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Intro to CSS

Define Selector The beginning of the ruleset used to target the element that will be styled.
Define Declaration Block The code in-between (and including) the curly braces ({ }) that contains the CSS declaration(s).
Define Declaration The group name for a property and value pair that applies a style to the selected element.
Define Property The first part of the declaration that signifies what visual characteristic of the element is to be modified.
Define Value The second part of the declaration that signifies the value of the property
CSS can select HTML elements by..... type, class, ID & attribute
How can all elements be selected by a universal selector? The * symbol
How can an element have different states? By using pseudo-class selector
Classes can be reusable? True
ID's can be used more than once? False
What is the order of CSS Specificity? IDs , Classes, type
Code below is an example of? h1, .menu { font-family: Georgia; } Multiple Selectors
Code below is an example of? .main p { color: red; } Chaining & Specificity
Code below is an example of? .main-list li { } Descendant Combinator
Code below is an example of? h1.special { } Chaining
How can nested elements be selected? By separating selectors with a space.
What does font-family define? the type face of an element
What does font-size define? Controls size of text
What does font-weight define? How thick or thin text is
What does the text-align property define? Places text, left , right, or centre of its parent container
What does colour define? Text colour
What does background-colour define? Colour behind the text
What does the opacity define? Makes an element transparent
What does background-image define? Set the background of an element with an image
What does the !important element do? Overrides any style
What does the Box Model do? Comprises a set of properties used to create space around and between HTML elements
How can height and width of a content area be set? In Pixels (px) & Percentages (%)
Define Borders Surround the content area and padding of an element
Define Padding Space between the content area and the border
Define Margin Amount of spacing outside of an element’s border
What do Horizontal margins add? Right Margin + Left Margin of the adjacent element
Define Vertical margins collapse The space between vertically adjacent elements is equal to the larger margin
What does margin: 0 auto do? horizontally centres an element inside of its parent content area, if it has a width
What properties does the "overflow" element have & do? display , hide , scroll & dictates how HTML will render content that overflows its parent’s content area
What does the "visibility" element do? Can hide or show elements
What does the positions property allow you to do? Specify the position of an element
What does setting an element to relative do? An element’s position is relative to its default position on the page.
What does setting an element to absolute do? An elements position is relative to its closest positioned parent element. The element will still move with the rest of the document when the page is scrolled
What does setting an element to fixed do? An element’s position can be pinned to any part of the web page. The element will remain in view no matter what
What does setting an element to sticky do? An element can stick to a defined offset position when the user scrolls its parent container.
What does setting an element to z-index do? Specifies how far back or how far forward an element appears on the page when it overlaps other elements
What does the display property do? Allows you to control how an element flows vertically and horizontally in a document
What does the inline elements do? Takes up as little space as possible, & cant have manually adjusted width or height
What does the block elements do? Takes up the width of their container & have manually adjusted height
What does inline-block elements do? elements can have set width and height, but they can also appear next to each other and do not take up their entire container width
What does the float property do? Can move elements as far left or as far right as possible on a web page.
How can you clear an element's left or right side? Using the clear property
Example of Hexadecimal colours #23F41A
Example of RGB colours rgb(7, 210, 50)
Example of HSL colours hsl(200, 20%, 50%)
What does HSL stand for? Hue, Saturation. & Lightness
How can you add opacity to an RGB & HSL colour value? by adding "a" (Alpha)
Created by: ShahedAli02
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