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Example Sentences With Translations

Tookyoo no eki wa Tookyoo-eki dake desu ka? Is Tokyo Station the only station in Tokyo?
eki no mukoo beyond the station
mukoo no eki the station beyond
biru no mae (in) front of the building
eki no mae no biru the building in front of the station
Tanaka-san no usiro in back of Mr/s. Tanaka
ano mise no aida between those stores
deguti to baiten no aida between the exit and the concession stand
watasi to tomodati no aida between my friend and me
baiten to denwa no aida no toire the toilet between the concession stand and the telephone
deguti no mukoo no baiten no usiro (in)back of the concession stand beyond the exit
Mukoo ga eki desu ka? Is OVER THERE the station?
Mukoo wa eki desu ka? Is over there THE STATION?
Mukoo no eki desu It's the station beyond
Mukoo no desu It's the one beyond
Ano siroi biru no mukoo desu It's beyond that white building
Ano siroi no no mukoo desu It's beyond that white one
Mukoo no eki no mae desu It's in front of the station over there.
Mukoo no no mae desu It's in front of the one over there
eki no saki up ahead of the station
sukosi saki a little ahead
motto saki farther ahead
mit-tu saki three ahead
Tookyoo ni arimasu It's in Tokyo
Usiro ni arimasita It was in back
Eki ni arimasu ka? Is it in the station?
Kono zisyo ni arimasu ne? It's in this dictionary--right?
Paaku-biru, dotira ni arimasu ka? Where (i.e., in what place)is the Park Building?
Kono eki ni arimasu There's [one] in this station
Kono eki ni wa arimasu ga.. There is [one] in this station (at least), but...' (I'm not commenting on other stations)
Kono eki ni mo arimasu There's [one] in this station, too
Denwa wa kotira ni mo arimasu Telephones are HERE, too (in addition to other places)
Denwa mo kotira ni arimasu TELEPHONES are here, TOO (in addition to other things)
Tomodati wa kinoo zisyo o ni-satu kaimasita A friend bought two dictionaries yesterday
Eki wa motto saki ni arimasu The station is farther AHEAD
Eki ga motto saki ni arimasu A/THE STATION is farther ahead
Motto saki ni eki ga arimasu Farther ahead there's A/THE STATION.
Motto saki ni eki wa arimasu ga Farther ahead there IS a station (at least), but...' (I'm not commenting on other things)
Motto saki ni wa eki wa arimasu ga.. Farther ahead (at least) there IS a station (at least) but ... ' (I'm not commenting on what things are in other places).
Motto saki ni eki wa arimasen ka? Is(n't) there a station (for one thing) farther ahead? (Asking directions: the speaker hopes there IS a station but [politely] implies the possibility of a negative)
Mukoo wa, eki desu ka? Is [the place] over there a STATION?
Ee, eki desu yo. Eki ga mukoo desu Yes, it's a station. A STATION is over there.
Mae wa, denwa desu ka? Are [the things] in front TELEPHONES?
Ee, denwa desu yo. Denwa ga mae desu. Yes, they're telephones. TELEPHONES are in front.
Paaku-biru wa, kono hen ni arimasu ka? Is the Park Building AROUND HERE?
Paaku-biru desu ka? Iya, kono hen ni wa arimasen nee. The Park Building? No, I'm afraid IT'S NOT around here (at least)
Iriguti wa, mukoo desu ka? Is the entrance over there?
Iriguti desu ka? Iya, mukoo ni wa arimasen nee. The entrance? No, I'm afraid IT'S NOT over there (at least)
Sore wa, kono biru ni arimasu ka? Are they (the topic of discussion) in this building?
Ee. Kono biru ni mo ano biru ni mo arimasu yo. Yes. They're in this building AND in that building.
Sore wa, kono zisyo ni arimasu ka? Are they in this dictionary?
Ee. Kono zisyo ni mo ano zisyo ni mo arimasu yo Yes. They're in this dictionary AND in that dictionary
Mae desu ka? Is it the front?/Is it in front?
Mae zya nai desu nee. It's NOT the front/It's NOT in front.
Mae ni arimasu ka? Is it in front?
Mae ni wa arimasen nee. It's NOT in front (at least).
Koosyuudenwa wa, ano mise no mae desu ka? Is the public phone in front of that store?
Koosyuudenwa desu ka? Ee, mae desu ne! The public phone? Yes, it's in front.
Eki wa, ano mise no mukoo desu ka? Is the station beyond those stores?
Eki desu ka? Ee, mukoo desu ne! The station. Yes, it's beyond.
Mukoo ni koosyuudenwa ga arimasu kedo... Over there there's a PUBLIC PHONE, but ... (weren't you looking for one?)
Soo desu ne! Koosyuudenwa ga arimasu ne! That's right! There's a PUBLIC PHONE, isn't there.
Mukoo ni baiten ga arimasu kedo ... Over there there's a CONCESSION STAND, but ... (weren't you looking for one?)
Soo desu ne! Baiten ga arimasu ne! That's right! There's a CONCESSION STAND, isn't there.
Kono hen ni denwa arimasen ka? Is(n't) there a telephone around here?
Denwa desu ka? Arimasu yo. Kotira no hoo desu. A telephone? Yes, there is. It's this way.
Kono biru ni toire arimasen ka? Is(n't) there a restroom in this building?
Toire desu ka? Arimasu yo. Kotira no hoo desu. A restroom? Yes, there is. It's this way.
Kono biru no baiten wa? What about the concession stand in this building?
Kono biru ni wa baiten wa arimasen nee. In this building (at least), I'm afraid there is no concession stand (at least).
Kono hen no kooban wa? What about the police box in this area?
Kono hen ni wa kooban wa arimasen nee. In this area (at least), I'm afraid there is no police box (at least).
Mae no baiten desu ne? You mean the stand in front - right?
Ee, mae no desu. Yes, it's the one in front.
Usiro no deguti desu ne? You mean the rear exit - right?
Ee, usiro no desu. Yes, it's the one in the rear.
Ano eki no mae no denwa desu ne? You mean the phone in front of that station - right?
Ee, eki no mae no desu. Yes, it's the one in front of the station.
Ano kooban no usiro no mise desu ne? You mean the shop in back of that police box - right?
Ee, kooban no usiro no desu. Yes, it's the one in back of the police box.
Ano siroi biru no mae desu ka? Is it in front of that white building?
Ee, siroi no no mae desu. Yes, it's in front of the white one.
Ano guree no kuruma no usiro desu ka? Is it in back of that gray car?
Ee, guree no no usiro desu. Yes, it's in back of the gray one.
Iriguti no mukoo desu ka? Is it beyond the entrance?
Denwa no mukoo desu ka? Is it beyond the telephones?
Created by: allikamikaze
Popular Japanese sets




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