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GCSE Latin

filius, filii, m son
hortus, horti, m garden
in + ablative in, on
in + accusative into, onto
laboro, laborare, laboravi work
mater, matris, f mother
pater, patris, m father
sedeo, sedere, sedi sit
servus, servi, m slave
sum, esse, fui be
via, viae, f street
villa, villae, f house
amicus, amici, m friend
ancilla, ancillae, f slave-girl
cena, cenae, f dinner
cibus, cibi, m food
dominus, domini, m master
dormio, dormire, dormivi sleep
inimicus, inimici, m enemy
intro, intrare, intravi, intratus enter
laetus, laeta, laetum happy
laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatus praise
quoque also, too
saluto, salutare, salutavi, salutatus greet
ad + accusative to, towards, at
bibo, bibere, bibi drink
clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatus shout
ecce! look!
et and
exspecto, exspectare, exspectavi, exspectatus wait for, expect
ianua, ianuae, f door
ipse, ipsa, ipsum himself, herself, itself, themselves
iratus, irata, iratum angry
magnus, magna, magnum big, large, great
maior, maior, maius bigger, larger, greater
navis, navis, f ship
non not
porto, portare, portavi, portatus carry, bear, take
respondeo, respondere, respondi, responsus reply
rideo, ridere, risi laugh, smile
surgo, surgere, surrexi get up, stand up, rise
taberna, tabernae, f shop, inn
video, videre, vidi, visus see
vinum, vini, n wine
ago, agere, egi, actus do, act, drive
cur? why?
e, ex + ablative from, out of, out
ego, me, mei, mihi I, me
forum, fori, n forum, market place
habeo, habere, habui, habitus have, hold
inquit says
pecunia, pecuniae, f money
perterritus, perterrita, perterritum terrified
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus search for, look for, ask
quis?, quid? who?, what?
reddo, reddere, reddidi, redditus give back, restore
sed but
tu, te, tui, tibi you
vivo, vivere, vixi live, be alive
voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatus call
adsum, adesse, adfui be here, be present
ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi walk
audio, audire, audivi, auditus hear, listen to
clamor, clamoris, m shout, shouting, noise
curro, currere, cucurri, cursus run
femina, feminae, f woman
hodie today
iuvenis, iuvenis, m young man
meus, mea, meum my, mine
multus, multa, multum much, many
optimus, optima, optimum very good, excellent, best
peto, petere, petivi, petitus make for, seek, beg, ask for, attack
puella, puellae, f girl
senex, senis, m old man
specto, spectare, spectavi, spectatus look at, watch
sto, stare, steti stand
turba, turbae, f crowd
urbs, urbis, f city
venio, venire, veni come
absum, abesse, afui be absent, be away, be distant from
emo, emere, emi, emptus buy
festino, festinare, festinavi hurry
fortis, forte brave
libertus, liberti, m freedman, ex-slave
olim once, some time ago
parvus, parva, parvum small
per + accusative through, along
postquam after, when
quod because
res, rei, f thing, matter, event
scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptus write
subito suddenly
supero, superare, superavi, superatus overcome, overpower
tum then
tuus, tua, tuum your, yours
vendo, vendere, vendidi, venditus sell
conspicio, conspicere, conspexi, conspectus catch sight of, notice
cum with
facio, facere, feci, factus make, do
heri yesterday
ingens, ingentis huge
intellego, intellegere, intellexi, intellectus understand, realise
lacrimo, lacrimare, lacrimavi weep, cry
narro, narrare, narravi, narratus tell, relate
neco, necare, necavi, necatus kill
nihil nothing
omnis, omne all, everything
paro, parare, paravi, paratus prepare, provide
prope near
rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatus ask, ask for
tamen however
terreo, terrere, terrui, territus frighten
consumo, consumere, consumpsi, consumptus eat
duco, ducere, duxi, ductus lead, take
ferox, ferocis fierce, ferocious
