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Anatomy Quiz 2

Aquatic organism movement in water unidirectional
Terrestrial organism movement in water Bidirectional
Efficiency of the respiratory system is increased via (3 options) 1. Surface area 2. Thickness of vessels 3. Contact time between red blood cells and tissue
How do lampreys obtain oxygen when attached to a host? Gill pouches draw in water allowing it to cover over the gills and being released bidirectionally. Gill pouches will expand and then contract.
What is the gill septum? Part of the hyoid arch but becomes later modified into a bony covering the whole gill chamber.
Spiracles A pair of openings just behind the eyes which allow oxygen to be drawn in w/out bringing it through the gills.
Holobranch Complete Gill
Hemibranch a gill w a lamellae only on one side collectively
How does Fish pump water through its body to receive oxygen? (1 name for the method of pumping and 2 cavities) Buccal pumping. Water moves through the buccal and into the operculum.
Ram ventilation 1. Water flows on the gills and out via the mouth when travelling at high speeds in a straight line.
How do animals obtain more oxygen ( 1 method) 1. Obtain air bubble from surface 2. Swallow bubble of air 3. Uses respiratory bladder or the lungs
The difference between the lungs and the gas bladder are what? They are both pouches which arise off the upper region of the pharynx but the swim bladder arises dorsally and the lungs arise ventrally and are paired.
What do mammals have that the other groups don't? (has to do with the larynx) Mammals have a thyroid (Adams apple)
Birds have no... (has to do w the throat region) Vocal Cords or Larynx
In Crocodiles and some snakes, the lungs occupy a seperate chamber called ----- which is seprated via the ------- acting as a diaphragm. Pleural cavity and the Oblique Septum
The walls of sac for the lungs are called ----? Pleura
Visceral pleura covers what? Lungs
Parietal pleura covers Thoracic Wall
Space between the Visceral pleura and Parietal pleura is called what? Pleural cavity
Histamine results in the contraction of --------? Bronchiole
Epinephrine results in the dilation of -------? Bronchiole
Contraction of the diaphragm results in 1. Pectoralis minor being pulled forward on the ribs. 2. Sternocleidomastoid muscles pull up on the clavicle and sternum 3. External intercostal spreads ribs apart and allows for greater thoracic volume.
Relaxing of the Diaphragm results in 1. internal intercostals ribs compressing together 2. Abdominus rectus and the abdominal obliques push the diaphragm up.
Avian lungs are unique because (explain the pathway of air) 1. Enter will enter the bronchus and then pass directly into one of the five pairs of air sacs. The steps : 1. air passes to the posterior air sacs. 2. Abdomen contracts forcing air to the lungs. 3. Stale air is forced out to the anterior sacs & trachea.
The circulatory system consist of two main components - Blank and blank? Blood, arteries, veins and capillaries Lymph and lymph vessels
Arteries are usually carrying what kind of blood oxygenated away from the heart
Veins are usually carrying what king of blood deoxygenated towards the heart
Capillaries are a system of what? veins that are connected forming a capillary bed
Blood flow through the heart is the following for amphibians (four steps) 1. oxygen poor blood enters the right atrium 2. pulmonary veins carry O2 blood to left atrium 3. mixture of O2 blood and Blood w/out O2 enters ventricle 4. Ventricle pumps blood to lungs and body tissue
Systemic circuit is what? Moves blood between the heart and the rest of the body
Pulmonary Circuit is what? Moves blood between the heart and the lungs
In anapsids and squamates, the heart design is what? Sinus venosus becomes ? Atrium becomes? Ventricle becomes? Conus arteriosus becomes? Reduced completely separated partially separated divided into three large arteries.
In crocodiles, both the blank and blank are completely divided atrium and ventricle
In what group of organism is the division of the heart systemic and pulmonary circulation complete? mammals
The seperation of the heart and pulmonary system has what benefits? (two options) 1. no mixing of deoxygenated vs oxygenated blood 2. pressure difference are allowed
The pulmonary circulation is blank pressure and the systemic is blank pressure Low and high. The pulmonary is only going to the lungs vs. travelling over the whole body.
The blood is carried from the placenta via the blank vein into the blank? umbilical vein and the inferior vena cava
Fetal lungs at a specific point are collapsed. what are the benefits to this? 1. resistant to blood flow 2. pressure in right half of the heart is greater than the left
Due to the pressure difference in fetal lungs, some blood returning to the right atrium is shunted to the left via the blank (hole between the atria) foramen ovale
Flow rate can be calculated by evaluating the blank over blank. Pressure over resistance
Contraction of the heart provides blank. pressure
Resistance depends on blank and blank Viscosity and the length of the vessel
The structure of arteries and veins are composed of three layers. What are they? 1. Tunica interna 2. Tunica media 4. Tunica externa
The tunica interna is composed of what? simple squamous epithelium cells
Tunica media is composed of what? Thick smooth muscle, collagen and elastic
Tunica externa is composed of what? loose connective tissue w collagen and elastic
Arteries tend to have thick blank layer. (one of the layers) Tunica media
Ventricle contracts is the blank pressure and when it relaxes it is the blank pressure Systolic and Diastolic
Normal blood pressure is what? 120/80
Arteries are made out of elastic fibers to help blank blood propels blood and be resistant to breaking (more flexible).
In mammals which arch is modified to ensure no mixing of the blood occurs? Fourth aortic arch
In mammals, six aortic arches appear but only blank persist three
The venous system is divided into four streams. What are they? 1. Cardinal 2. Renal portal 3. Abdominal 4. Hepatic portal
The tetrapods modified the cardinal stream into three other streams. What are they? 1. Postcardinal 2. Precardinal 3. Common cardinals
The venous system is what? Circulatory system that ensure blood flows back to the heart w the help of one way valves.
The starling reflex is what? The stretching of the heart muscles triggers contractions
What are the three accessory hearts of the hagfish? 1. Portal heart 2. Cardinal heart 3. Caudal heart
The portal heart is related to what organs? The cardinal heart is related to what organs? The caudal heart is related to what organs? 1. Intestine to liver 2. Head to body 3. Trunk/kidney to body
The circulatory system consists of two main components Blank and Blank. They transport Blank circulatory and lymphatic They transport nutrients, oxygen, hormones, immunological agents and waste material.
What part of the circulatory system has the greatest surface6 Capillary beds
Contraction of the heart rises or lower pressure rises
In mammals and birds the blank is divided into two trunks ventral aorta
the two trunks of the ventral aorta in birds/mammals is blank and blanks Pulmonary trunk delivering deoxygenated blood to lungs Aortic trunk oxygenated blood to body
Six aortic arches appear during the development of mammals but only blank persists 3
the hepatic portal system does blank and has a large blank which runs from the digestive organs to the liver drains digestive visceral and large hepatic portal vein
Hydrostatic pressure is what force left over from ventricle contarction
Osmotic pressure is what unequal conc. of proteins outside and inside the arterioles
Created by: thomaswood2
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