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Skeletal System Chap 8

Name the 5 Skeletal system functions 1. Structural support to the body 2. Protection of the organs 3. Movement 4. Stores calcium 5. Forms blood cells in the red bone marrow
Name the 5 types of bones 1. Long 2. Short 3. Flat 4. Irregular 5. Sesamoid
What is the functional unit of compact bone? Osteon
What does an osteon look like? It has layers of rings called lamellae
What is the shaft of a long bone called? Diaphysis
What is the hollow center of the bone? Medullary canal
What is the medullary (“middle”) canal filled with? Yellow marrow (adipose tissue)
What is the function of yellow marrow? Function is to store fat
What is the end of the long bone called? Proximal and distal epiphysis (where spongey bone is)
What is the thin layer that covers each epiphysis, provides a cushion? Articular cartilage
What tissue surrounds the whole bone, and what is its function? Periosteum: serves as the attachment site for tendons and ligaments
What is the thin membrane that lines the medullary cavity? Endosteum
What type of bone is a thin layer of compact bone surrounding spongey (cancellous) bone? Flat bone
What type of bone occurs within a tendon, such as the patella (kneecap)? Sesamoid bones
What are the two types of bone tissue? Spongey (aka cancellous) compact
Where is spongey bone found? In the epiphyses of bones
What does spongey bone contain? Red bone marrow
What is the medical term for a mature bone cells? Osteocyte
What is the medical term for a cartilage cell? chondrocyte
What skeletal tissue lacks blood vessels? Cartilage
What is the name of cells that form new bone? Osteoblasts
What is the name of cells that reabsorb bone? Osteoclasts
What is the term for cartilage between epiphyses and diaphysis that remains until skeletal maturity? Epiphyseal plate
What is the medical term for the process by which cartilage is gradually replaced by bone? Endochondral ossification
What are the 2 divisions of the skeleton? 1. Axial 2. Appendicular
What are the bones in the axial skeleton? 1. Skull 2. Vertebral column 3. Thorax (rib cage)
What are the bones of the appendicular skeleton? 1. Upper extremities 2. Shoulder (pectoral) girdle 3. Lower extremities 4. Hip (pelvic) girdle
What are the 4 normal curves of the vertebral column? 1. Cervical 2. Thoracic 3 Lumbar 4. Sarcal
Name 3 abnormal spinal curvatures? Lordosis (swayback) Kyphosis (hunchback) Scoliosis (side-to-side curve)
What bones are part of the thorax? 12 pairs of ribs Sternum (breastbone) 12 Thoracic vertebrae (those that have ribs)
What are 3 types of ribs? True ribs (the first 7 pairs) False ribs (the other 5 pairs) Floating ribs (the last two pairs of false ribs)
what is the name of the shoulder blade? Scapula
What is the name of the collar bone? Clavicle
What is the name of the bone in the arm? Humerus
What is the name of the smaller bone of the forearm? Radius
What is the name of the larger bone of the forearm? Ulna
what is the name of the large wrist bone? Scaphoid
What is the name of the bone of the thigh? Femur
What is the name of the larger bone of the leg? Tibia
What is the name of the heel bone? Calcaneus
What are 4 differences between a male and female skeleton? Size (females are smaller) Shape (females are broader) Size of pelvic inlet (hole where baby passes through; females are wider) Pubic angle (females are wider
What is different about the hyoid bone? It does not connect to any other bone. It is above the adam's apple, and anchors the tongue
What are 3 types of movement by which joints are classified ? Synarthrosis ( no movement) Amphiarthrosis (slight movement) Diarthrosis (freely moveable)
Describe a synarthrosis joint and give an example 1. Connective tissues between the bones 2. Skull sutures
Describe an amphiarthrosis joint and give an example Cartilage between the bones Symphysis pubis (joints pelvic bones)
Describe a diarthrosis joint and give an example Has a joint capsule with fluid inside and ligaments outside Shoulder, knee, hip, fingers, elbow
What lines joint capsules and secretes a lubricating fluid? Synovial membrane
What are the 6 categories of freely moveable joints? 1. Ball and socket 2. Hinge 3. Pivot 4. Saddle 5. Gliding 6. Condyloid
What are examples of ball and socket joints Hip and shoulder
What are examples of hinge joints? Elbow, knee, fingers
What is an example of pivot joint? Shaking the head "no"
What is an example of saddle joint? Thumb
what is an example of a gliding joint? Wrist bones
What is an example of condyloid joint? Index finger (goes up/down and left/right)
What are bone spurs causes by? Pushing or pulling pressure
Osteoporosis is from increased activity of which type of cell? Osteoblasts
Created by: BriAnnaNM
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