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Drug list

Chap. 17 Immune System Medications Presentation Cont'd

Immune System Physiology Lymphatic System system similar to CVS, but without a pump that carries lymph, waste and immune cells throughout the body
Lymphatic System Lymph Nodes bean shaped clusters of WBC
Lymphatic System Lymph Vessels tubing throughout the body that transports lymph
Lymphatic System Lymphocytes immune cells that attack invaders
Lymphatic System Lymph fluid of the lymphatic system that transports immune cells
Immune System Physiology Bone Marrow site of WBC production
Immune System Physiology White Blood Cells cells that physically attack microorganisms and foreign invaders
Immune System Physiology Skin/Mucous Membranes Protective barrier that prevents entry of microorganisms into the body
Immune System Physiology Spleen store WBC and fight certain types of bacteria
Immune System Physiology Thymus generates mature T-Cells (T-lymphocytes) that identify and destroys invaders
Common Immune System Complications Under active immune response - Primary Immune Deficiency (present at birth) - Acquired Immune Deficiency
Common Immune System Complications Over active immune response - Allergic reactions
Common Immune System Complications Autoimmune conditions - Body “attacks” itself
General Mechanism of Actions of Antibiotics Bactericidal Agent Bactericidal Agent
General Mechanism of Actions of Antibiotics Bacteriostatic Agent inhibits the growth or reproduction of bacteria
General Mechanism of Actions of Antibiotics Antiseptic Agent topical antibiotic that prevents bacterial
General Mechanism of Actions of Antibiotics Disinfectant topical bactericidal agent
General Mechanism of Actions of Antibiotics The over prescribing of antibiotics has led to microbial resistance. Usually 10 day course of therapy, encourage completion of ALL of the medication to reduce microbial resistance. To maintain blood-serum levels of the antibiotic they should be tak
General Mechanism of Actions of Antibiotics Swab counting trays with alcohol after dispensing to prevent cross contamination (especially with Sulfa drugs & Penicillins) MIX AS DIRECTED BY MANUFACTURER - Parenteral forms mixed inappropriately can cause tissue or vein irritation, renal
Antibiotics Subclasses (a) Sulfonamides (b) Penicillins (c) Cephalosporins (d) Tetracyclines (e) Macrolides (f) Aminoglycosides (g) Quinolones
Created by: aaishat
Popular Pharmacology sets




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