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Bio 15 #2

1B notes

Cell Theory The theory that all living things are composed of cells and that all cells come from other cells
Plasma Membrane flexible boundary between the living cell and its surroundings, a structure that separates life from non-life, it is very thin. (phospholipid)
Anaerobes grown only in the absence of O2 a type of bacteria
Cytoplasmic Fluid Liquid material inside the cell (basically a solution of biomolecules)
Chloroplasts photosynthesizing organelles of plants and algae, have their own DNA.
Plant Cells have a cell wall, have vacuoles, composed of cellulose and other polysaccharides.
Golgi apparatus Processing organelle, consists of a stack of flattened membrane sacs, receives secretory proteins in transport vesicles through the rough ER, modifies and stores protein, sends proteins out in a new transport vesicles to cell surface.
Lysosomes Digests damaged organelles and recycles their molecules. can fuse with vacuoles containing food particles and digest them. Membrane bound found is most animal cells,( not found in red blood cells). waste disposal from cell to cytoplasm.
Mitochondria Organelles for energy production by cellular respiration. surrounded by double membrane, has it own DNA a few genes, cells contain a different number of these depending energy needs.
Stroma Thick fluid, contains chloroplast DNA and ribosomes as well as many enzymes. Functionally supportive framework.
Microfilaments also called actin filaments, solid rods made of globular proteins, in muscle cells. made from protein, easily assemble and disassemble to cause movement.
Tubulin subunit Found in all eukaryotic cells, act as guides for movement of organelles, holds organelles in place, more rigid than microfilaments.
Glycoprotein Protein with sugar attached
Cilia Short cellular appendages specialized for locomotion or moving fluid past the cell.
Cell wall only found in plant cells
Tight Junction Prevents leakage of solutes and water, also seals between epithelial cells.
Anchoring Junction Function like "rivets" fasten cells together into strong sheets. (common in tissue stretching) such as skin and heart muscle
Gap Junction Also called "communication Junctions" are channels that allow small molecules through protein lined pores between cells. (heart contraction is an example)
Plasmodesmata Connects plant cells to each other
Diffusion Molecules move from the higher concentration to lower concentration, simple or passive _______ requires no work (energy or ATP) Goal is to create equilibrium of molecules on both sides of the membrane in cells
Facilitated Diffusion Protein molecules used as carriers for transportation of most molecules (except water) from higher concentration to lower concentration. Requires no work (energy or ATP) Goal is to create equilibrium of molecules on both sides of the membrane in cells
Active Transport Diffusion Requires energy from ATP, Special proteins act as pumps to move molecules from low to high concentrations. (against concentration gradient.) 1. Solute Binding 2. Phosphorylation 3. Transport. Goal: maintain the right concentration of ions and molecules.
Osmosis Diffusion through a selectively permeable membrane that has tiny pores and only small molecules can pass through them.
Hypotonic Lower solute concentration that another solution. (must compare two solutions to each other)
Hypertonic Higher solute concentration than another solution. (must compare two solutions to each other)
Isotonic Same concentration in both solutions. (must compare two solutions to each other)
Exocytosis A transport vesicle is filled with macromolecule buds from the Golgi apparatus and moves to the plasma membrane. Fuses with the plasma membrane and empties contents (Ex: tears)
Endocytosis Cell takes in a large molecule and a depression in the plasma membrane pinches in an forms a vesicle enclosing the material that was outside the cell.
Receptor mediated endocytosis Receptor proteins on the cell surface are used to capture a specific target molecule. Highly selective, coated pit closes to form a vesicle.
phosphorylation The attachment of a phosphate group to a molecule or an ion
Redox Reaction The transfer of elections from one molecule to another
Oxidation the loss of electrons from one substance
reduction The addition of electrons to another substance
Active site Typically a pocket or groove on the surface of an enzyme
Substrate The specific reactant that an enzyme acts on
Competitive Inhibitor Reduces an enzymes productivity by blocking substrate molecules fro entering the active site
Noncompetitive inhibitor Does not enter the active site, binds to a site elsewhere on the enzyme, it binding changes the enzymes shape so the active site no longer fits the substrate.
Kinetic energy The energy of motion
Potential energy the energy matter processes as a result of location or structure (a falling rock hitting something)
Chemical energy The potential energy available for release in a chemical reaction. The most important type of energy for living organisms (Glucose, gasoline)
Phagocytosis Cellular " eating or drinking"; type of endocytosis in which a cell engulfs bacteria, foreign proteins, other cells, or particles into its cytoplasm.
Receptor mediated endocytosis The movement of specific molecules into a cell by the coated pit closing to form a vesicle
First law of thermodynamics Energy is not created or destroyed, energy can be converted form one form to another
Second law of thermodynamics Every energy conversion reduces that order of the universe, energy conversion always involves some energy loss. In any energy conversion heat is produced.
Third law of thermodynamics All energy will eventually be converted to heat
Entropy A measure of disorder, or randomness.
Cellular Respiration The breakdown of sugars and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen to carbon dioxide and water, generating a large amount of ATP that fuel cellular work.
Exergonic reaction A chemical reaction that releases energy (EX: heat or light)
Endergonic Reaction yields products that are rich in potential energy
ATP Adenosine Triphosphate
ADP Adenosine Diphosphate
Pi Phosphate
ADP+Pi+Energy= ATP
Glycolsis To cut sugar, a series of reactions that splits glucose into two molecules of pyruvate; the first stage of cellular respiration in all organisms; occurs in the cytosol
Fermentation making energy without oxygen
Photosynthesis Energy from light
Enzymes Biological catalysts which speed up the rate of reaction, most end in -ase, made of protein. (EX: Alcohol dehydrogenase)
Cofactors A nonprotein molecule or ion that is required for the proper functioning of an enzyme
Coenzyme an organic molecule serving as a cofactor. Most vitamins function as coenzymes in important metabolic reactions,
Created by: Mcgilvraymandi
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