close to area of arterial occlusion
severe sepsis weak pulse
ischemic rest pain pain occurs at rest
2mm edema +1
4mm edema +2
6mm edema +3, one extremity is larger than the other
8mm +4, severe gross edema
raynaud disease vasospasm or vasoconstriction of fingers and toes, pallor, cyanosis and redness, swelling pain tingling numbness throbbing coldness
superficial thrombophlebitis results from thrombus formation in superficial veins, unilateral pain, achiness, edema, redness, warm
homan's sign positive for tenderness/ pain in calf muscles when flexing knee, aching cramping while dorsiflexed foot
aortic aneurysm weakening of the aortic wall, failure of elastin and collagen
enlarged epitrochlear nodes infection in arm/ fingers
veins contain blood volume 70%
Created by: ahommel
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