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Unit 3


George Washington 1st US president; set many precedents while in office
Whiskey Rebellion farmers in Pennsylvania attacked tax collectors; Pres. Washington led a militia to put the rebellion down; confirms the president's job to enforce laws
John Adams 2nd President; supported the Alien & Sedition Acts; Federalist
Alien and Sedition Acts controversial laws; increased citizenship requirements & limited free speech & press; meant to weaken Democratic-Republican Party
Election of 1800 close election; Jefferson won & Burr VP; gave control of executive & legislative branches to Democratic-Republicans; showed peaceful transition of power
Federalists strong national government; loose construction; industrial economy; Hamilton & his supporters
Democratic-Republicans stronger state governments; strict construction; agricultural economy; Jefferson & his supporters
Louisiana Purchase Pres. Jefferson bought land (Midwest) from France; nearly doubled size of United States
Strict construction federal government can only exercise powers explicitly written in Constitution
Loose construction federal government can exercise implied powers & perform duties "necessary and proper" to govern
Lewis & Clark Expedition two skilled frontiersmen who were sent by President Jefferson to map the Louisiana Purchase
James Madison 4th president; War of 1812; Democratic-Republican
War of 1812 US v. Britain; fought 1812-1814; led to more US manufacturing; US nationalism; end of conflicts with Britain
Battle of New Orleans US victory in War of 1812; made Jackson national hero; increased American nationalism
American Nationalism pride in one's culture; increased after War of 1812
James Monroe 5th president; Era of Good Feelings; American System; Monroe Doctrine; Democratic-Republican
Monroe Doctrine keep Europe out of independent American countries & the U.S. will stay out of European affairs; made America the protector of the Western Hemisphere
Andrew Jackson 7th president; common man; Democratic Party; Indian Removal Act; Nullification Crisis; hero of Battle of New Orleans
Jacksonian Democracy Political philosophy that sought: stronger presidency & weaker Congress; rights for “common man;” spoils system; Manifest Destiny
Universal male suffrage drop property requirement for voting; gave "common man" right to vote
Nullification Crisis South Carolina wanted to nullify (cancel) a tariff passed by the federal government; threatened to secede; conflict over states' rights
States’ rights The concept that states have the right to nullify (cancel) federal laws with which they disagree
Indian Removal Act forced thousands of American Indians to leave their homelands and resettle west of the Mississippi River
Industrial Revolution steam power --> growth in manufacturing & transportation between regions
Erie Canal Man-made river connecting Great Lakes & markets west of Appalachians to New York; reduced the price of transporting goods
American System Henry Clay's plan to expand US - federal funding of transportation; national bank; high protective tariffs
Second Great Awakening early 1800s religious revival that led Americans to attack perceived social ills
Temperance movement to get Americans to drink less alcohol
Public education tax-supported schools; pushed because reformers believed all children needed an education for democracy to be effective
Women’s suffrage The right to vote for women
Seneca Falls Convention 1st conference for women's equality; wanted suffrage & equality; wrote Declaration of Sentiments
Abolitionism Movement to outlaw slavery
Frederick Douglass Former slave, abolitionist, author of newspaper The North Star
William Lloyd Garrison Abolitionist; published newspaper called The Liberator & advocated for immediate emancipation of all slaves
Nat Turner Rebellion Slave rebellion in VA; led to stronger slave codes
Thomas Jefferson GW's Secretary of State; 3rd president; won Election of 1800; Louisiana Purchase; Lewis & Clark Expedition; Democratic-Republican
Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court decision that gave the SC power to determine the constitutionality of laws
Alexander Hamilton GW's Secretary of the Treasury; Federalist
Democrats party modeled after Andrew Jackson; anti American System; common man
Whigs party created to oppose Andrew Jackson; pro American System; upper classes
Created by: edaughtrey
Popular History sets



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