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Chapter 31

Urinary Elimination and Care

Void means to urinate or micturate
hematuria means blood in the urine either visible or microscopic
Oliguria means urinary output of less than 30 mL/hour
Polyuria means urinary output greater greater than 3000 mL/day
Anuria means Absence of urine or minimal urine production
Dysuria means painful or difficult urination
Renal Calculi Are kidney stones that can occur anywhere in the renal system form the kidney to the urethra
urine that remains in the bladder after the person voids is known as Residual Urine
Waking up at night to urinate is known as Nocturia
Inability to control the passing of urine is known as Incontinence
Dialysis is termed as the process of using a machine to filter waste products, salt, and excess fluids from the body
the result of comparing the weight of a substance with an equal amount of water is known as Specific Gravity
The inability to empty or completely empty the bladder is known as Urinary Retention
Stress Incontinence is termed as A leaking of urine caused by increased abdominal pressure related to a weak pelvic floor muscle
The inability to keep urine in the bladder long enough to get to the bathroom caused by bladder spasms and contractions is known as Urge Incontinence or Overactive Bladder
A Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) test measures a waste product normally eliminated from the body by the kidneys. Elevated levels may reflect infection or some degree of kidney impairment
What is a Indwelling catheter (Foley or double lumen catheter) A tube that remains in the bladder for urination
What is a straight catheter A single tube with holes at the end that used to empty the bladder of residual urine or to obtain a sterile urine specimen form the bladder
Used for urine to be eliminated by an alternate route rather than traveling through the bladder is known as a Urinary Diversion
What is caused by the presence of pathogens within the urinary tract Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
You are assigned to care for a patient with an indwelling catheter. A 24-hour urine collection is ordered. How will you keep the urine form deteriorating and affecting the outcome of the test? Keep the drainage bag in a basin containing ice. Empty the drainage bag every 8-hours into the 24-hour collection container, which you are keeping in a refrigerator
Number in order the path of urine through the urinary system: 1. Bladder 2. Urinary Meatus, 3. Kidney 4.. Urethra, 4. Ureter 1. Kidney, 2. Ureter, 3. Bladder, 4. Urethra, 5. Urinary Meatus
Contraction of which muscle causes the bladder to empty? Detrusor Muscle
You are delegating the task of monitoring the output of an elderly male patient at risk for oliguria. He has an indwelling catheter in place. Which is the most appropriate direction for you to give to an unlicensed assistant? Check his output after 2-hours. If it is not above 60 mL, let me know immediately
Overflow incontinence is when the bladder does not empty because of an obstruction
Functional Incontinence is incontinence related to the inability to get to the bathroom
Loss or urine with no warning is known as total incontinence
when the brain doesn't receive a message that the bladder is full is known as Neuropathic Incontinence
Initiating Bladder Training ensure adequate amount of fluids, avoid caffeinated beverages, drink more during the a.m. and less in the p.m., offer fluids throughout the day; avoid a large amount at one time; provide regular opportunities to toilet, mimic normal voiding patterns
Straight catheter (single lumen) use for a one-time drainage or sterile specimen
Indwelling (double lumen or Foley) used to drain urine for a specific amount of time
Suprapubic when urethral approach not appropriate
three way (triple lumen or Alcock)
Condom catheter male urinary incontinence
Urea results from amino acid metabolism
Uric acid results form breakdown of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Creatine The waste product of muscle metabolism
Normal characteristics of urine straw colored, clear, 1000-3000 mL/day, mild; slightly aromatic; pH 4.5-8.0; specific gravity 1.001-1.029
Normal Urine color pale yellow-straw color
Types of Urinary Tract Infections Cystitis: bladder infection Pyelonephritis: kidney infection
Symptoms of UTI Dysuria, Urinary frequency, urgency, Nocturia, Low abdominal pain, incontinence, fever, chills, malaise, nausea, vomiting, flank, pain with pyelonephritis
UTI Treatments increased fluid intake, antibiotics, urinary analgesics, cranberry juice, pyelonephritis: hospitalization if IV antibiotics are needed
Normal Clarity of urine clear
Normal amount of urine 1000-3000 mL/day
Normal odor of urine mild; slightly aromatic
Normal pH of urine 4.5-8
Normal specific gravity of urine 1.001-1.029
Stress incontinence from increase in abdominal pressure ; coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting
What can cause stress incontinenece vaginal births, previous pelvic surgery, hormone levels, genetics, and chronic medical conditions
When urine leaks out of the bladder as a result of increased abdominal pressure, it is referred to as stress incontinence
what is known as overactive bladder, is the inability to keep urine in the bladder long enough to go to the restroom Urge incontinence
What blood test measures a waste product normally eliminated form the body by the kidneys. elevated levels may reflect infection or some degree of kidney impairment Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
What tube remains in the bladder and is also known as a double lumen catheter or a Foley catheter Indwelling catheter
What is a single tube with holes at the end that is used to empty the bladder of residual urine or to obtain a sterile specimen form the bladder Straight catheter
What is used for urine to be eliminated by an alternate route rather than traveling through the bladder Urinary diversion
What is caused by the presence of pathogens within the urinary tract Urinary Tract Infection
Contraction of which muscle causes the bladder to empty Detrusor
Which two test are most important in assessing kidney function creatine and eGFR
Your patient has a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 45 ml/min over a 3 month period. what does this tell you about her kidney function she has chronic kidney disease
you are teaching a home care patient about self catheterization. you know more teaching is needed when the patient states I do not need gloves or any special precautions because I am in my own home.
Created by: Valadiece
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