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Chp 6, 7, and 8

Values Workplace Ethics/Personal Growth Work Stress/Interpersonal Communication

Define Intellectual Property Theft failure to respect patents and copyright laws or pay for using what other firms or individuals have created
Define Piracy Making imitations of brand name goods
Define Ethics standards of conduct that indicate how one should behave based on moral duties and virtues arising from principles about right and wrong. How a person should behave
Define Values core beliefs or desires that guide or motivate attitudes and actions. How a person actually behaves
How companies can encourage ethical behavior 1. communicate the orgs expectations to behave ethically, 2. hire top executives who set moral examples, 3. reward ethical behavior, 4. teach employees tool of ethical decision making, 5. encourage ethical discussions
Define Value Congruence it's a shared system of values between two entities
What are the two types of Key Values according to Rokeach? Terminal values which are desirable states of existence and their life goal, and Instrumental values which are preferable modes of behavior or means to achieving ones terminal values
What are the two categories of Terminal Values? Personal values (comfortable life, freedom, happiness, salvation) and Social Values (world peace, equality, national security)
What are the two categories of Instrumental Values? Moral Values have interpersonal focus (cheerful, courageous, helpful, honest) and Competence Values have personal focus (ambitious, capable, intellectual, responsible)
Schwartz and Bilsky's 7 types of morals that motivate behavior Prosocial (protect others' welfares) Restrictive Conformity (restrain not harm others) Enjoyment, Achievement (personal success via competence) Maturity (acceptance of self/env )Self direction (independent thought/action) Security (safety in social group)
Define Ethical Values directly relate to beliefs about what is right and proper or that motivate a sense of moral duty
What are some core ethical values? trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, justice and fairness, caring, civic virtue and citizenship
Define Nonethical Values nonethical values deal with things we like, desire, or find personally important (ie money, fame, status, happiness, fulfillment, personal freedom, being liked, etc)
What are Kohlberg's 3 different levels of moral development? Self-Centered (self centered conception of right and wrong, focus on consequences), Conformity (understanding the importance of social conformity and accord, focus social harmony), and Principled (universal principles of justice/rights, focus standards)
What are the 2 stages of Kohlberg's Self-Centered/Preconventional level? Stage 1 = Obedience/Punishment Orientation Stage 2 = Instrumental Purpose and Exchange (Relativist Orientation), ie reciprocity is "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours"
What are the 2 stages of Kohlberg's Conformity/Conventional level? Stage 3 = Interpersonal Accord, Conformity, Mutual Expectations, ie behavior is good when it helps others Stage 4 = Social Accord/System Maintenance (Law and Order), ie maintaining social order for its own sake
What are the 2 stages of Kohlberg's Principled/Postconventional level? Stage 5 = Social Contract/Individual Rights, ie arbitrary element to rules and law ergo agrees to procedural rules like respect for contracts and majority will Stage 6 = Universal Ethical Principles Orientation, ie Right is defined by conscience
List 5 types of Ethical Frameworks Utilitarianism (greatest good for greatest number), Individual Rights (legal personal entitlements), Justice (guided by fairness/equity), Caring (focus on well-being of another), Environmentalism (ppl have an obligation to protect earth for future gens)
Define Corruption the abuse of public power for private gain
Define CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) a company's commitment and contribution to the quality of employees, families/communities, and society to support sustainable economic development
What are the characteristics of adult development? Personality dev'd in stages. Stages = cycle of intensity, coping, then quiescence. Stage Disequilibrium = caused by external focal conflict. Results in (+) growth or (-) defense/regression. Personal growth = personal needs and social responsibilities met
What are other career issues managers should consider besides adult development? Career stages, career anchors, career patterns, balancing dual careers, mentoring, career management and planning, and work stress
Define the "Protean" Career model under Career Stages the new protean career model is that individuals must assume full responsibility for their continued career development, often must reinvent themselves, and be capable of learning how to learn throug life. "Managers in passenger seat, employees drive"
Define Career Anchors (which diagnose career interest) according to Schein certain motivational, attitudinal, and value syndromes formed early in the lives of individuals function/guide/constrain ppls careers.
What are the 4 types of Career Patterns Linear (progress through a series of jobs up the ladder), Steady-State/Expert (commitment to a field and focus on refining knowledge), Spiral (move across disciplines, new fields build on old skills but also dev new ones), Transitory (many job changes)
How do couples balance dual careers? Limit impact of family on work, take turns, participate in joint ventures, choose independent careers (commuter marriages), subordinate one career to the other
What do mentors do for careers? Sponsorship (nominations), Exposure/Visibility, Coaching (practical advice), Protection, Challenging Assignments (dev competencies), Role Model, Mutual Support, Counsel (work out personal problems), Friendship
Define Stress the nonspecific response of an organism to demands the total or exceed its resources
What are the parts to the Transactional Model of Career Stress? Stressor Situation (demand, constraint, opportunity), Cognition (perception stress), Stress reaction (physio, psycho, emo), Coping (direct action, rethink, or manage symptoms), Social Support, Duration, Individual Characteristics (type A vs type B)
Define Communication the process by which information is exchanged between communicators with the goal of achieving Mutual Understanding
What are Key characteristics of the Transactional Model of Communication? it acknowledges that our response to speakers' messages lead them to modify what they say next. Time periods reflect the changing nature of comm over time. And Noise is untying that interferes with the intended communication (environmental, physio, emo)
Define the Arc of Distortion the difference between what the sender intended to communicate and what the receiver actually understood
What are the Barriers to Communication? Poor relationships, No Clarity, Diff in Encode/Decode (how ppl understand the message per their background), Gender, Perception (selective attention/culturally determined), Culture (language), High/Low Context, Silence, Direct/Indirect (tone)
What are the Barriers to Communication? Pt 2 Self-enhancement vs Self-effacement (important of boasting vs importance of staying humble), Misinterpretation of Nonverbal Comm (body language), Defensiveness (cuz poor comm skills/low self-concept), Lack of Feedback/Clarification, Poor Listening Skills
What are the 5 Responding Styles? Evaluative (judgment), Interpretive (listener wants to teach how sender should think), Supportive (intent to reassure), Probing (seek further information), Understanding (focus is if sender's message is accurately received)
Define Assertiveness the ability to communicate clearly and directly what you need or want from another in a way that doesn't deny/infringe on another's rights
How do you perform an I-statement? make it specific and non-blaming description of behavior, concrete effects of behavior, speakers feelings about that behavior
Define Rich Communication face to face, verbal, visual, nonverbal, emotional
Define Lean Communication limited channels, language only, emoticons
What are characteristics of Active Listening? Non-Evaluative, Paraphrasing Content, Reflecting Implications, Reflecting Underlying Feelings, Inviting Further Contributions, Nonverbal Listening Responses
Created by: Hamncheese52
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