gens, gentis, f family, tribe, race, people
gladius, gladii, m sword
hic, haec, hoc this, he, she, it
is, ea, id this, that, he, she, it, them
nuntius, nuntii, m messenger, message, news
pes, pedis, m foot
porta, portae, f gate
puer, pueri, m boy
pugno, pugnare, pugnavi fight
quam + superlative adverb as … as possible
saepe often
sanguis, sanguinis, m blood
silva, silvae, f wood
statim at once, immediately
totus, tota, totum whole
celer, celeris, celere quick, fast
cupio, cupere, cupivi, cupitus want, desire
dies, diei, m day
do, dare, dedi, datus give
fero, ferre, tuli, latus bring, carry, bear
homo, hominis, m man, human being
ille, illa, illud that, he, she, it
iterum again
maneo, manere, mansi remain, stay
medius, media, medium middle
mox soon
offero, offerre, obtuli, oblatus offer
ostendo, ostendere, ostendi, ostentus show
post + accusative after, behind
procedo, procedere, processi advance, proceed
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum beautiful, handsome
trado, tradere, tradidi, traditus hand over, hand down
accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptus accept, take in, receive
frater, fratris, m brother
habito, habitare, habitavi, habitatus live
imperium, imperii, n empire, power, command
invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus find
liber, libri, m book
nos, nos, nostrum, nobis we, us
nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatus announce, report
pax, pacis, f peace
quam than, how … ? how … !
semper always
servo, servare, servavi, servatus save, protect, keep
solus, sola, solum alone, lonely, only, on one's own
suus, sua, suum his, her, its, their (own)
taceo, tacere, tacui, tacitus be silent, be quiet
uxor, uxoris, f wife
vehementer violently, loudly
vos, vos, vestrum, vobis you (plural)
capio, capere, cepi, captus take, catch, capture, make (a plan)
civis, civis, m and f citizen
convenio, convenire, conveni come together, gather, meet
credo, credere, credidi, creditus + dative believe, trust
de + ablative from, down from, about
eo, ire, ivi / ii go
faveo, favere, favi, fautus + dative favour, support
invito, invitare, invitavi, invitatus invite
lego, legere, legi, lectus read, choose
minime very little, least, no!
murus, muri, m wall
noster, nostra, nostrum our
nunc now
primus, prima, primum first
promitto, promittere, promisi, promissus promise
senator, senatoris, m senator
stultus, stulta, stultum stupid, foolish
vir, viri, m man
custodio, custodire, custodivi, custoditus guard
epistula, epistulae, f letter
frustra in vain
fugio, fugere, fugi run away, flee
iaceo, iacere, iacui lie
iam now, already
igitur therefore, and so
mitto, mittere, misi, missus send
mons, montis, m mountain
paene almost, nearly
re- - back
remitto, remittere, remissi, remissus send back
sentio, sentire, sensi, sensus feel, notice
tandem at last, finally
templum, templi, n temple
terra, terrae, f ground, land, country
timeo, timere, timui fear, be afraid
advenio, advenire, adveni arrive
alter, altera, alterum the other, another, one (of two), the second (of two)
ceteri, ceterae, cetera the rest, the others
custos, custodis, m and f guard
dico, dicere, dixi, dictus say, speak, tell
interficio, interficere, interfeci, interfectus kill
nolo, nolle, nolui + infinitive not want, refuse
novus, nova, novum new
nullus, nulla, nullum not any, no
possum, posse, potui + infinitive can, be able
se, se, sui, sibi himself, herself, itself, themselves
traho, trahere, traxi, tractus drag
volo, velle, volui + infinitive want, wish, be willing
vulnero, vulnerare, vulneravi, vulneratus wound, injure
deleo, delere, delevi, deletus destroy
deus, dei, m god
difficilis, difficile difficult
diligens, diligentis careful
domina, dominae, f mistress
donum, doni, n gift, present
fidelis, fidele faithful, loyal
maritus, mariti, m husband
-ne (introduces question)
num ... ? surely … not?
