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Japanese Verbs

Japanese common verbs

着く tsuku To arrive
出来る dekiru To be able to
なる naru To become
呼ぶ yobu To call
饮む nomu To drink
食べる tabe To eat
行く iku To go
持つ motsu To have or hold
学ぶ manabu To learn
作る tsukuru To make
会う au To meet up
置く oku To put
受ける ukeru To receive
帰る kaeru To return home
言う iu To say
见る miru To see
送る okuru To send
使う tsukau To use
待つ matsu To wait
聞く Kiku To listen
昼寝する hirune suru To nap
買い物する kaimono suru To shop
歌う utau To sing
歩く aruku To walk
料理する ryōri suru To Cook
来る kuru To come
切る Kiru To cut
乗る noru To ride
読む yomu To read
話す hanasu To speak
勉強する benkyō suru To study
教える oshieru To teach
わかる wakaru To understand
書く Kaku To write
開ける akeru To open
閉める shimeru To close
始める hajimeru To start
終わる owaru To finish
押す osu To push
引く hiku To pull
つける tsukeru To turn on
消す kesu To turn off
急ぐ isogu To hurry
借りる kariru To borrow
座る suwaru To sit
立つ tatsu To stand
Created by: Rodbert
Popular Japanese sets




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