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Cell Quiz #1


Three postulates of the cell theory? - All living organisms consist of cells. - Cells are created through other pre-existing cells, not through matter that is abiotic - Cells are the basic structures of life, smallest living unit in all organisms
Two major types of cells? Eukaryotes, Prokaryotes
why do prokaryotes differ from eukaryotes? Do not have a nucleus, or membrane-bound organelles
what are some examples of archaea? methanogens, thermophiles (micro-orgs. that can survive extreme conditions)
single-celled organism, found in which kingdom? protists (algae, amoeba, etc.)
multicellular, found which three kingdoms? plants, animals, fungi
What is an organelle? perform specific functions in the cell
Which structures are unique to plant cells? cell wall, chloroplasts, large vacuole
What is the Cytoplasm; what is its function? - all organelles are suspended here - mostly water, consists of other substances as well - executes chemical reactions (changes form or organelles to jelly-like substances --> liquid substances, allows organelles to move around)
What is the Plasma/Cell Membrane; what is its function? - semi-permeable - surrounds most organelles - supports the cell - allows some substances to enter, others are kept out
What is the Nucleus; what is its function? - genetic info is stored in chromosomes, nucleus - contain DNA (deoxynucleic acid) - controls cell activity - carries conded instructions for cell activity
What is the Nucleolus; what is its function? - where ribosomes are produced - alters transferred RNA (ribonucleic acid) - senses cellular stress - is comprised of RNA and proteins
What are Ribosomes; what are their functions? - not membrane-bound - found in eukaryotes and prokaryotes - attaches to other organelles - makes proteins
What is the MItochondrion; what is its function? - "powerhouse of the cell" - active cells have more mitochondria - performs cellular respiration (act of intaking glucose + sugar --> ATP, carbon dioxide, water - contains enzymes that convert stored energy into usable energy
What is the ER; what is its function? - network of branching tubes + pockets - extends through cytoplasm, continues from nucleus to cell membrane - transports materials - involved with muscle contraction ROUGH ER: produces proteins, then sent away in vesicles SMOOTH ER: detoxifies
What are the Golgi bodies; what are their functions? - cells that secrete a lot of mucus have many Golgi bodies - collect and process materials to be removed from cell - make + secrete mucus
What are Lysosomes; what are their function? - contain enzymes that break down proteins and fats - animal-only - destroys dead cells * break down cellular waste with enzymes
What is the Cell Wall; what is its function? - outside cell membrane - layer of additional protection - maintains shape, rigid, porous - may hold structure after the plant has died
What is the Large Vacuole; what is its function? - central vacuole - turgor pressure --> keeps plant leaves and stems firm - if water level drops, cell becomes soft --> plant becomes limp and droopy
What is a Chloroplast; what is its function? - used in photosynthesis process - allows plants to obtain energy from sun - rely on mitochondria to metabolize glucose - form light energy through photosynthesis: carbon dioxide + water + energy --> glucose + oxygen - chlorophyll gives green hue
What is a Centriole; what is its function? - organizes movement of chromosomes during cell division
Which molecules can go through the cell membrane, with no energy required? oxygen, hydrogen
How do large molecules + ions get through the cell membrane special transport proteins
What is a Plastid; what is its function? (plant) Stores food/pigments
What is a Capsule? (bacteria) the outermost layer of the cell, provides protection
What is a Nucleoid? (bacteria) contains genetic information, not protected by nuclear membrane
What is a Plasmid? (bacteria) circular piece of genetic material
What is a Flagellum? (bacteria) hair-like, used for movement
What is a Pilus? (bacteria) hair-like, attaches cell to other surfaces, transfers genetic materials on intracellular basis
Created by: spock!
Popular Biology sets




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