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Found of Taxation

Ch. 6: Taxable Income from Business Operations

taxable income gross income minus allowable deductions for the taxable year
gross income realized increases in wealth from whatever source derived. In the business context, gross profit from sales of goods, performance of services, and investments of capital
ordinary expense an expense is customary for a particular type of trade or business and is commonly or frequently occurred
calendar year the 12-month period from January 1 through December 31.
fiscal year any 12-month period ending on the last day of any month except December
short-period return a tax return for a taxable year consisting of less than 12 months
method of accounting a consistent system for determining the point in time at which items of income and deduction are recognized for tax purposes
recognition inclusion of an item of income or deduction in the computation of taxable income
business interest limitation business interest in excess of 30 percent of adjusted taxable income is not currently deductible
key-person life insurance insurance purchased by a firm on the life of a high-level employee. The firm is the beneficiary of the policy
qualified business income (QBI) active trade or business income from nonservice businesses eligible for the Section 199A deduction
cash method of accounting an overall method of accounting under which revenue is accounted for when payment is received and expenses are accounted for when payment is made
constructive receipt the point at which a taxpayer has unrestricted access to and control of income, even if the income item is not in the taxpayer’s actual possession
hybrid method of accounting an overall method of accounting that combines the accrual method for purchases and sales of inventory and the cash method for all other transactions
personal service corporations closely held corporation owned by individuals who perform services in the fields of health, law, engineering, architecture, accounting, actuarial science, performing arts, or consulting for the corporation’s clientele.
personal service corporations personal service corporations are subject to a flat 35 percent tax rate
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) the set of accounting rules developed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and adhered to by the public accounting profession
accrual method of accounting an overall method of accounting under which revenues are realized in the year the earnings process is complete and expenses are matched against revenues in the year the liability for the expense is incurred
realization income is taken into account when the earnings process with respect to the income is complete and an event or transaction occurs that provides an objective measurement of the income
permanent difference a difference between financial statement income and taxable income that does not reverse over time
temporary differences a difference between financial statement income and taxable income that reverses over time
deferred tax asset the excess of tax payable over tax expense per books resulting from a temporary difference between book income and taxable income
deferred tax liability the excess of tax expense per books over tax payable resulting from a temporary difference between book income and taxable income
prepaid income payment for goods and services made in advance of the provision of the goods or performance of the services
all-events test the test for determining if an accrued expense is deductible. The test is satisfied if the liability on which the accrued expense is based is fixed
all-events test the amount of the liability is determinable with reasonable accuracy, and economic performance with respect to the liability has occurred
economic performance the third requirement of the all-events test
payment liabilities accrued liabilities for which economic performance does not occur until payment is made
recurring item exception an exception to the economic performance requirement under which a liability is considered incurred in a taxable year in which it meets the first two requirements of the all-events test and economic performance occurs within 8½ months after year-end
allowance method the GAAP method for computing bad debt expense. The expense is based on the estimated losses from current year receivables
direct write-off method the method for determining a bad debt deduction required by the tax law. Only receivables that are written off as uncollectible during the year are deductible
tax benefit rule the recovery of an amount deducted in an earlier year must be included in gross income in the year of recovery
net operating loss (NOL) an excess of allowable deductions over gross income
NOL carryforward a net operating loss allowed as a deduction in the years following the year of loss. The amount deductible in any carryforward year is limited to 80 percent of taxable income
excess business loss limitation limit on the deductibility of excess business losses of noncorporate taxpayers
Created by: ryanriggs18
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