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Respiratory Part I

Where does cellular respiration occur? - mitochondria
What does upper respiratory consist of? - above larynx; sinuses
What does lower respiratory consist of? - larynx and below; bronchitis
Conducting zone: Respiratory zone: - filter, warm and moisten air; inside lungs - gas exchange occurs; bronchioles to alveoli
Alveoli: - air filled pockets within lungs; where gas exchange takes place
What must happen for gas exchange to happen efficiently? 1. walls must be thin 2. high surface area 3. creates fast exchange
What does the defense system consist of? 1. mucous 2. cilia 3. hairs and mucus in nasal cavity 4. alveolar macrophages (dust cells)
Alveolar epithelium: - simple squamous - lines gas exchange surfaces of alveoli - if anything is missed, dust cells will cover it
Nasopharynx functions: - respiration - fighting infections - drainage system
Cartilages of larynx: - epiglottis - thyroid cartilage - cricoid cartilage
Vestibular ligaments: Vocal ligaments: Bronchi: - false vocal cords; prevents food - true vocal cords; vibrates - extends into lungs to become bronchioles
Extrapulmonary bronchi: Intrapulmonary bronchi: - L and R branches outside lungs - branches within lungs
Carina: - separates 2 main bronchi at trachea
R main Bronchus: - natural path of aspirated objects due to vertical angle
Segmental Bronchi: - amount of sm increases - branch ends in bronchopulmonary segments
Bronchoconstriction: Bronchodilation: - constricts bronchi by smooth mm creating tension folds in mucosa - dilation of bronchial airways; reduces resistance
Alveolar ducts: Alveolar sacs: Alveolus: - connection bt respiratory bronchiole and alv. sac - 2+ alveoli sharing same opening - elastic membrane for recoiling; connects directly to gas exchange membrane
Type I pneumocytes: Type II pneumocytes: - simple squamous cells that form alveolar epithelium - septal cells; oily secretion that breaks H bonds so was can be unstuck after exhale
3 Layers of blood air barrier: 1. alveolar cell layer 2. fused basement membrane 3. capillary endothelial layer
Created by: madelineyork
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