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CMT Dermatology

cutaneous This membrane is the primary organ of the integumentary system.
serous comprised of 2 distinct layers-epithelial layer of simple squamous cells and a basement of connective tissue that holds and supports teh epithelial cells.
Parietal Lines body cavities
Visceral Covers surfaces of the organs.
Mucous Epithelial membranes that line body surfaces opening directly to the exterior.
Synovial fluid secreted by the connective membranes, this is a thick, colorless fluid that lubricates the areas between bones and joints.
Epidermis Outermost layer of the skin consisting of a relatively thin sheet of stratified squamous epithelium.
Stratum germinativum Innermost layer of skin.
Keratin Produced when cytoplasm approaches the surface of the skin. it is the waterproof material that gives cells on the outer layer protective qualities.
Stratum corneum outer layer of skin.
Dermis Deeper, thicker layer composed mostly of connective tissue.
Subcutaneous tissue thick layer of connective tissue and fat supporting the layers of the skin.
Lanugo Extremely, fine, soft hair of a newborn.
Follicles Specialized structures required for hair growth.
Papilla Cluster of cells at the base of the follicle necessary for hair growth.
Root of hair Part of the hair beneath the skin.
Shaft of hair Part of the hair above the surface of the skin.
Arrector pili A tiny muscle at the base of the dermal papilla that contracts when frightened or cold producing "goose bumps."
Nail body Visible part of the nail.
Root of nail Part of the nail in a groove hidden by a fold of skin
Cuticle the fold of skin hiding the nail root
Lunula Crescent shaped white area nearest the root
Nail bed The layer of epithelium under the nail body.
Sweat glands the most numerous of the skin glands.
Eccrine glands The more numerous of the sweat glands. They are distributed all over the body.
Apocrine glands Found primarily in the axilla and the genital area.
Sebaceous glands Secrete oil for hair and skin.
Receptors Make it possible for the body surface to act as a sense organ.
Macule Discolored flat lesion (freckle or age spot)
Papule A less than 1 cm in diameter solid elevation of the skin (acne or pimple)
Nodule Solid, elevated lesion more than 1 cm in diameter (enlarged neck gland)
Pustule Pus-filled small elevation of the skin (whitehead)
Vesicle (blister) A small collection of clear fluid (chickenpox)
Plaque Slightly elevated surface lesion with a flat surface
Crust Rough,dry surface of dried exudate or blood
Lichenification Leather-like skin surface
Keloid Benign, elevated, irregularly shaped scar due to the formation of excessive amounts of collagen in the skin during connective tissue repair.
Fissure Crack-like sore or groove
Ulcer Open sore in teh skin and mucous membrane
Erosion Wearing away or loss of epidermis
Comedone Hair follicles blocked with sebum, keratin, or debris
Cyst Thick-walled, closed sac or pouch containing fluid or semisolid material.
Polyp Mushroom-like growth from the surface of a mucous membrane on a stalk
Scale Flakey skin (dandruff, psoriasis)
Wheal Smooth, slightly elevated, swollen area that is either redder or paler than the surrounding skin (insect bite)
Seborrheic dermatitis An idiopathic condition that appears in a variety of forms and causes inflammation of the skin
Contact dermatitis Acute inflammation of the skin caused by coming in contact with many substances such as poison ivy, oak, or sumac
Eczema An inflammatory skin disease with papules, vesicles, erythema, edema, scaling, etc.
Urticaria (hives) Acute allergic reaction where red wheals develop on the skin.
Psoriasis A chronic skin condition for which the etiology is unknown but it is thought to be an autoimmune disorder or have a genetic component.
Rosacea A chronic, cyclic condition occurring on the cheeks that causes redness of the skin
Acne vulgaris Inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles causing papules, pustules and comedones.
Herpes Zoster (shingles) Caused by the varicella-zoster virus, this is an acute inflammatory dermatomal eruption of extremely painful vesicles
Impetigo Caused by either strep or Streptococcus aureus, this is a common contagious, superficial skin infection characterized by pustular lesions that rupture and form thick yellow crusts on the skin
Furuncle (boil) An abscess caused by bacteria that involves the entire hair follicle and adjacent tissue
Carbuncle Term used to refer to an ususually large furnuncle or when multiple furnuncles occur in adjoining follicles and are connected by their drainage canals
Cellulitis An acute, diffuse, bacterial infection resulting when bacteria enters the skin through a cut or lesion
Dermatophytoses Chronic superficial fungal infection of the skin
Decubitus ulcers (bed sores) Also referred to as a "pressure ulcer" it results from areas of dead skin and can affect the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layers of the skin
Scabies (itch mite) parasitic infection that are contageous
Seborrheic keratosis A benign growth originating in the epidermis characterized by brown papules or plaques and appearing as though they are pasted on the skin
Actinic keratosis Common premalignant lesions seen on sun-exposed areas of the body
Basal and squamous cell carcinomas nonmelanoma cancers that form on the skin as a result of chronic sun exposure
Malignant melanoma The most serious of the 3 types of skin cancers.
Vitiligo Patches of pale, irregular skin that usually occur usually a stressful incident and are evenly located on one side of the body
Hemangioma Benign lesion of proliferating blood vessels in the dermis that produced red, blue, or purple color
Nevi Small dark areas of skin composed of collections of melanocytes (moles)
Albinism A rare inherited condition characterized by the inability of melanocytes to produce melanin resulting in pale skin, white hair and generally pink or pale blue eyes.
Seborrheic warts Rounded, oval patches of darkly pigmented skin 1 to 3 cm across. They are not true warts
Pityriasis Rungal infection with patches of flaky, light or dark skin that devlops on the trunk of the body
Folliculitis Erythemic, pustular lesion of teh skin as a result of inflammatory reaction to hair follicies
Corns Extremely common, localized hyperplastic areas of the stratum corneum layer of the epidermis. They develop on toes
Calluses Extremely common, localized hyperplastic areas of the stratum corneum layer of the epidermis. Large and commonly develop on the ball of the foot and the palms of the hands
Verrucae (warts) Elevated growths of epidermis as the result of hyperplasia.
Plantar warts Small, hard white or pink lump with a cauliflower-like surface containing small clotted blood vessels that resemble black splinters
Paronychia Infection in the skin around a nail that can be caused either by bacteria or fungi.
Alopecia Chronic hair loss.
Cellulitis Inflammation of subcutaneous connective tissue
Scleroderma Chronic hardening and thickening of the skin
Ecchymosis Black-and-blue mark on the skin
Purpura Ecchymosis and petechia in the skin, mucous membranes, and serosal surfaces
Bacterial analysis Skin samples are sent to a laboratory to detect the presence of microorganisms
Fungal tests Skin scrapings of lesions, hair specimens or nail clippings are taken and sent for culture and microscopic examination.
Allergy skin testing Various antigens including animal dander, foods, plants, pollens, ect are given by intradermal injection into the forearm
Culture and sensitivity (C&S) Exudate from an ulcer, wound, burn or laceration or the pus of an infection is placed in a Petri dish for growth.
RAST A blood test to measure the amount of IgE produced each time the blood is mixed with a specific allergan showing which of the many allergans the patient is allergic to.
Skin scraping The edge of a scalpel is used to obtain material from a lesion. It is examined under the microscope for diagnosis.
Tzanck test A skin scraping of fluid from a vesicle is obtained, a smear made and placed on a slide, stained and examined under a microscope to diagnos Herpes virus infections and shingles.
Wood's lamp Used to diagnose vitiligo and ringworm by using an ultraviolet light to highlight areas of the skin.
Created by: TinaW
Popular Medical sets




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