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Stack #358734

Shunts blood away from digestive and housekeeping organs (like the skin, GI, kidney and bladder). a-mediated vasoconstriction.
Shunts blood to skeletal muscle for vigorous activity B-2 mediated vasodilation.
Shunt blood to lungs, heart, brain for alertness and vigorous activity a-1 mediated vasoconstriction of major blood vessels creates a pressure differential that diverts blood to heart, brain and lungs. (Local vasodilatory factors in heart, lung, and brain contribute to increased blood flow).
Open pupils for more light input and better vision a-1 mediated constriction of iris RADIAL muscles leading to mydriasis.
Increase oxygen supply in anticipation of increased demands-- -B-2 mediated bronchodilation and -B2 mediated inhibition of mast cell degranulation.
Increased cardiac output in anticipation of increased demand-- B-1 mediated increases in heart rate, force, and contractility.
Preparation for trauma and blood loss-- a-2 mediated potentiation of platelet aggregation, and B-1 mediated increases in renin secretion leading to vasoconstriction.
Catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) acts on what? EPI and NE.
Monoamine oxidase information: -2 forms, MAO-A and MAO-B, -Degrades phenylethylamines found in foods. -Acts on both EPI and NE taken up by Uptake I or Uptake II. -Inhibitors of monoamine oxidase are used for CNS effects.
Cardiovascular effects of NE, EPI and ISO infusion: Systolic blood pressure (SBP) is correlated with _____________? Cardiac output (CO).
Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) is correlated with ______________? peripheral resistance (PR). (Ask Filtz for explanation on this. And go to Proteau's office hours too).
The mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) is found by taken an average of what? The systolic and diastolic blood pressures.
Side effects of sympathomimetic drugs: 1. CNS effects- Anxiety, restlessness, headache, fear. 2. Cardiac arrthymias (tachycardia arrythmias), heart palpitations. 3. Electrolyte imbalances (Hypokalemia from K+ uptake by skeletal muscle when combined with K+-depleting diuretics). (cont.)
cont. on side effects of sympathomimetic drugs (4. and 5.)-- 4. Potential for cerebral hemorrhage from excess cerebral perfusion 5. Urinary retention
Epinephrine has activity at which receptors? (3) alpha, B-1, and B-2.
What is the drug of choice in acute cardiac arrest (including drug-induced arrest) and how soon will it work? Epinephrine; works immediately to jump start the heart.
What non-selective sympathomimetic compound is used with local anaesthesia? and how does it help? Epinephrine. Epinephrine's local vasoconstrictive effects on the heart prolong the local concentration of anaesthetic.
What sympathomimetic agent is short-lived and not orally active? (What type of treatment is possible with this agent?) Norepinephrine. Only short-term therapy, because it doesn't have a duration long enough for long-term therapy.
What is the drug of choice in anaphylatic shock? Epinephrine (here it is under the non-selective sympathomimetic cmpds).
How does epinephrine work when used in anaphylactic shock? -Opens constricted airways -Inhibits histamine release, decreasing local edema and vasodilation -Supports blood pressure, maintains cardiac perfusion (?)
Created by: 81277
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