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ALS - Exam 4

what are 6 concepts related to nutrition? Elimin F&E Metab Mob Perf Tiss Integ
signs of Undernutrition Fatigue Mood Changes Weight Loss Poor Concentration Feeling Cold Often Sick Poor Healing Brittle Hair
signs of undernutrition mnemonic Undernutrition causes Fatigue and Makes changes We Feel Often creates Poor Brittle hair
complications of PT (parenteral therapy) Glucose Intolerance Hyperlipidemia Infection Fluid overload
PT complication mnemonic Sugar GHIF
BMI numbers Below: < 18.5 Normal: 18.5 - 24.9 Over: 25.0 - 29.9 Obese: 30.0 - 39.9 Morbid: > 40.0
what percentile is under/overweight in children? < 5th and > 85th percentile
name the types of tube feeds placements nasogastric orogastric gastrostomy (gtube) percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (peg tube) jejunostomy (jtube)
name 12 special diets** SPLIT PER DIET DASH Keto Low-fat/cholesterol Low protein Low Na Diabetic Lactose intolerance Vegan Vegetarian Ovo-vegetarian Lacto-vegetarian
name 6 cultural diets** SPLIT PER DIET Islam Mormon 7th day Adventism Orthodox Judaism Hindu Buddhism
pharmacological interventions for pt dts [Pt Takes Vit & Min] Vit Supplements Min Supplements Pro & Nutrient Supplements TPN
individual/collaborative interventions for pt dts [BAP WEEDS] BG monitoring Assist w/eating Prevent aspir Weight Loss Clinics Education Enteral feeding Dietician Surgery
nutritional diagnostic test Lipid Panel 160-200 md/dL Hematocrit - f:34-45 m:38-50 Serum Glucose - 70-120 mg/dL Serum Albumin - 3.5-5.0 g/dL Total Protein - 6-8g/dL Serum Vitamin levels - ⇣ Vit D
what is considered to be anthropometric measurements? Height Weight BMI Waist to hip circumference Skinfold thickness
what is the definition to anthropometric measurements? measurements that can help ID individs who are at risk for UNDERnutrion
what plan is considered a dietary guideline by the USDA? MyPlate Plan
what are macros? essential nutrients needed by the body in large amts to survive: carbs, pro, and fats
what are micros? essential nutrients needed by the body in small quantities: vits/mins
what is enteral nutrition? tube feed used to meet cal/pro requirements in pts who are unable to consume enough food on their own
what is food desert? any area of population where it is diff to find good-qaul, affordable fresh fruits, veggies, and whole grains.
what is food insecurity? results when one or more mems of a household must reduce their eating patterns d/t a lack of money or lack of resources to access appropriate amts/varieties of food.
what is food security? results when all members of a household have suff resources to access appropp amts and varieties
what is ovo-vegetarian? vegetarians who include milk, dairy prods, and eggs INTO their diet
what is lacto-vegetarian? vegetarians who include dairy prods but NO eggs
what is nutrient density? the ratio of good nutrients to calories a food contains
what is parenteral nutrition (PN)? the IV admin of amino acids, often c̅ added carbs, fats, elect, vit, and minerals.
what is vegan? a type of vegetarian diet that EXCLUDES ALL animal AND fish products, including dairy, meat, eggs, and honey.
what should your fasting BG be? <= 100
what do ⇣ albumin and ⇣ total pro cause? edema
what are complete proteins? contain all 9 essential amino acids
excess carbs are converted into what? glycogens
what can excessive carb intake lead to at the cellular level? elevated trigycerides
what are triglycerides? saturated, unsaturated fats, and essential fats
what makes obese people more vulnerable at a f&e level? why? ore vulnerable to dehydration because the more adipose tissue and obese you are, the less water you have
what vits are more crucial to adolescents? why? vit D and Ca+ because 26% of the adult Ca+ is deposited during this time in growth
what is the differnce btwn FL and CL dts? CL is thinner (soda/pulp free juice) FL can melt at room temp (pudding/ice cream)
how can pts c̅ tube feed become HYPOglycemic? feed gets paused/stopped for multiple reasons through a shift
what is cachexia physical wasting from wt loss and loss of muscle mass d/t the rapid growth and reproduction of cancer cells and their need for increased nutrients
who is at risk for undernutrition? Old Poor Hospital pts Eating disorders Chronic medical disorders (gi/copd) Alcohol/drug abusers
what are DRIs (dietary reference intakes)? a standardized, recommended nutrient intake to support a healthy diet often provided by health orgs
what are the 4 standards for DRIs? [REAUL] RDA (recomm dietary allowance) EAR (est avg requirement) AI (adequate intake) UL (tolerable upper intake level)
what are the 3 types of pros? complete, incomplete, and complementary
why does the body need lipids? [PICACH(U)] Protective padding for vital organs Insulation for body temp Covering of nerve fibers Aids in absop of fat-soluable vits Cell wall structural material Hormone prod (U GOT THIS)
what are the 3 types of fats? Triglycerides CholeSterols Phospholipids
what are unsaturated fats? monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids
name 2 essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6
what are 2 classes of vits? water-soluble fat-soluble
how many essential vits are there? 13
what are 2 water-soluble vits? C and B-complex vits
what are the the 8 vits that make up the B-complex vits? B1 (thiamine) B2 (riboflavin) B3 (niacin) B6 (pyridoxine) B12 (cobalamin) Pantothenic acid Biotin Folate
what are the 4 fat-soluble vits? A, D, E, K
what are the 7 major minerals? Ca+ Phosphorus Na+ K+ Mag Cl Sulfur
what kind of mineral is iron? a trace mineral
what vit helps absord iron? C
what foods are high in iron? meat, fish, poultry (heme) grains, legumes, and veggies (nonheme)
what foods are high in vit D? fish, fortified dairy products, and egg yolks
Created by: cberna00
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