quamquam although
-que and
rex, regis, m king
ubi where? where, when
alius, alia, aliud other, another, else
aqua, aquae, f water
debeo, debere, debui, debitus owe, ought, should, must
equus, equi, m horse
etiam also, even
mare, maris, n sea
miser, misera, miserum miserable, wretched, sad
nauta, nautae, m sailor
princeps, principis, m chief, emperor
qui, quae, quod who, which
redeo, redire, redii go back, come back, return
teneo, tenere, tenui, tentus hold
vinco, vincere, vici, victus conquer, win, be victorious
aedifico, aedificare, aedificavi, aedificatus build
auxilium, auxilii, n help
bonus, bona, bonum good
consilium, consilii, n plan, idea, advice
deinde then
effugio, effugere, effugi escape
imperator, imperatoris, m emperor, general, leader
inter + accusative among, between
ita in this way, to such an extent, so
melior, melior, melius better
navigo, navigare, navigavi sail
nonne …? surely...?
pereo, perire, perii die, perish
pono, ponere, posui, positus put, place, set up
postridie on the next day
punio, punire, punivi, punitus punish
simulac, simulatque as soon as
summus, summa, summum highest
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatus raise, lift up, hold up
verto, vertere, verti, versus turn
a, ab + ablative from, away from, by
animus, animi f spirit, mind, soul
appropinquo, appropinquare, appropinquavi + dative approach, come near to
bene well
diu for a long time
facilis, facile easy
insula, insulae, f island, block of flats
itaque therefore, and so
maximus, maxima, maximum very big, very large, very great, biggest, largest, greatest
numquam never
pauci, paucae, pauca few, a few
resisto, resistere, restiti + dative resist
audeo, audere, ausus sum dare
caput, capitis, n head
coepi, coepisse + infinitive begin
cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus get to know, find out
dea, deae, f goddess
discedo, discedere, discessi depart, leave
ibi there, in that place
libenter willingly, gladly
manus, manus, f hand, group of people
miles, militis, m soldier
nam for
nemo, nullius no one, nobody
pars, partis, f part
postea afterwards
pro + ablative in front of, for in return for
quo? to where
soleo, solere, solitus sum + infinitive be accustomed
amo, amare, amavi, amatus love, like
cogito, cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatus think, consider
conficio, conficere, confeci, confectus finish, wear out
filia, filiae, f daughter
forte by chance
iter, itineris, n journey
locus, loci, m place
felix, felicis fortunate, happy
gravis, grave heavy, serious
hora, horae, f hour
infelix, infelicis unlucky, unhappy
iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussus order
nonnulli, nonnullae, nonnulla some, several
plus, pluris (gen) more
sacer, sacra, sacrum sacred
unde? from where?
amor, amoris, m love
caelum, caeli, n sky, heaven
decipio, decipere, decepi, deceptus decieve, fool
hostis, hostis, m enemy
minimus, minima, minimum very small, very little, smallest, least
moneo, monere, monui, monitus warn, advise
nox, noctis, f night
quantus?, quanta?, quantum? how big? how much?
quomodo? how?
verbum, verbi, n word
virtus, virtutis, f courage, virtue
clarus, clara, clarum famous, clear
cura, curae, f care, worry
deicio, deicere, deieci, deiectus thrown down
enim for
gero, gerere, gessi, gestus wear (clothes), wage (war)
iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus (in compounds -icio) throw
modus, modi, m manner, way, kind
scio, scire, scivi, scitus know
talis, tale such, of such a kind
umquam ever
audax, audacis bold, daring
cum when, since
flumen, fluminis, n river
interea meanwhile
maxime very greatly
nec, neque and not, nor, neither
neque, neque neither… nor
oppugno, oppugnare, oppugnavi, oppugnatus attack
transeo, transire, transii cross, go across
tristis, triste sad
accido, accidere, accidi happen
aliquis, aliquis, aliquid someone
castra, castrorum, n plural camp
cogo, cogere, coegi, coactus force, compel
nescio, nescire, nescivi not know
nomen, nominis, n name
poena, poenae, f punishment
poenas do, poenas dare, poenas dedi pay the penalty, be punished
scelestus, scelesta, scelestum wicked
aufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatus take away, carry off, steal
bellum, belli, n war
doceo, docere, docui, doctus teach
legio, legionis, f legion
num whether
quot? how many?
