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cardiac and periphe.

cardiac and peripheral

non modifiable risk factors of heart problems? ethnicity, genitics, heridatary, gender
modifiable risk factors of heart problems? diet, stop smoking, exercise
right atrium veins bring back blood from the body and bring it to this part of the heart
right ventrical blood enters from the atrium. blood leaves this part of the heart and goes to the lungs
left atrium blood from the lungs enter this part of the heart and goes down to the ventrical
left ventrical blood leaves this part of the heart and goes back into the body
What is the S1 "lub" sound? tricuspid/mitral valves close
What is the S2 "dub" sound? Aortic/Pulmonic valves close
what is the heart murmur sound when auscultation? valve not closing, swishing sound, back flow of blood
Dysrhythmia irrigular heart rate
tachycardia too fast heart rate
bradycardia too slow heart rate
top of heart? base
bottom of heart? apex
where is the PMI ? Fifth intercostal space, left midclavicular line.
aortic value? right 2nd intercostal space
pulmonary valve? left 2nd intercostal space
Erb's Point? left 3rd intercostal space
Tricuspid area? left 4th intercostal space
Mitral area? left 5th intercostal area
education for risk factors of heart issues? diet, avoid 2nd hand smoke, cholesterol and triglyceride levels tested, low dose aspirin
when test both arms for bp what is too much of a difference? anything more than 10
when testing both arms for bp which # do you go with ? go with the bp that is the highest
hx to look for in vascular issues? Leg cramps, numbness, tingling in extremities, cold hands/feet, pain, swelling, cyanosis of feet/ankle/hands, fatigue Tight fitting socks Leg crossing habits
who is at high risk for cardiovascular and peripheral vascular disease? diabetics because the sugar affects those blood vessels
Carotid bruit Narrowed blood vessel creates turbulence, causes blowing/swishing sound.
which reflects the heart function better peripheral artery or carotid artery? carotid artery
for vascular issues what medical hx are we looking for ? heart disease, HTN, phlebitis, DM, or varicose veins.
what do you use to listen to the carotid artery? bell of the stethoscope
DVT blood clots form in a deep vein leaving a dark red color on legs (can be a medical emergency because if it breaks off i can cause a pulmonary embolism and die)
arterial disease veins with plaque build up leaving legs with bright red color on leg
phlebitis inflammation of the veins
varicose veins damaged veins from too much pressure in the vein leaving them twisted an enlarged with back flow of blood
pitting edema retaining to much fluid leaving the legs swollen and leaving marks with palpating the skin
what do you use if you can not palpate a pulse? use a doppler
how are you checking capilarry refills? palpating the nail bed and seeing what color it turns
Cardiovascular Changes with Aging Hypertension (HTN)​,Congestive Heart Failure (CHF}, Atherosclerosis​, Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)​, Poor Peripheral Circulation
dysnpea? difficult breathing
which of the followingn statements describes the cardiovascular system the most? it is a double pump circulating blood out to the lung and boy
Created by: armcneal
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