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CCMA Group 7

Shyanne, Sandra, Alexa

MS, MSO4 morphine
MgSO4 magnesium sulfate
abbreviated medication names: (AZT, KCI, HCT, PTU, HCTZ) full name of medication
nitro nitroglycerin
decimal points without a leading zero (.5 mg) smaller units (500mcg) or a leading zero (0.5 mg)
trailing zero (1.0 mg, 100.0 g) no trailing zero (1 mg, 100 mg)
u, U, IU units
μ (Mu), μg mcg, microgram
x3d times 3 days (?)
cc mL
apothecary units metric units
od, O.D., OD daily or intended time of administration
q.d, qd, Q.D, QD, q1d (?), i/d daily
q.o.d., QOD every other day
Q6PM, etc 6 p.m. daily or daily at 6 p. m.
TIW, tiw 3 times weekly
mg.,mL. mg, mL (no period)
HS half-strength or bedtime (hour of sleep)
Super- Over or above
Tachy- Fast
Pre- Before
Retro- Backward, behind
Acanth(o)- Thorn or spine
Bucc(o)- Of or pertaining to the cheek
Carcin(o)- Cancer
BT, hs, qhs, qn bedtime or hour of sleep
SC, SQ, sub q subcutaneously
IN intranasal
IJ injection
OJ orange juice
> or < greater than or less than
@ at
&, + and
/ per
AD, AS, AU right ear, left ear, each ear (both ears)
OD, OS, OU right eye, left eye, each eye (both eyes)
A, An- Without
Ante- Before
Anti- Against
Inter- Between
Peri- Around
Post- After
Brady- Slow
Hyper- Above
Hypo- Below
Mal- Bad
Neo- New
Patho- Disease
Radio- Radiation
Sub- Under or below
Ocul(o)- Eye
Narc(o)- Numb, sleep
Meg(a)- Enlargement
Humer(o)- Pertaining to the shoulder
Stasis- Stop or Control
Pnea- Breathing
Oxia- Oxygen
Tomy- Cut
Stomy- Opening
Pathy- Disease
Itis- inflammation
Edema- Fluid buildup
Globin, Globulin- Protein
Asthenia- Weakness
Dyna- Pain
Algia- Pain
odynia- Pain
Emesis- Vomiting
lasis- condition of
lepsis, lepsy- seizure, convulsion
malacia- abnormal softening
megaly- enlargement
ole- small, little
opia- vision
oma- tumor
phage, phagia- eating, consuming, swallowing
rrhea- flow, discharge
plasia- formation or development
sclerosis hardening
spasm cramp, or twitching
Created by: shyrosado
Popular Medical sets




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