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JLPT N3 Vocab-1


分析 ぶんせき analysis
分野 ぶんや field; sphere; realm; division; branch
父親 ちちおや father
地平線 ちへいせん horizon (related to land)
地位 ちい (social) position; status
長期 ちょうき long-term
ちゅう during; while; medium; middle
中学 ちゅうがく junior high school; middle school
昼食 ちゅうしょく lunch; midday meal
大部分 だいぶぶん most part; greater part; majority
駄目 だめ no good; cannot
男子 だんし youth; young man
出会い であい meeting; rendezvous; encounter
出会う であう to meet (by chance); to come across; to run across; to encounter
読書 どくしょ reading
努力 どりょく effort; exertion; endeavor; hard work; striving
同一 どういつ identical; same; one and the same; equal
えん yen; Japanese monetary unit; circle
不利 ふり disadvantage; handicap; unfavorable position
不足 ふそく insufficiency; shortage; deficiency; lack; dearth
再び ふたたび again; once more; a second time
外交 がいこう diplomacy
外出 がいしゅつ going out; outing; leaving (one's home, office, etc.)
学期 がっき school term; semester
がく learning; education; study of
学問 がくもん scholarship; study; learning
学者 がくしゃ scholar
学習 がくしゅう study; learning; tutorial
議長 ぎちょう chairman; president; moderator
議会 ぎかい congress; parliament; diet; legislative assembly
語学 ごがく study of foreign languages; linguistics
激しい はげしい violent; extreme; intense
母親 ははおや mother
博物館 はくぶつかん museum
販売 はんばい sales; selling; marketing
発明 はつめい invention
外す はずす to remove; to undo; to drop; to miss
ひん elegance, article
一言 ひとこと single word; a few words; brief comment
一人一人 ひとりひとり one by one; each; one at a time
本物 ほんもの genuine article; real thing; real deal
本人 ほんにん the person in question; the person themselves; said person
一致 いっち agreement; union; match; coincidence
一時 いちじ one o'clock
意外 いがい unexpected; surprising
一家 いっか a family; a household; a home; one's family; whole family
今に いまに before long; even now
今にも いまにも at any moment; at any minute; on the verge of
一般 いっぱん general; universal; ordinary; average; common
一方 いっぽう one (esp. of two); one way; the other direction; although
一生 いっしょう whole life; a lifetime; a generation
一種 いっしゅ species; kind; variety
一瞬 いっしゅん instant; moment; for an instant
一層 いっそう much more; still more; all the more; single layer; sooner; preferably
一体 いったい (what) the heck; (why) in the world
所謂 いわゆる what is called; as it is called; the so-called; so to speak
邪魔 じゃま hindrance
化学 かがく chemistry
かい meeting; assembly; party; association; club
会員 かいいん member
海外 かいがい foreign; abroad; overseas
会合 かいごう meeting; assembly; gathering; association
会計 かいけい finance; account; treasurer; bill
開始 かいし start; commencement; beginning; initiation
科目 かもく (school) subject; curriculum; course
権利 けんり right; privilege
基本 きほん basics; fundamentals; basis; foundation
記事 きじ article; news story; report; account
気味 きみ sensation; feeling; tendency
記念 きねん commemoration; celebration; honoring the memory of something
気に入る きにいる to like; to take a liking to
記入 きにゅう entry; filling in; filling out
記憶 きおく memory; recollection; remembrance
記者 きしゃ reporter; journalist
期待 きたい expectation; anticipation; hope
国家 こっか state; country; nation
国会 こっかい National Diet; legislative assembly of Japan; parliament; congress
国境 こっきょう national border
国語 こくご national language
国民 こくみん people (of a country); nation; citizen; national
今後 こんご from now on; hereafter
今回 こんかい now; this time; lately
今日 こんにち today; this day
転ぶ ころぶ to fall down; to fall over
高速 こうそく high-speed; rapid; express
訓練 くんれん training; drill; practice; discipline
教科書 きょうかしょ textbook; coursebook; schoolbook
協力 きょうりょく cooperation; collaboration
強力 きょうりょく powerful; strong
急激 きゅうげき sudden; abrupt; rapid; sharp; drastic; radical
急に きゅうに swiftly; rapidly; quickly; immediately; hastily
吸収 きゅうしゅう absorption; suction; attraction
急速 きゅうそく rapid (e.g. progress)
真面目 まじめ serious; earnest
真っ赤 まっか bright red; deep red; flushed (of face)
学ぶ まなぶ to study (in depth); to learn; to take lessons in
万一 まんいち emergency; unlikely event; by some chance; by some possibility
満足 まんぞく satisfaction; contentment; sufficient; enough
明確 めいかく clear; precise; definite; distinct
めし cooked rice; meal
Created by: Bens0n
Popular Japanese sets




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