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Random Vocab-5


一定 いってい fixed; settled; constant; definite; uniform; regularized;
登場 とうじょう entry (on stage); appearance (on screen)
出席 しゅっせき attendance; presence; appearance; to attend; to be present
平均 へいきん 1. average; mean 2. balance; equilibrium
おそらく perhaps; likely; probably; I dare say
周囲 しゅうい 1. surroundings; environs 2. circumference
かた shoulder
かれ he; his; him
より 1. than 2. from; out of; since; at; on
詳しい くわしい 1. detailed; full; accurate 2. knowing very well; well-acquainted; well-informed
否定 ひてい negation; denial; repudiation; disavowal
維持 いじ maintenance; preservation; improvement
金額 きんがく amount of money
障害 しょうがい 1. obstacle; impediment; hindrance; difficulty; barrier 2. handicap; impairment; disability; disorder; malfunction
すえ 1. tip; top 2. end; close 3. youngest child
出版 しゅっぱん publication
温度 おんど temperature
なべ 1. saucepan; pot 2. stew; hot pot
同僚 どうりょう coworker; co-worker; colleague; associate
到着 とうちゃく arrival
交流 こうりゅう 1. (cultural) exchange; interchange; interaction; (inter-) mingling; 2. alternating current; AC
用いる もちいる to use; to make use of; to utilize; to utilise
画家 がか painter; artist
独立 どくりつ independence (e.g. Independence Day); self-support
借金 しゃっきん debt; loan; liabilities
宗教 しゅうきょう religion; religious affiliation; belief; faith; creed
建築 けんちく construction; architecture (of buildings)
話題 わだい topic; subject
予算 よさん estimate; budget
攻撃 こうげき 1. attack; strike; offensive 2. criticism; censure; denunciation;
追う おう 1. to chase; to run after; to pursue 2. to follow (i.e. a set order, a trend) 3. to drive out; to oust; to expel
構造 こうぞう structure; construction
開催 かいさい holding a meeting; open an exhibition
繰り返す くりかえす to repeat; to do something over again
主張 しゅちょう claim; request; insistence; assertion; advocacy; emphasis; contention; opinion; tenet
抱える かかえる 1. to hold or carry under or in the arms 2. to have (esp. problems, debts, etc.) 3. to employ; to engage; to hire
供給 きょうきゅう supply; provision
始まり はじまり origin; beginning
委員 いいん committee member
見出し みだし heading; headline; title; caption
通常 つうじょう common; general; normal; usual
作者 さくしゃ author; authoress; writer; composer; artist
演奏 えんそう musical performance
確実 かくじつ certainty; reliability; soundness
鉄道 てつどう railroad; railway; rail transport
改善 かいぜん betterment; improvement
批判 ひはん criticism; judgement; judgment; comment
特定 とくてい 1. specific; particular; designated; special 2. to specify; to identify; to pinpoint
苦手 にがて 1. poor (at); weak (in); not very good (at) 2. dislike (of); difficult to deal with
検査 けんさ inspection (e.g. customs, factory); examination;
巨大 きょだい huge; gigantic; enormous
設備 せつび equipment; device; facilities; installation
以後 いご after this; from now on; hereafter
単に たんに simply; merely; only; solely
範囲 はんい extent; scope; sphere; range; span
容易 ようい easy; simple; plain
見方 みかた 1. viewpoint; point of view 2. way of understanding; way of appreciating;
財産 ざいさん property; fortune; assets
背景 はいけい 1. background; scenery; backdrop; setting; circumstance; context 2. backing; support (from behind the scenes)
論文 ろんぶん thesis; essay; treatise; paper; article
現象 げんしょう phenomenon
流す ながす 1. to drain; to pour; to spill; to shed (blood, tears) (see also: 涙を流す) 2. to wash away
不満 ふまん dissatisfaction; displeasure; discontent; complaints; unhappiness;
表情 ひょうじょう 1. facial expression; countenance 2. look; appearance; expression (vocal, etc.)
知事 ちじ prefectural governor
年中 ねんじゅう 1. whole year; all year round; throughout the year 2. always; all the time
逮捕 たいほ arrest; apprehension; capture
備える そなえる 1. to furnish; to provide for; to equip; to install 2. to have ready; to prepare for
不思議 ふしぎ wonder; miracle; strange; mystery; marvel; curiosity
しゃべる to talk; to chat; to chatter
差別 さべつ discrimination; distinction; differentiation
なんか things like ...; or something like that ... (often derogatory)
楽しむ たのしむ to enjoy (oneself)
価値 かち value; worth; merit
芸術 げいじゅつ (fine) art; the arts
提出 ていしゅつ 1. to present; to submit (e.g. a report or a thesis); to hand in; 2. presentation; submission; filing
比較 ひかく comparison
就職 しゅうしょく finding employment; getting a job
重ねる かさねる 1. to pile up; to put something on top of another; to stack up 2. to repeat many times over; to go through something repeatedly
食う くう 1. to eat 2. to live; to make a living; to survive
前年 ぜんねん the preceding year; the previous year; last year
是非 ぜひ 1. certainly; without fail 2. right and wrong; pros and cons
うん fortune; luck
後者 こうしゃ the latter
広場 ひろば plaza; (public) square; piazza; forum; open space
おく interior; inner part; inside
さくら 1. cherry tree; cherry blossom 2. decoy; fake buyer; shill
適切 てきせつ pertinent; appropriate; adequate; relevance
別れ わかれ parting; separation; farewell; (lateral) branch; fork; offshoot; division; section
単純 たんじゅん simplicity; simple; uncomplicated
広げる ひろげる 1. to spread; to extend; to expand; to enlarge; to widen; to broaden 2. to unfold; to open; to unroll; to unwrap
かた 1. model; type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.) 2. type; style; pattern
できるだけ as much as one can; as much as possible; if at all possible
大気 たいき atmosphere
業者 ぎょうしゃ 1. trader; merchant; vendor; supplier 2. manufacturer; contractor
なみだ 1. tear; tears; lachrymal secretion 2. sympathy
笑顔 えがお smiling face; smile
終了 しゅうりょう end; close; termination
追加 ついか addition; supplement; append (e.g. to a file); appendix
態度 たいど attitude; manner; behavior
Created by: Bens0n
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