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Exam 4 (Ch 15-20)

What age is neonate birth-4 weeks
What age is infant 4 weeks - 1 year
What age is ttoddler 1-3 years
What age is school age 6-12 years
What age is adolescence 12-18 years
How should the weight be taken up to 2 years old naked or in a fresh diaper
Physical development of 2 month old posterior fontanelle closes Elevates head
How should solid food be introduced one ingredient at a time to detect intolerances
Why cant honey be given before 1 year old botulism
What is latchkey child children left unsupervised after school
What is important to remember regarding six year olds large amount of energy Important to limit activities, over tires easily
What occurs with puberty Reproductive organs become functional, secondary sex characteristics develop
in terms of gender identity some adults develop concept of gender identity that includes both masculine and feminine qualities, this is known as androgynous
How is height measured up to 2 years old laying down, referred to as length
What age do you do the head circumference up to 2 years old
When do you start doing blood pressure on pediatrics 5 years old
What is cephalcaudal development directional growth from head to toe
What is proximodistal development growth from midline to peripheral
What is the common developmental screening tool used Denver II
What is the infant Erickson's stage Trust vs Mistrust
What occurs during the infant Erickson's stage Getting needs met Tolerating frustration in small doses Recognizing mother as distinct from others
What is toddler Erickson's stage Autonomy vs Shame and doubt
What occurs during the toddler Erickson's stage Trying out own powers of speech Beginning acceptance of reality versus pleasure principle
What is preschooler Erickson's stage Initiative vs guilt
What occurs during the preschooler Erickson's stage Questioning Exploring own body and environment Differentiation of sexes
What is the school age Erickson's stage Industry vs Inferiority
What occurs during the school age Erickson's stage Learning to win recognition by producing things Exploring, collecting, learning to relate own sex
What is adolescence Erickson's stage Identity vs Role confusion
What occurs during the adolescence Erickson's stage Moving toward heterosexuality Selecting vocation Beginning separation from family Integrating personality
How is growth charts documented by percentiles
How do you calculate how many teeth a child under the age of 2 years should have Age of child (in months) subtract 6
At what age do the permanent teeth erupt 6 years old
When should you start cleaning a child's teeth As soon as they erupt
When should the first dentist appointment occur one year old
When should fluoride toothpaste be used age 1-2 or when trusted they will not swallow it
At what age can the child brush their teeth unsupervised 8 years old
What is important to share with parents about a newborn's weight 10% of weight will be lost in the first 3-4 days
What is the moro reflex Spread limbs out when a startling noise occurs Also referred as the starfish reflex
What is the palmar grasp Holding onto object placed in hand
What is tonic neck reflex extend arm and leg out when looking to the side
What is the babinski reflex flare toes when tickled
What is the rooting reflex touching their cheek and baby will try to suckle
When does the grasp reflex disappear 3 months old
When does the pincher grasp establish 1 year old
Physical development of 3 month old Supports head steadily
Physical development of 6 months old Birth weight doubles Rolls over Maternal iron stores decreases
Physical development of 8 month old Sits steadily on own
Physical development of 9 month old Creeping
Physical development of a one year old Birth weight triples Walking (12-15 months old)
Why is it important to pick up and coddle baby when crying for the first 6 months of life Establishes a healthy personality, emotional growth and trust with others knowing their needs will be met if they cry
What is colic periods of unexplained irritability and crying
What causes colic Unknown
How do you treat colic Hold infant face down and close to body while supporting abdomen Change formula if not breastfeeding
What is a healthy sleep pattern of a newborn 2-4 hour intervals
When should sleeping patterns increase to 8 hour intervals 4-6 months
At what age should self-soothing be taught starting at 6 months
What route are live vaccines given Subcutaneous
What vaccines are live MMR, Varicella, Rotavirus
At what age should solid foods be started 5-6 months
What is often the recommended first solid food Rice cereal
How often should ingredients be introduced every 4-7 days
When can cow milk be given 1 year old
What abilities are achieved at age 12-16 months Begin to walk follow simple commands
What abilities are achieved at age 24 months Jumps on both feet uses two word sentences
