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Jade Helgens

Anatomy Weeks 6-12

The Sartorius muscle, a thin straplike muscle would have muscle fascicles arranged in: A. parallel. B. bipennate. C. convergent. D. unipennate. E. circular. A: Parallel
The muscle(s) assisting in rotating the arm outward is (are) the: A. Teres Minor. B. Latissimus Dorsi. C. Supraspinatus. D. All of the above are correct. A. Teres Minor.
The covering of individual muscle fibers is the: A. Epimysium. B. Endomysium. C. Periosteum. D. Perimysium. B. Endomysium.
Muscles that contract at the same time as the prime mover are called: A. Synergists. B. Fixators. C. Antagonists. D. Both A and B. D. Both A and B.
Groups of skeletal muscle fibers are bound together by a connective tissue envelope called the: A. Endomysium. B. Perimysium. C. Epimysium. D. Aponeurosis. B. Perimysium.
The most common type of lever in the body is a _____-class lever. A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth C. Third
A muscle is attached to the femur and tibia. Its function or action is to bend the knee. When it contracts, it is acting as the: A. Antagonist. B. Prime Mover. C. Fixator. D. Synergist. B. Prime Mover.
The ________ of a presynaptic neuron associates with the dendrite of a postsynaptic neuron. A. Synapse B. Axon Terminal C. Axon D. Cell Body E. Dendrite B. Axon Terminal
Which is true of a reflex arc? A. It does not involve the brain. B. It always consists of an afferent and efferent neuron. C. It always consists of an afferent and efferent neuron,and spinal cord. B. It always consists of an afferent and efferent neuron.
Multipolar neurons have: A. Multiple axons and multiple dendrites. B. Multiple axons and one dendrite. C. Multiple dendrites and one axon. D. One dendrite and one axon. C. Multiple dendrites and one axon.
Beta receptors: A. Are cholinergic. B. Bind acetylcholine. C. Bind norepinephrine. D. Bind the toxin muscarine. C. Bind norepinephrine.
Damage to the preganglionic fibers going to the celiac ganglion, effect sympathetic stimulation how? A. Hormones from medulla enhance stimulation. B. Hormones from pituitary enhance stimulation. C. Hormones from medulla delay stimulation. D. Hormon C. Hormones from medulla delay stimulation.
Melanin-containing layer of the eye's vascular tunic. A. Cornea B. Lens C. Choroid D. Ciliary body E. Sclera C. Choroid
Pyramid-shaped gland consisting of neural crest-derived cells and endocrine secretory cells. A. Thyroid gland B. Gonadal cells of the ovaries/testes C. Thymus gland D. Pancreas E. Adrenal gland E. Adrenal gland
The hormone produced by the heart A. Increases the excretion of sodium in the urine. B. Increases calcium levels in the blood. C. Is secreted in response to low blood volumes. D. Decreases urine output. A. Increases the excretion of sodium in the urine.
While pregnant, what happens to the oxygenated blood returned from the placenta via the umbilical vein? A. Flows into the inferior vena cava. B. Flows into the superior vena cava. C. Flows into the ductus venosus. D. None of the above is correct. A. Flows into the inferior vena cava.
Which division of the autonomic nervous system sends fibers to the heart? sympathetic parasympathetic somatic Correct Answer D. Both A and B D. Both A and B
Bean-shaped structures located at certain intervals along the lymphatic system are A. Lymphatic capillaries. B. Lymph nodes. C. Lymph valves. D. Lacteals. B. Lymph nodes.
An inflammation of the lower respiratory tract that involves the airways of the lungs is called A. Rhinitis. B. Acute Bronchitis. C. Tuberculosis. D. Pneumonia. D. Pneumonia.
Created by: jhelgens
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