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Exam 4 A&P

Movement-Origin-Insertion of Skeletal Muscles

Origin of the Sternocleidomastoid Sternal Head: Top of manubrium Clavicular Head: Medial 1/3 of the clavicle
Action of the Sternocleidomastoid Unilaterally: Lateral flex (head and neck same side) and rotation (head and neck opposite Side) Bilaterally: Flex (neck) Assisted elevation (rib cage inhalation) Main action: Flex neck or inhale deeply
Insertion of the Sternocleidomastoid Mastoid process of temporal bone and the lateral portion of superior nuchal line of occiput
Origin of the Anterior Scalene Transverse process of third through sixth cervical vertebrae (Anterior Tubercles)
Action of the Anterior Scalene Unilaterally: Ribs fixed- Lateral flex (head and neck same side)and rotation (head and neck opposite Side) Bilaterally: Elevation (ribs during inhalation and Flex (head and neck) Main Action: inhale into your upper chest and flex your neck
Insertion of the Anterior Scalene Frist rib
Action of the Middle Scalene Unilaterally: Ribs fixed- Lateral flex (head and neck same side)and rotation (head and neck opposite Side) Bilaterally: Elevation (ribs during inhalation) Main Action: inhale into your upper chest and flex your neck
Origin of the Middle Scalene Transverse processes of the second through seventh cervical vertebrae (posterior tubercles)
Origin of the Posterior Scalene Transverse processes of sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae (Posterior Tubercles)
Insertion of the Middle Scalene First rib
Insertion of the Posterior Scalene Second rib
Action of the Posterior Scalene Unilaterally: Ribs fixed- Lateral flex (head and neck same side)and rotation (head and neck opposite Side) Bilaterally: Elevation (ribs during inhalation) Main Action: inhale into your upper chest and Laterally flex your neck
Action of Masseter Elevate Mandible (Temporomandibular Joint); May assist to protract the mandible "Clench your Jaw"
Origin of Masseter Zygomatic arch
Insertion of Masseter Angle and ramus of mandible
Origin of Temporalis Temporal fossa and fascia
Insertion of Temporalis Coronoid process and anterior edge of ramus of mandible
Action of Temporalis Elevate and Retract Mandible (Temporomandibular Joint) "Clench your Jaw"
Origin of Geniohyoid Underside of mandible
Insertion of Geniohyoid Hyoid Bone
Action of Geniohyoid Elevate: hyoid and tongue Depression: Mandible (Temporomandibular Joint) "Depress your jaw" or "Swallow"
Origin of Mylohyoid Underside of mandible
Insertion of Mylohyoid Hyoid Bone
Action of Mylohyoid Elevate: hyoid and tongue Depression: Mandible (Temporomandibular Joint) "Depress your jaw" or "Swallow"
Origin of Stylohyoid Styloid Process
Insertion of Styloid Hyoid Bone
Action of Stylohyoid Elevate: hyoid and tongue Depression: Mandible (Temporomandibular Joint) "Depress your jaw" or "Swallow"
Origin of Digastric Mastoid Process (deep to sternocleidomastoid and splenius capitis)
Insertion of Digastric Inferior border of the mandible
Action of Digastric With hyoid bone fixed, depress the mandible (Temporomandibular Joint) With mandible fixed, elevate the hyoid bonne Retract the mandible (Temporomandibular Joint) "Depress your jaw" or "Swallow"
Origin of the Sternohyoid Top of Mandible
Insertion of the Sternohyoid Hyoid Bone
Action of the Sternohyoid Depress the hyoid bone and Thyroid Cartilage Resisted depression of jaw
Origin of the SternoThyroid Top of Mandible
Insertion of the Sternothyroid Thyroid Cartilage
Action of Sternothyroid Depress the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage Resisted depression of jaw
Origin of the Thyrohyoid Thyroid Cartilage
Insertion of Thyrohyoid Hyoid Bone
Action of Thyrohyoid Depress of hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage Resisted depression of jaw
Origin of Omohyoid Superior border of the scapula
Insertion of the Omohyoid Hyoid Bone
Action of the Omohyoid Depress of hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage Resisted depression of jaw
Origin of the Platysma Fascia covering superior part of the pectoralis major
Insertion of the Platysma Base of mandible, skin lower part of face
Action of the Platysma Assist to depress the mandible (Temporomandibular Joint) Tighten the fascia of the neck Draw down corner of the mouth "look like a lizard"
Origin of Occipitofrontalis Both: galea aponeurotica
Insertion of Occipitofrontalis Frontalis: Skin superior to eyebrows Occipitalis: Superior nuchal line of the occiput "Raise your eyebrows"
Action of Occipitofrontalis Frontalis: Raise eyebrows and wrinkle forehead Occipitalis: Anchor and retract the galea posteriorly
Origin of Medial Pterygoid Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone and tuberosity of maxilla
Insertion of Medial Pterygoid Medial surface of ramus of the mandible
Action of Medial Pteryoid Unilaterally: Laterally deviate the mandible to the opposite side Bilaterally: Elevate and Protract the mandible
