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Med Terms Quiz 4

Phren/o diaphragm
comet/o deep sleep
Laryng/o larynx, voice box
Cost/o rib
myel/o spinal cord, bone marrow
phag/o swallow, to eat
cyst/o bladder, cyst
plaur/o membrane around lungs
di- two
didym/o twin, testis
dipl/o double
spleen/o spleen
embry/o embryo
-emesis vomiting
ankyl/o stiff
cervic/o neck, cervix
-cele hernia
cleid/o clavicle
-centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
kerat/o hard
esophag/o esophagus
-esthesia sensation, feeling
nat/i birth
andr/o male
gon/o seed
-stomy new opening
-stasis stopping, controlling
-rrhea flow,discharge
-ptysis spitting
gastr/o stomach
-plegia paralysis; palsy
spondyl/o spinal column
gynec/o woman, female
coagul/o clotting
hypn/o sleep
-cocci berry-shaped
pharyng/o throat
phleb/o vein
steth/o chest
immun/o protection
-megaly enlargement
ox/o oxygen
-pepsia digestion
phall/o penis
-phobia fear
-phylaxis protection; prevention of disease
poly- many, much
primi- first
gnath/o jaw
radicul/o nerve root
prandial to eat
-clasis fractured, to break
or/o mouth
-orexia appetite
gust/o taste
-hexia condition
gingiv/o gums
articul/o joint
carcin/o cancer/ tumor
an- without
septic, sepsis infection
a- without
micro- small
-osmia smell
tel/o complete
-pnea breathing
-stenosis narrowing
natal pertaining to birth
gustat/o taste
dis- to undo, free from apart
mamm/o mast/o breast
xer/o dry
-desis to bind, tie together
squam/o scale-like
keton/o ketone
lymph/o lymph
olig/o scanty,few
py/o pus formation
bilirubino/o bilirrubin
pub/o pubis
-apheresis removal
tympan/o eardrum
-lysis breakdown
oste/o bone
myx/o mucus
tomist specialist
-otomy incision
ven/o vein
-ous pertaining to
tachy rapid,fast
-otia ear condition
scot/o darkness
carp/o carpals
-penia abnormal reduction in
Created by: maria.mlm
Popular Medical sets




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