refero, referre, rettuli, relatus bring/carry back, report, tell
regnum, regni, n kingdom
saevus, saeva, saevum savage, cruel
si if
ut that, so that, in order that
adeo so much, so greatly, to such an extent
antea before
comes, comitis, m and f comrade, companion
gaudeo, gaudere, gavisus sum be pleased, rejoice
impero, imperare, imperavi, imperatus + dative order, command
incendo, incendere, incendi, incensus burn, set on fire
praemium, praemii, n prize, reward, profit
proximus, proxima, proximum nearest, next to
qualis?, quale what sort of?
sub + accusative/ablative under, beneath
tantus, tanta, tantum so great, such a great
ac, atque and
centum a hundred
constituo, constituere, constitui, constitutus decide
corpus, corporis, n body
decem ten
duo, duae, duo two
ira, irae, f anger
malus, mala, malum evil, bad
milia thousands
mille a thousand
novem nine
occido, occidere, occidi, occisus kill
octo eight
peior, peior, peius worse
quattuor four
quinque five
septem seven
sex six
sic thus, in this way
spes, spei, f hope
tres, tres, tria three
unus, una, unum one
ut + indicative as, when
alii … alii, aliae… aliae, alia… alia some … others
ascendo, ascendere, ascendi, ascensus climb
captivus, captivi, m captive, prisoner
defendo, defendere, defendi, defensus defend
dirus, dira, dirum dreadful
liberi, liberorum, m plural children
lux, lucis, f light, daylight
malo, malle, malui prefer
scelus, sceleris, n crime
vester, vestra, vestrum your (plural), yours
altus, alta, altum high, deep
dux, ducis, m leader
idem, eadem, idem the same
ne + subjunctive that ... not, so that ... not, that, lest
oro, orare, oravi, oratus beg
rapio, rapere, rapui, raptus seize, grab
spero, sperare, speravi, speratus hope, expect
tempus, temporis, n time
labor, laboris, m work, toil
opprimo, opprimere, oppressi, oppressus crush, overwhelm
quidam, quaedam, quoddam one, a certain, some
brevis, breve short, brief
contra + accusative against
cras tomorrow
descendo, descendere, descendi, descensus go down, come down
et ... et both ... and
moveo, movere, movi, motus move
nisi unless, except
reficio., reficere, refeci, refectus repair
regina, reginae, f queen
conor, conari, conatus sum try
dum while, until
egredior, egredi, egressus sum go out
gaudium, gaudii, n joy, pleasure
hortor, hortari, hortatus sum encourage, urge
ingredior, ingredi, ingressus sum enter
loquor, loqui, locutus sum speak, talk
morior, mori, mortuus sum die
patior, pati, passus sum suffer, endure
proficiscor, proficisci, profectus sum set out
progredior, progredi, progressus sum advance
regredior, regredi, regressus sum go back, return
sequor, sequi, secutus sum follow
sine + ablative without
ager, agri, m field
multo much
quando? when?
simul at the same time
arma, armorum, n plural arms, weapons
miror, mirari, miratus sum wonder at, admire
exercitus, exercitus, m army
patria, patriae, f country, homeland
proelium, proelii, n battle
puto, putare, putavi, putatus think
tempestas, tempestatis, f storm
trans + accusative (also used as prefix with verbs) across
validus, valida, validum strong
copiae, copiarum, f plural forces, troops
rego, regere, rexi, rectus rule
cado, cadere, cecidi, casus fall
consul, consulis, m consul
minor, minor, minus smaller
videor, videri, visus sum seem, appear
lentus, lenta, lentum slow
longus, longa, longum long
pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsus drive
primo at first
propter + accusative on account of, because of
Roma, Romae, f (Romae: at/in Rome) Rome
Romanus, Romana, Romanum Roman
victoria, victoriae, f victory
Created by: IsaJameela
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