Origin of Lateral Pterygoid Superior Head: Infratemporal Surface and crest of greater wing of sphenoid bone Inferior Head: Lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone
Insertion of Lateral Pterygoid Articular disc and capsule of temporomandibular joint. neck of mandible
Action of Lateral Pterygoid Unilaterally: Laterally deviate the mandible to the opposite side Bilaterally: Protract the mandible
Origin of longus Capitis Transverse process of C3 through C6
Insertion of longus Capitis Inferior surface of Occiput
Action of longus Capitis Unilaterally: Lateral Flex and Rotate the head and neck to same side Bilaterally: Flex the head and neck
Origin of longus Colli Bodies of C5 through T3, Transverse process of C3 through C5
Insertion of longus Colli Tubercle on anterior arch of the altas, bodies of the axis, C3 and C4, Transverse processes of C5 and C6
Action of longus Colli Unilaterally: Lateral Flex and Rotate the head and neck to same side Bilaterally: Flex the head and neck
Origin of the Buccinator Alveolar process of the maxilla (superior part), mandible (Inferior part), Pterygomandibular crest (posterior part)
Action of Buccinator Presses cheeks against lips; whistle, blowing. also mastication (chewing)
Insertion of Buccinator Orbicularis oris
Origin of Depressor Anguli Oris Mental Tubercle and Oblique line of the mandile
Action of Depressor Anguli Oris Depress angle of mouth; signal sadness (inverted clown smile)
Insertion of the Depressor Anguli Oris Modiolus
Origin of the Depressor Labil Inferioris Oblique line of mandible
Insertion of the Depressor Labil Inferioris Skin and submucosa of lower lip
Action of the Depressor Labil Inferioris Depress corner of mouth while protruding and drawling lower lip laterally
Origin of Levator Anguli Oris Canine fossa of maxilla (between corner of mouth & Center of eye)
Insertion of Levator Anguli Oris Modiolus
Action of Levator Anguli Oris Elevates angle of mouth (Ambiguous expression; ticked off)
Origin of the Levator Labii Superioris Zygomatic process of maxilla, maxillary process of zygomatici bone
Insertion of the Levator Labii Superioris Blends with muscle of upper lip
Action of the Levator Labii Superioris Elevates upper lip, exposes maxillary teeth
Origin of Mentalis Incisive fossa of mandible
Insertion of Mentalis Skin of chin (Mentolabial suicus)
Action of Mentalis Elevates, everts and protrudes lower lip, wrinkles skin of chin
Origin of Orbicularis Oris Medial aspect of maxilla and mandible, perioral skin and muscles, modiolus
Insertion of Orbicularis Oris Skin and mucous membrane of lips
Action of Orbicularis Oris Closes mouth, compresses and protrudes lips
Origin of Platysma Skin/Fascia of infra-and supraclavicular regions
Insertion of Platysma Lower border of mandible, skin of buccal/cheek region, lower lip, modiolus, orbicularis oris muscle
Action of Platysma Depresses mandible and angle of mouth, tenses skin of lower face and anterior neck
Origin of Risorius Parotid Fascia, Buccal skin, Zygomatic Bone (Variable)
Insertion of Risorius Modiolus
Action of Risorius extends angle of mouth laterally (insincere-looking smile)
Origin of Zygomaticus Major (Posterior Part) Lateral aspect of zygomatic bone
Insertion of Zygomaticus Major Modiolus, blends with muscle of upper lip
Action of Zygomaticus Major Elevates and everts angle of mouth (smile)
Origin of Zygomaticus Minor (Anterior Part) Lateral aspect of zygomatic bone
Insertion of Zygomaticus Minor Blends with muscles of upper lip (medial to zygomaticus major muscle)
Action of Zygomaticus Minor Elevates upper lip, exposes maxillary teeth (grimace; more of and understood internal expression)
Origin of Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi Along side of nose (Superior to infraorbital foreman of maxilla)
Insertion of Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi Skin at angle of mouth and orbicular oris
Action of Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi elevates upper lip and wing of nose
Origin of Nasalis (Alar part) frontal process of maxilla (Transverse Part) Maxilla
Insertion of Nasalis (Alar part) Skin of ala (Transverse Part) merges with counterpart at dorsum of nose
Action of Nasalis (Alar part) depresses ala laterally, dilates nostrils (Transverse Part) Wrinkles skin of dorsum of nose
Origin of Procerus Nasal bone; Superior part of lateral nasal cartilage (small triangular muscle on forehead)
Insertion of Procerus Skin of glabella, fibers of fontal belly of occipitofrontalis muscle
Action of Procerus Depresses medial end of eyebrows, wrinkle skin of glabellae (anger or concern expression; wrinkles skin when sneezing)
Origin Auricularis Muscle (Anterior, superior and posterior) above and alongside ear on three sides
Action of Anterior and Posterior Auricularis Muscle Wiggling of ear
Created by: JML19
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