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Upper GI System

drugs affecting the GI

what are acid neutralizers antiacids
what are the actions of acid neutralizers? neutralize or reduce the acidity of the stomach (help minimize acid reflux)
what are acid neutralizers used for? peptic ulcer, heartburn, GERD
What are examples of acid neutralizers? aluminum hydroxide (Mylanta, amphojel, Gaviscon), calcium carbonate (tums) monitor for hyper calcium; magnesium oxide (Maalox) monitor for electrolyte
what is the nursing for acid neutralizers? avoid other medications for 1-2 hours before or after use (they can mask symptoms), monitor for electrolyte imbalances
What are acid reducers? Histamine H2 Antagonist
what are actions of reducer acids? inhibit histamine in the stomach which reduces gastric acid secretions
what are the uses for acid reducers? GERD, gastric ulcer, heart burn
Examples of acid reducers are: famotine (Pepcid), ranitidine (Zantac)
Adverse reactions of acid reducers: Sommolence (excessive sleeping), headache
Nursing for acid reducers: may interact with phenytoin (Dilantin) inhibits and impairs metabolism
Actions of Proton Pump Inhibitors are: suppress gastric acid secretion
Uses of Proton Pump Inhibitors are: GERD, peptic ulcers
Examples of Proton Pump Inhibitors are: esomeprazole (Nexium), omepraxole (Prilosec) pantoprazole (Protonix)
Proton Pump Inhibitors interactions: increase serum levels of diazepam (can not take because it interacts with medications and makes hard for liver process)
Nursing for Proton Pump Inhibitors: administer before meals, avoid alcohol, spicy food, smoking, caffeine, NSAID use
Antiemetic medication used for nausea vomiting
Actions of antiemetic medications are block the signal sent to the brain that causes vomiting
antiemetic medication use nausea, vomiting, motion sickness, nausea and vomiting related to chemotherapy; cancer patients with uncontrollable hiccups
Examples of antiemetic medications are chlorpromazine (Thorazine), promethazine (Phenergan), ondansetron (Zofran), reglan (metoclopramide) used for nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, scopolamine patch
what are the adverse reactions of antiemetic medications? drowsiness, dry mouth (use a pen light to look at the mucous membranes to se if they are dry) urinary retention ( urine will be dark, tea color or amber)
What are GI stimulant actions? increases the motility of the upper GI tract (given post op)
what do you use GI stimulant medications for? gastric stasis, GERD
What are examples of GI stimulant medication metoclopramide (Reglan), affects nervous system and can cause the patient to jerk EPS (Tardive Dyskinesia)
Created by: Valadiece
Popular Pharmacology sets




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