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Axial skeleton

frontal Bone forehead bone
ethmoid Bone Bone separates the hard palate from the nasal cavity.
sella turcica is occupied by the pituitary gland, located in the sphenoid bone turkish saddle
cribriform plate The olfactory nerves extend into the roof of the nasal cavity through the
hyoid bone not attached to other bones
sphenoid Bone butterfly shaped bone inside the skull and below the Temporal
axial skeleton consists of the Skull, auditory ossicles, hyoid bone, vertebral column, and thoracic cage
sinuses frontal, sphenoidal, and maxillary sinuses and the ethmoidal labyrinth
parietal bones joined at the midline by the sagittal suture
temporal bones skull bones that are inferior to the parietal bones
external auditory meatus transmits sounds waves to the eardrum
mandible bone lower jaw bone
maxillary bone upper jawbone
palatine process roof of the mouth
mandibular condyles the smooth, rounded ends that articulate with the mandible
Sagittal suture The suture that joins the two parietal bones
coronal suture The suture that joins the frontal bone to the parietal bones
occipital bone the bone that is on the posterior side of the skull
lambdoid suture the suture in the posterior section of the skull, superior to the occipital bone
squamous suture joint between temporal and parietal bones
mastoid process bony projection posterior to the mandible
process bony projection
condyle smooth rounded articular surface
trochanter tuberosity found on the proximal end of femur
tuberosity knob or enlargement
facet small, flattened articular surface
foramen hole
meatus tunnel
fossa depression
zygomatic bones cheek bones
Lacrimal bones paired medial bones located in the eye orbits
inferior nasal conche scroll shaped nose bone
vomer bone that divides the nasal cavity
superior nasal conche upper third of conche in nose
middle nasal conche middle conche of nose
foramen magnum large hole at the base of the skull. the medulla oblongata passes through
occipital condyles the bony knobs that articulates with the c1- atlas vertebrae
atlas the first cervical vertebrae- c1
axis the second cervical vertebrae, has a dens
cervical neck
thoracic mid back, ribs attach
true rib rib that is attached directly to the sternum by costal cartilage
false rib rib that is attached indirectly to the sternum by costal cartilage
floating rib rib that is not attached to the sternum
xiphoid process tip of the sternum
clavicle collar bone
Scapula shoulder blade
TMJ disorder Temporomandibular joint disorder- articular disc becomes frayed or dislocated resulting in pain, reduced range of motion, or clicking
lacrimal refer to tear secretion
function of nasal conchae filter and humidify the air we breath
vertebra features body, spinous process, vertebral foramen, transverse processes, intervertebral discs
cervical vertebrae neck, transverse foramina, atlas, axis
thoracic vertebrae mid back, facets for ribs
lumbar vertebrae lower back
sternum chest bone, articulates with clavicle and ribs
coccyxs fused at the base of the sacrum
sacrum articulates with the ox cosa and is posterior to the lumbar vertebrae
appendicular skeleton your arms and legs
pelvic girdle fused bones including Ilium, Ischium, Pubis, acetabulum
leg bones femur, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges
arm bones humerus, ulna, radius, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges
olecranon process articulation point for elbow
ulna lateral arm bone
radius medial arm bone
humerus largest bone in arm, ball and socket joint (labrum)
acromion articulates with the clavicle, superior point
coracoid process looks like a bent fingers, medial to the glenoid cavity
glenoid cavity where the humerus articulates with the scapula and the clavicle
scapular spine and subscapular fossa located on the posterior side of the scapula
capitulum condyle on lateral portion of distal humerus, articulates with the radius
trochlea pully like structure that articulates with ulna
greater sciatic notch sciatic nerves passes through
obturator foramen large hole located in pelvis, anterior to the sacrum
acetabulum center of the hip socket, 3 bones converge
male vs female pelvis females- flexible coccyx, broader in width, ilium flared laterally, ischial tuberosities turned laterally, pelvic arch/ angle 90 degrees or more
femur largest bone in body, located in the lower limb, articulates with the acetabulum
pubic symphysis point of fusion in the hip
patella kneecap
Lateral malleolus bony tip of the distal end of fibula
medial malleolus bony tip at the distal end of the tibia
talus superior to the calcaneus, ankle
calcaneus inferior to the talus; heel
tarsal bones bones in the foot, ankle
metatarsal bones long bones in the foot, 5, distal to the tarsal bones
phalanges distal bones in the hands and feet
carpal bones bones in the wrist
metacarpals long bones in the hand- 5, distal to the carpals
epiphysis end of bone
diphysis shaft of bone
Created by: mosciencehelp
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