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Cardiology NP

Info & Q: NP EXAM

ID the BP: <120/<80 Normal
ID the BP: 120-139 OR 80-89 Pre-HTN
ID the BP: 140-159 OR 90-99 Stage 1 HTN
ID the BP: >160 OR >100 Stage 2 HTN
How do we tx Pre-HTN? Diabetic - Yes Other healthy pt - lifestyle mod
Goal for BP in Main St. population? Less than 140 over less than 90
Goal BP for Diabetics and renal pt. Less than 130 over less than 80
pril ACE inhibitor
sartan ARB
lol beta blocker
pine Long acting calcium channel blocker
Go to drug for pt with HTN is? diuretic
When do we dx HTN? When we get 2 abnormal values
Pt comes in with sinus infection, blood pressure elevated can we dx HTN? NO, need a second reading; pt with sinus infection may have taken sudafed so we need second reading
How do we manage pt with elevated BP on visit? Have pt return to clinic to get second reading
When pt returns to clinic for BP check, his BP is elevated, can we dx? (BP-148/88) How do we manage? Yes; Stage 1 - lifestyle mod for 3 mos then start meds if needed
Describe the DASH diet: Low Na, High K+ (low K+ causes vasoconstriction), Hi Fruit and Veg, Hi Fiber
Upon Dx of HTN we need to get labs and baseline info for 3 important reasons: 1. Target organ damage; ie LVH - HTN long time thus need aggressive manage 2. Do they have 2ndary HTN; ie TSH 3. Do they have any other risk factors? Hyperlipidemia, etc.
Management of HCTZ: initial dose, best effective dose, K+ considerations; May consider this drug to add to HCTZ if needed? Initial dose HCTZ 25 mg daily; Best dose of HCTZ is "mid" range (increase to 50 not effective); Increase to 50 may cause more loss of K+ thus vasoconstriction; ACE (holds on to K+)
After starting pt on meds for HTN when should he return to clinic and what do we do? Return in 1 month (ACE receptors saturated) and obtain BUN, Cr, K+ (check kidneys)
If pt started on CCB when does he return? Return in 2 Weeks
What is a SE in ACE inhibitors that occurs more commonly in AA (blacks)? Angioedema (tongue may be swollen out of mouth; swelling in face; can happen on "any" dose from 2 to 2000)
A pt in clinic with 197/98 what do we do? Dx Stage 2 HTN TODAY and start TWO drugs TODAY along with lifestyle mod
If the pt has a hx of Gout what drug should be avoided? HCTZ (drive fluid out thus uric acid increase)
Pt with Gout, what do we give to manage HTN; can we give ACE and ARB? NO; both work down stream process of kid thereby knocking out a major way for him to regulate his blood pressure so never use initially; Avoid CCB and BB (<<<HR); try the CCB and ACE (Good Combo)
If pt develops a dry cough while on an ACE what should we swith him to? ARB
Isolated Systolic HTN (ISH) treatment? Long Acting CCB - Amlodipine
Long Acting CCB "DHP" (dihydropyridine) DHP Doesn't Hurt Pulse - good to give for ISH; suffix end in pine
Diurectics affect these problems so watch when Rx to pts: Glucose, lipids, gout
Watch for pt on Opthamic BB being tx for glaucoma, so avoid this med for HTN: Oral BB
BB might mask this sign or symptom in Diabetics: Hypoglycemia (BB may be used to knock out nervous or jitters) thus avoid so tell them to look for diaphoresis
Longstanding HTN leads to: CHF
The most sensitive measure that a pt is holding on to fluid is: Weight
What is the drug of choice to tx CHF? ACE, ACE, ACE because they decrease morbidity and mortality
What affect do NSAIDs have on CHF pt? NSAIDs hold on to Na thus fluid thereby making things worse.
What drug recently received a black box warning for CHF pt? Rosiglitazone (Avandia)
Target Lipid Levels: TC, HDL, LDL, Trigl TC-less than 200; HDL-greater than 40 but less than 60; LDL-less than 130; Trigl-less than 150
When trying to reduce pts TC we should give: Statin
When trying to reduce pts LDL we should give: Statin
When trying to increase pts HDL we should give: Niacin
When trying to decrease pts Trigl we should give: Bibrate (Gemfibrozil, fenofibrate)
If pt taking a statin for couple of mos c/o muscle aches. Could it be related to statin and what do we do? yes; get a CK
Pt taking a statin for month or so and has elevated AST, when should we stop the statin? When AST levels or 2-3 times higher than normal
If you hear a murmur and feel the carotid pulse at the same time then the murmur is? Systolic
If you hear a murmur and the carotid is calm then the murmur is? Diastolic
ID the murmur: Mitral Regurgitation Systolic
ID the murmur: Physiologic Murmur Systolic
ID the murmur: Aortic Stenosis Systolic
ID the murmur: Mitral Valve Prolapse Systolic
ID the murmur: Aortic Regurgitation Diastolic (always bad)
ID the murmur: Mitral Stenosis Diastolic (always bad)
Whenever you hear a murmur and the pt has a complaint ie: SOB Significant murmur and refer
Aortic Stenosis (systolic murmur) symptoms; you should think Aortic Stenosis Complications (ASC): ASC - Angina, Syncope, Chf
What type of BP do people with Aortic Stenosis have? Narrow Pulse Pressure
A common complaint of pt with Aortic Regurgitation is? I can feel my heart beating because it is interacting with the chest wall
What type of BP do people with Aortic Regurgitation have? Wide Pulse Pressure
A common complaint and problem of pt with Mitral Stenosis is? Dyspnea; Atrial fib b/c the chamber pushes against stenotic valve thus growing larger thereby stretching the muscle that will alter electrical conduction
A common complaint of pt with Mitral Valve Prolapse is? Palpitations, chest pain with exercise, SVT; more common in younger women; symptomatic with coffee
When you see the word "click" you have to think? Mitral Valve Prolapse
It a murmur goes away by standing or moving then it is generally? A Good murmur; good sign
Atypical chest pain may occur in what type of pt? Older female, diabetic
Which class of antihypertensive should be avoided in a pt that swims? (tennis, jogs, golfer that walks 18 holes) Beta Blocker
Pt c/o pain when walking that goes away after resting, this is called "intermittent claudication". What should we check? Pedal Pulse
How do we assess DVT? Homan's Sign
In pt with CHF exacerbation we would hear which "heart gallop"? S3
A pt with varicose veins might also have? bilateral orthostatic edema
Created by: dprest
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