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Ch 6 Vocab

Culture The beliefs, values, practices, behaviors, and technologies shared by a society and passed down from generation to generation
Cultural Trait A shared object or cultural practice
Artifacts A visible object or technology that a culture creates
Sociofacts A structure or organization of a culture that influences social behavior
Mentifacts A central, enduring element of a culture that reflects its shared ideas, values, knowledge, and beliefs
Popular Culture The widespread behaviors, beliefs, and practices of ordinary people in society at a given points in time
Traditional Culture The long-established behaviors, beliefs, and practices passed down from generation to generation
Cultural Norms A shared standard or pattern that guides the behavior of a group of people
Ethnocentrism The tendency of ethnic groups to evaluate other groups according to preconceived ideas originating from their own culture
Cultural Relativism The evaluation of a culture by its own standards
Cultural Landscape A natural landscape that has been modified by humans, reflecting their cultural beliefs and values
Identity The ways in which humans make sense of themselves and how they wish to be viewed by others
Sequent Occupance The notion that successive societies leave behind their cultural imprint, a collection of evidence about human character and experiences within a geographic region, which shapes the cultural landscape
Ethnicity The state belonging to a group of people who share common cultural characteristics
Ethnic Neighborhoods A cultural landscape within a community of people outside of their area of origin
Traditional Architecture An established building style of different cultures, religions, and places
Postmodern Architecture A building style that emerged as a reaction to "modern" designs and values diversity in design
Religion A system of spiritual beliefs that helps form cultural perceptions, attitudes, beliefs and values
Pilgrimage A journey to a holy place for spiritual reasons
Language A distinct system of communication that is the carrier of human thoughts and cultural identities
Toponyms A place name
Gendered Spaces A space designed and deliberately incorporated into the landscape to accommodate gender roles
Gender Identity An individual's innermost concept of self as male, female, a blend of both or neither
Safe Spaces A space of acceptance for people who are sometimes marginalized by society
Gentrification The renovations and improvements conforming to middle-class preferences
Third Place A communal space that is separate from home (first place) or work (second place)
Sense of Place The subjective feelings and memories people associate with a geographic location
Placemaking A community-driven process in which people collaborate to create a place where they can live, work, play and learn
Dialects A variation of a standard language specific to a general area, with differences in pronunciation, degree of rapidity in speech, word choice, and spelling
Adherents A person who is loyal to a belief, religion or organization
Denominations A separate church organization that unites a number of local congregations
Sect A relatively small group that has separated from an established religious denomination
Centripetal Force A force that unites a group of people
Centrifugal Force A force that divides a group of people
Created by: Mrs_Karim
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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