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Higher Human 1.8

1.8- Energy systems in muscles

What happens to the electron transport chain during vigorous exercise muscle cells do not get sufficient oxygen to support the electron transport chain.
What happens in the cells instead? pyruvate is converted to lactate.
Describe the process of lactate metabolism Glycolysis takes place as normal H+ are removed from NAD and donated to pyruvate by dehydrogenase enzymes Pyruvate is converted into lactate NAD is regenerated to Maintain ATP production through glycolysis.
What happens if lactate accumulates? Muscle fatigue occurs
When exercise is complete, the oxygen debt is repaid what happens to lactate? Oxygen allows respiration to provide the energy to convert lactate back to pyruvate and glucose in the liver.
How many types of skeletal muscles are there? 2, fast and slow twitch
Describe features of slow twitch muscles fibres. Contract more slowly, can contract for longer and are good for endurance activities.
Name activities requiring slow twitch fibres Endurance activities such as long-distance running, cycling or cross-country skiing.
Name the respiratory pathways normally used by slow twitch fibres? Glycolysis and aerobic pathways
The number of mitochondria found in slow-twitch muscle fibres is? Large
The density of blood capillaries associated with the slow- twitch muscle fibre is? High (to deliver more oxygen to respiring cells)
The concentration of myoglobin (oxygen storing molecule) in slow-twitch fibres is? High
The main storage fuels used by slow twitch muscle fibres is? Fats
Describe features of fast twitch muscles Contract more quickly, over short periods and are so good for burst of activity.
Give examples of activities requiring fast twitch fibres They are useful for activities such as sprinting or weightlifting.
Name the respiratory pathways normally used by fast twitch muscle fibres? Glycolysis only
The number of mitochondria found in fast-twitch muscle fibres is? Small
The density of blood capillaries associated with the fast twitch muscle fibre is? Low (Oxygen is not needed for glycolysis)
The concentration of myoglobin in fast-twitch fibres is? Low
The main storage fuels used by fast twitch muscles fibres is? Glycogen
Created by: mackas89
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