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Digestion Meds

Histamine 2 Blockers Cimetidine Famotidine
Histamine 2 Blocker Therapeutic Uses -Gastric/Duodenal Ulcer -GERD -Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (hypersecretion)
Histamine 2 Blocker Side Effects -CNS effects (hallucinations, confusion, restlessness, lethargy, dizziness) -Decreased gastric acidity (can lead to bacterial colonization promotion ie: pneumonia, h. pylori) -Reduce dosage for renal impairment
Antibiotics Penicillin Amoxicillin Clarithromycin Prokinetic Agents Metronidazole Tetracycline
Antibiotic Side Effects -Most common allergy -Renal impairment (monitor BUN & creatinine) -Prolonged QT -Ototoxicity -Risk of superinfection -GI symptoms -Neurotoxicity, seizure , can't mix with alcohol (metronidazole) -Brown/yellow teeth, photosensitivity (tetracycline)
Proton Pump Inhibitors Omeprazole Pantoprazole Lansoprazole Esomeprazole
Proton Pump Inhibitor Therapeutic Uses -Blocks acid production -Reduces gastric acid secretion -Short term (4-6) therapy for gastric & duodenal ulcer, GERD -Long term therapy for hypersecretory conditions -Hiatal hernia
Proton Pump Inhibitor Side Effects -Risk for aspiration can lead to pneumonia -Risk for osteoporosis (decreased calcium absorption (exercise, take vitamin D and calcium) -Take in lowest dose -Taper don't stop abruptly -Hypomagnesemia (risk for seizures) -C. diff
Mucosal Protectant Sucralfate
Mucosal Protectant Therapeutic Uses -Antiulcer drug -Protective barrier -"Sticks" to the ulcer for 6 hrs -Neutralize, reduce gastric acid -Give on empty stomach 1 hour before meals
Mucosal Protectant Side Effects -Constipation -Antacids may decrease binding to GI mucosa impairing effectiveness (separate dosages by 30 min) -Interferes with absorption of Warfarin and Digoxin (separate dosages by 2 hours
Antacids Aluminum Hydroxide Magnesium Hydroxide Calcium Carbonate
Antacids Therapeutic Use -Neutralize or reduce acidity of gastric acid -Peptic or stress induced ulcer -GERD -Hiatal hernia
Antacid Complications/Contraindications -Aluminum: constipation, hypophosphatemia, decrease warfarin and digoxin effects -Calcium: constipation, hypercalcemia -Magnesium: diarrhea, hypermagnesemia -Sodium: fluid retention, alkalosis (don't give to pt with CHF or renal insufficiencies)
Prostaglandin E Analog Misoprostol
Prostaglandin E Analog Therapeutic Uses -Decreases acid secretion -Increases bicarbonate secretions, protective mucus -Ulcers caused from long term NSAID use
Prostaglandin E Analog Side Effects/Contraindications -Diarrhea -Dysmenorrhea -Spotting -Pregnancy category X
Antiemetics: Serotonin Antagonist Ondansetron
Antiemetics: Serotonin Antagonist Side Effects -Headache -Sedation -Dizziness -Diarrhea -Prolonged QT
Antiemetics: Dopamine Antagonists Prochlorperazine Metoclopramide (also used for gastroparesis) Promethazine
Antiemetics: Dopamine Antagonist Side Effects -EPS symptoms (lip smacking, restlessness, drowsiness, facial spasms) -Give diphenhydramine before giving to minimize SE -Hypotension
Antiemetics: Anticholinergics Scopolamine
Antiemetics: Anticholinergic Side Effects -Dry eyes -Dry mouth -Urinary retention -Inability to sweat -Changes ocular pressure (don't give to glaucoma pts)
Antiemetics: Antihistamine Dimenhydrinate Hydroxyzine
Antiemetics: Antihistamine Side Effects -Histamine 1 -Drowsiness -Dry mouth -Photosensitivity -Do NOT combine with alcohol severe vomiting
Antiemetics: Benzodiazepine Lorazepam
Antiemetics: Benzodiazepine Side Effects -Increased sedation -Decreased respirations -Risk for both above increases if combined with any other meds
Antiemetics: Cannabinoids Dronabinol
Antiemetics: Cannabinoids Side Effects -Avoid use with pts that have history or drug use or mental health issues -HTN -Tachycardia
Laxatives Psyllium (bulk forming; promotes mass creation) Docusate Na (surfactant; pulls water to soften stool) Bisacodyl (stimulant; triggers intestines to contract and push out) Senna (stimulant) Magnesium hydroxide (osmotic; pulls water to soften)
Laxative Complications/Contraindications -GI irritation -Rectal burning (proctitis) -Toxic magnesium levels -Sodium absorption & fluid retention -Dehydration -Obstruction (bulk forming) -Fecal impaction -Bulk forming only one ok for ulcerative colitis
Antidiarrheals Diphenoxylate + Atropine Loperamide
Antidiarrheal Side Effects -Slows things down in the GI system -High doses can cause CNS symptoms -Don't give if have severe electrolyte imbalance -Contraindicated in megacolon with history of inflammatory bowel disorders
5HT3 Antagonist Alosetron
5HT3 Antagonist Therapeutic Uses -IBS-D lasting greater than 6 months -Resistance to other medications -N/V
5HT3 Antagonist Complications/Contraindications -Constipation -Chronic constipation -Crohn's disease -Bowel obstruction -Toxic colon
IBS-C Lubiprostone
IBS-C Uses -Nausea -Diarrhea
IBS-C Complications -Do not use with patient that has history of bowel obstructions -Monitor stool frequency
Inflammatory Bowel Sulfasalazine Mesalamine (5-aminosalicylates) Hydrocortisone (glucocorticoids) Azathioprine (immunosuppressants) Infliximab (immunomodulator) Metronidazole (antibiotic)
Inflammatory Bowel Therapeutic Uses -Crohn's disease -Ulcerative colitis
Inflammatory Bowel Med Complication/Contraindications -Use cautiously with blood disorders (anemia), monitor CMC -5-aminosalicylates contraindicated sensitivity to Sulfonamides, thiazide diuretics -Administer with food or after meal -1200 to 1500 mL of daily fluid -Do not crush enteric coated capsules
Probiotics -Used to treat manifestations of IBS, ulcerative colitis, C diff -Can cause flatulence and bloating -If antibiotics or antifungals are used concurrently, administer 2 hours apart
Created by: NikkiLeigh83
Popular Pharmacology sets




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