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Ch. 4 & 7 Key Vocab

Folk Culture Culture traditionally practiced by a small, homogeneous, rural group living in relative isolation from other groups
Popular Culture Culture found in a large, heterogeneous society that shares certain habits despite differences in other personal characteristics
Material Culture The physical manifestations of human activities; includes tools, campsites, art, and structures. The most durable aspects of culture
Nonmaterial Culture Ideas, knowledge and beliefs that influence people's behavior
Hierarchical Diffusion Idea spreads to a few select people 1st before going to others
Assimilate The process through which people lose originally differentiating traits, such as dress, speech particularities or mannerisms, when they come into contact with another society or culture
Culture A particular group's material characteristics, behavioral patterns, beliefs, social norms, and attitudes that are shared and transmitted.
Cultural Appropriation A situation where a dominant social or cultural group takes an expression, idea, or product from an oppressed cultural group and uses it for its own benefit
Contagious Diffusion Idea spreads out in all directions to all people
Ethnic Neighborhood An area within a city containing members of the same ethnic background
Authenticity In the context of local cultures or customs, the accuracy with which the single stereotypical or typecast image or experience conveys an otherwise dynamic and complex local culture or its customs
Distance Decay The diminishing in importance and eventual disappearance of a phenomenon with increasing distance from its origin.
Relocational Diffusion People move from hearth
Reterritorialization When a culture trait moves to another "territory" something about it changes to reflect the culture/norms of that new place
Cultural Landscape The visible imprint of human activity and culture on the landscape
Placelessness Defined by the geographer Edward Relph as the loss of uniqueness of place in the cultural landscape so that one place looks like the next
Acculturation The adoption of cultural traits, such as language, by one group under the influence of another.
Time-Space Compression The reduction in the time it takes to diffuse something to a distant place, as a result of improved communications and transportation system
Hearth The region from which innovative ideas originate
Dowry Deaths Disputes over the price to be paid by the family of the bride to the father of the groom (the dowry) have, in some extreme cases, led to the death of the bride
Identity How we make sense of ourselves; how people see themselves at different scales
Identifying Against Constructing an identity by first defining the "other" and then defining ourselves as "not the others"
Race Identity with a group of people who are perceived to share a physiological trait, such as skin color
Racism The belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
Sense of Place The emotive bonds and attachments people develop or experience in particular locations and environments, at scales ranging from the home to the nation.
Ethnocentrism The feeling that one's own ethnic group is superior
Ethnicity Identity with a group of people who share the cultural traditions of a particular homeland or hearth
Gendered Places designed for men or women
Residential Segregation The degree to which two or more groups live separately from one another, in different parts of the urban environment
Cultural Homogenization The tendency toward uniformity of ideas, values, technologies, and institutions among associated culture groups.
Habit A repetitive act performed by a particular individual
Taboo A restriction on behavior imposed by social custom
Xenophobia Fear of people who are from other countries
Stimulus Diffusion Idea leaves hearth and hits a barrier; changes in order to spread behind barrier
Created by: hnajamie
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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