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History chapter 5

History 211 course for Professor Adkins

Capitalist the system, characterized by private rather than government ownership of production and by the pursuit of profit, that gradually dominated the US economy and politics.
Capitalist Features included individual rights, property rights, the free exchange of labor, and some resistance to both slavery and governmental regulation.
Consumer Revolution A slow and steady increase over the course of the eighteenth century in the demand for, and purchase of consumer goods. the consumer revolution of the eighteenth century was closely related to the Industrial Revolution
Enlightenment A shift in thinking that occurred in the eighteenth century valuing natural rights over traditional hierarchy, and scientific rationalism over faith.
Enlightenment The term is much debated today for a number of reasons, among the fact that men who considered themselves proponents of the Enlightenment often remained slaveholders.
Gentility a term without precise meaning that represented all that was polite, civilized, refined, and fashionable. It was everything that vovulgarity was not.
Gentility since unprecise meaning, it was always subject to negotiation, striving, and anxiety as Americans, beginning in the eighteenth century, tried to show others that they were genteel through their manners, their appearance, and their struggles of life.
Great Awakening A period in which a large proportion of the populace becomes invested in evangelical revivalism.
Great Awakening In American history, there have been a number of such periods, but the terms is most often applied to the years of the 1730’s through 1750’s, and the 1820’s and the 1830’s.
Industrious Revolution 17th century, western Europe->18th century U.S. colonies, important change in way people work. They worked harder and organized their households to produce goods that could be sold, so they could have money to pay for the new consumer goods they wanted.
Linked economic development A form of economic development that ties together a variety of enterprises so that development in one stimulates development in others, for example, those that provide raw materials, parts or transportation
The Wealth of Nations (1776) Adam Smith's influential ___ was both a critique of mercantilism and a defense of free markets and free labor.
The Wealth of Nations Said that the best incentive to hard work was the increased wealth and comforts it would bring. Human beings were happiest, they said, when they lived under free governments, which protected private property but left the market largely unregulated.
Created by: Lenora-chan
Popular Histology sets




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