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Respiratory Medicaitons

What do antihistamines do? open airway and excrete sputum
what action does antihistamines do? block most of the effects of histimines
What is antihistamines used for ? seasonal allergies, allergic reactions, urticarial, angioedema, motion sickness, sedation, nausea, EPS with Parkinson's disease
what are examples of antihistamines? diphenhydramine (Benadryl), promethazine (Phenergan), cetirizine (Zyrtec), fexofenadine (Allegra), loratadine( Claritin)
What are the contraindications of antihistamines? narrow angles, glaucoma, cardiac disease, kidney disease, HTN, bronchial asthma, BPH, COPD, pregnancy
Adverse Reaction to antihistamine is sedation
what are the actions of decongestants reduces swelling of nasal passages, which enhances drainage of the sinuses
What are the uses of decongestants? common cold, allergic rhinitis, congestion, sinusitis
What is an example of pseudoephedrine? Afrin
Adverse Reaction to decongestants is rebound congestion (nasal sprays only)
what are Antitussives? cough medications
what are the actions of antitussives? depress the cough center
Examples of antitussives are: Codeine, Hydrocodone (opioids); Benzonatate (Tessalon) (non-opioid)
Uses of antitussives are: relieve cough
Nursing of antitussive are: avoid CNS depressants
what are Mucolytic medications? thin mucous, snot
Actions of mucolytic medications are: reduce the viscosity of respiratory secretions
What are the uses of mucolytic medications? cystic fibrosis (thick, sticky secretions), acetaminophen toxicity
What are examples of mucolytic medications? Acetylcsteine (mucomyst)
What are the adverse reactions of mucolytic medications? drowsiness, bronchospasm, hypotension
What are expectorant medications? a type of cough medicine used to help clear mucus (phlegm) from your airway
what are the actions of expectorant medications? increase the production of secretions, which decreases the viscosity (becomes thin)
Uses of expectorants are: relief cough, relief of chronic pulmonary disease (COPD), Emphysema
Examples of expectorants? guaifenesin (Mucinex)
what are the adverse reactions of expectorants? dizziness, headache, nausea, rash
What is the nursing for expectorants? monitor electrolyte levels
what are bronchodilators? open the airways
Actions of bronchodilators are: relaxes the smooth muscle which dilates the bronchi
Uses of bronchodilators are: bronchospasm associated with acute and chronic asthma, bronchitis
What are examples of bronchodilators? Albuterol (most commonly used)
what are the contraindications of bronchodilators? uncontrolled hypertension
what are the adverse reactions of bronchodilators? tachycardia, palpitations (medication can cause the heart rate to race)
what are Xanthine derivative medications? medications used to treat bronchospasm caused by lung conditions such as asthma.
what are the actions of Xanthine derivative medications? stimulate the CNS to promote bronchodilation
what do we use Xanthine derivative medications for? symptomatic relief or prevention of asthma
Examples of Xanthine derivative medications are: theophylline therapeutic level 10-20
what are the contraindications of Xanthine derivatives? uncontrolled cardiac dyshythmias
Adverse reactions of Xanthine derivatives are: tachycardia, palpitations
Nursing to Xanthine derivates are? theophylline ,monitor for toxicity, monitor therapeutic level, monitor vitals, EKG
What are the actions of anti-asthma medications? reduce airway hyper-responsiveness, block reactions to allergens
what are anti-asthma medications used for? maintenance treatment of sthma
what are examples of anti-asthma medication? fluticasone (Flovent), budesonide ( Pulmicort tubuhaler) most often used; Ipratropium bromide (Atrovent)
what are the contraindications of anti-asthma medications sputum tests positive (can mask symptoms); Candida organisms (rinse mouth/devices out after every uses and let air dry)
nursing for anti-asthma medications: corticosteroid suppress immune system, rinse mouth after use; use broncho first then steroid second to maintain patency of airway
what actions does Leukotriene Modifiers medications do? decrease the formation of leukotriene (cause tightness in the airway, difficult to breathe)
what are leukotriene modifiers used for? chronic asthma in adult and children 12 years and older
Examples of leukotriene modifiers are: montelukast (singulair)
Nursing Consideration of leukotriene modifiers? may take one week for noted improvement
Created by: Valadiece
Popular Pharmacology sets




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