What abilities are achieved at age 36 months Jumps on one foot Frequently asks "why" and "how"
When do you start potty training 18-24 months
How often should a child be brought to the bathroom while potty training Every 2 hours while awake
How much milk can and infant consume in one day No more than 24 ounces
How much food should be given to a toddler one tablespoon per year of age
At what age do sexual curiosity behaviors start Preschool age
What are behaviors of 3 year old Wants to assist in simple tasks Less temper tantrums Can dress, use toilet and eat independently
What are behaviors of a 4 year old "Watch me" Starts to ask about death Boisterous
What are behaviors of a 5 year old Follows rules Talks constantly Serious about what they can and cannot do
What is enuresis Defined as involuntary urination after the age at which bladder control should have been established
What is primary enuresis When there never was bladder control
What is secondary enuresis Bed wetter after child has bladder control for 1+ years
What is dinural enuresis daytime wetting
What is nocturnal enuresis nighttime wetting
What does therapeutic play help aides recovery
What is art therapy used for communication with children and adults
What does industry mean for school age children attempt and master activities like music, sports and art
What is concrete operations for school age children logical thinking and understanding
What do friendships mean for school aged children Prefer company of same sex friends over siblings
What is the average weight growth for school aged children 5 1/2 - 7 pounds per year
How much physical activity should a school age child have at least one hour
At what age are children more responsible in regards to having a pet 7 years old
How much sleep should a 6 year old get 11-13 hours
What is characteristics of a 7 year old Quieter behaviors, increasingly independent, articulates feelings
At what age do nervous tics generally develop 9 years old
How much sleep should a 9 year old get 10 hours Too little can cause cranky, irritable behaviors and decline in school performance
What is a 10 year old considered Pre-adolescence
Who matures more quickly females
What does adolescence mean Begins with the appearance of secondary sex characteristics and ends with the cessation of growth and emotional maturity
What factors occur with adolescence Bodily rapidly changing, experiences intense sexual drive, Question life- search of sense of identity
What occurs with females during puberty Menarche- first period Development of breasts
When do menstruation cycles usually begin age 12-13 years old
What is sense of identity for adolescence Desire for freedom and independence extremely important and necessary for developing individuality
When does separation from family usually begin adolescence
What level of sun screen should be used at least SPF 30
What is the PACE interview Identifying risks for drug/alcohol use of if it has already began with adolescence
What does the "P" in PACE stand for Parents, peers and pot- questions concerning parents, relationships with peers and attitude toward and exposure to marijuana
What does the "A" stand for in PACE Alcohol, automobiles- questions concerning alcohol use and driving record
What does the "C" stand for in PACE Cigarettes- discuss smoking history
What does the "E" stand for in PACE education - discuss attitude and performance in school
What identifies an adolescent to be an at risk child when it comes to PACE 2 or more of the discussions are problem areas
How long should a child be rear facing in a car seat until at least age 2
Latchkey children are higher risk of feeling isolated and subject to a higher rate of Accidents
What age do infants begin to suffer separation anxiety 9 months
One of the best ways to promote mastery of language in preschool is to Engage in interactive reading
When is toilet training usually complete age 2-3 years old
What nutrient is adolescence most likely to be deficient in Calcium
Why do breastfed babies require feeding more often breast milk is more easily digestible than formula
Bedtime habits should include Specific rituals
A common characteristic of toddler performing rituals
What is an effective guidance for managing toddler behavior issues Reward good behaviors
Which age category is characterized by disorganization and children who are intense, observant, all-knowing, energetic, meddlesome, and argumentative 11-12 years
Studies have documented that after the age 7 years, children can be responsible for care of a family pet and that pets improve medical outcomes after surgery
At what age do children begin to have refined motor skills, such as cutting with scissors 4 years old
One of the developmental hallmarks of the toddler that most frequently give rise to safety hazards is: need to explore
Created by: morganwipf
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